Device Identifier

Any device that connects to the IMPACT Data Collector platform must have a MQTT Client Identifier that is unique across the system; which means it must be globally unique.

Below are examples that can be used for the MQTT Client Identifier.
Note: The Client Identifier must not be longer than 23 characters.
Device ID type Format
Serial Number

Serial number, MAC address, or free form


  • XX24MAC111
  • AA:BB:CC:11:22:33
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

15 digit IMEI Number

Example: 990000862471854


OUI:Product Class:Serial Number

Example: 00085D:6865i:123456789 with the separator defined in the system property ops.

For more information, see System Settings Description in the CDP Configuration Guide

MEID (Mobile Equipment Identity) 14 digit hexadecimal MEID number
ESN (Electronic Serial Number) 8 digit hexadecimal number
  • urn:dev:ops:OUI-Product Class-Serial Number
    • Example: urn:dev:ops:000085D-6865i-123456789
  • urn:dev:os:OUI-serial number
    • Example: urn: dev:os:00085D-123456789
  • urn:imei: 15 digit IMEI number
    • Example: urn:imei:355379040000059
  • urn:meid: 14 digit hexadecimal MEID number
    • Example: urn:meid:ff000024000000
  • urn:esn: ESN
    • Example: urn:esn:1234567F
  • urn:uuid:UUDI (Universal Unique Identifier)