Rule Engine APIs

Rule Engine APIs enable the user to manage different Rule actions. <IDS_RULE_MANAGER> role with ids.ruleManage permission can access the Rules engine APIs.

Table 1. Rule Engine APIs
URI Method Description
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/ POST Creates a rule by persisting the details to the database and creating streams in Ksql.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/ GET Retrieves all rules of the tenant.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/{id} GET Retrieves a rule by its ID.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/{id} DELETE Deletes a rule specified by its ID.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/status/{id} GET Returns the status of the rule specified by its ID.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/enable/{id} PUT Enables the rule specified by its ID. Gives an error when the already enabled rule is enabled again.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/disable/{id} PUT Disables the rule specified by its ID. Gives an error when the already disabled rule is disabled again.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/export/ GET Exports all rules of the tenant.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/export/{id} GET Exports rule specified by its ID.
/ids-rules-api/v1/rules/import/ POST Imports the rules, persisting the details and creating streams in ksql. The input has to be an array of rules.
/ids-rules-api/v1/actions/ POST Creates an action by persisting the details to the database. The returning action ID can be used in rules.
/ids-rules-api/v1/actions/ GET Retrieves all actions of the tenant.
/ids-rules-api/v1/actions/{id} PUT Edit an action by its id.
/ids-rules-api/v1/actions/{id} GET Retrieves an action by its id.
/ids-rules-api/v1/actions/{id} DELETE Deletes an action specified by its id.