Script template

Script template has a simple high-level structure that can be extended to map a specific device make and model for use within IMPACT IoT.

This code is a template to begin the development of a new codec script. For more information, see Creating Payload mapping script.

The following script provides a good template for understanding and creating codec scripts.

Codec script template:

var utils = Java.type('');
function LoraPulseCodec() //This example is for a LORA device, this is only an example and can be named as needed.
    // Encoder function, this is the downlink message handling
    this.encode = function (impactRequest) {
        // 1. get the request details from input
        var request = getImpactRequestAsJson(impactRequest);
        // 2. handle the request, to decide what type of request, it can be READ or WRITE
        // EXECUTE, OBSERVE or DELETE operations triggered from either an API or using the Console

        var resBuffer;      // typeof resBuffer is Int8Array
        var unack = true;   // true means this request has no response/ack from the device
        switch (request.type) {
            case "READ":
                // IMPACT IoT sends a downlink message to a device triggered from an API or via the Console, which reads the information of a specific resource, which then responds either right away for synchronous or with a notification for asynchronous.
                unack = false; // device will response for READ, hence setting unack = false
                // handle read request and set resBuffer
            case "WRITE":
                // IMPACT IoT sends a write JSON request to the devices. When the write request is sent, the device responds with the success message. 
                // handle write request and set resBuffer
            case "EXECUTE":
                //If a device has an executable resource, then the IMPACT IoT may send an execute command JSON using the POST method to /devices. 
                //This is also triggered from an API or via the Console.
                //If any one of the Devices fails to perform the execute operation, then the entire operation is considered a failure, and appropriate status codes can be sent. 
                // handle execute request and set resBuffer
            case "OBSERVE":
            // When a resource on a device needs to be monitored, IMPACT IoT sends a JSON object for the Adapter to start monitoring the resource.
            // This is due to IMPACT IoT establishing a subscription request, either from API or using Monitoring.
            // The content is sent as POST /devices from IMPACT IoT to the adapter.
            case "DELETE":
            // IMPACT IoT sends a delete resource request, which allows the client application to delete a specific resource of a given endpoint device or gateway.
                // throw error if a request type is not supported
                throw new Error(`request type ${request.type} not supported by the lora pulse device`);
        return  utils.createBinaryResponse(resBuffer, _map, unack);
    // Decoder Function
    this.decode = function (decodeCtx) {
        var bytes = decodeCtx.getUplinkMessage();
        var resources = [];
        // decode the input and extract all resource information available
        // return as json
        return formImpactResponseFromJson(decodeCtx, resources, (result == success));
var codec = new LoraPulseCodec();

For more information on the Lora pulse codec script, see the section lora_cyble_b64_codec.js script and lora_pulse_hex_codec.js script.

The util functions for the codec can be defined as below:
var utils = Java.type('');
// utility functions
function getImpactRequestAsJson(impactRequest) {
    var request = {};
    request.type = utils.getRequestType(impactRequest);
    request.url = impactRequest.getResource();//The resource path name or URI is extracted
    if (!request.type || !request.url) {
        throw new Error(`request type and resource URL are required in the input`);
    var resourceItems = request.url.split("/");
    request.resource = resourceItems[resourceItems.length - 1];
    if (impactRequest.getValue) {
        request.resourceValue = impactRequest.getValue();
    console.log("input to encoder", request);
    return request;
function formImpactResponseFromJson(decodeCtx, resources, success=true) {
    if(decodeCtx.getRequest() != null) {
        var corrId = decodeCtx.getRequest().getCorrelatorId();
        var resp = {responseCode: success? 0: 1, requestStatus: 0, response: [], correlatorId: corrId};
        var resourceObj = {"device/0/endPointClientName":client.getEndpoint()};
        resources.forEach(resource => {
            resourceObj[] = resource.value;
        console.log('sending response ' + JSON.stringify(resp));
        return utils.createJsonResponse(JSON.stringify(resp));
    } else {
        var resp = {details: {"device/0/endPointClientName": client.getEndpoint()}};
        resources.forEach(resource => {
            resp.details[] = resource.value;
        console.log('sending notification ' + JSON.stringify(resp));
        return utils.createJsonResponse(JSON.stringify(resp));
function buf2hex(buffer) { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
    return Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');

// Conversion from string to character binary is commonly needed and this feature does this
// simple function
function bytes2String(bytes, offset=0) {
    if (offset < 0) { offset=0; }
    var result = "";
    for (var i = offset; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        result += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
    return result;

// Conversion from string to character binary is commonly needed and this feature does this
// simple function
function string2Bytes(str, offset=0) {
    if (offset < 0) { offset=0; }
    var bytes;
    const strLen = str? str.length : 0;
    bytes = new Array(strLen + offset);
    for (var i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
        bytes[offset+i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
    return bytes;

// Simple function to determine if a bit is set in a particular byte.
function isBitSet(byte, bitNum) {
    return ((byte >> bitNum) & 0xFF) == 0x01;

For more information on the Lora common utility codec scripts, see the section codec_util.js script.