Device ID and Payload Mapping in Uplink

Mapping Device ID in topic uplink

Device ID can be used within an MQTT topic to send uplink data. You can include the keyword "#deviceid" in the mapped topic name anywhere in the topic.

Parsing the device ID from the free format topic is a two-step process. The first step is to upload the device ID mapping script that helps you to parse the device ID from the topic. For more details, see DeviceIdMapper scripts.

The second step is to upload the actual scripts which do the parsing of the topic and do the mapping between the subscribed resources and the input topic given by the device. For more details, see GenericSensor_codec Scripts.

One IMPACT IoT resource is mapped to one MQTT topic and one MQTT topic can have one IMPACT IoT resource.

Topic Handling in Application Uplink

To interwork with generally available MQTT devices it is possible to use arbitrary topic names with no design limitation or predefine nomenclature rules when an Application subscribes to resources.


Sample script