User registration using enterprise CA or self-signed CA
Using Enterprise Certificate Authority (CA) or self-signed CA
Certificate authentication offers stronger security by mutually authenticating the IMPACT IoT and callback application.When the user registration is initiated from IMPACT IoT using self-signed CA/enterprise CA, the IMPACT IoT checks with the CA if the callback is valid. Once the identity of the callback is validated with each other, the user registration operation can proceed.
Java Keystore
- The Certificate for the system.
- Private key of the system.
- The certificate chain (path to CA or subCA)
Configuring Keystore
To enable this functionality in IMPACT IoT, you can use self-signed CA or enterprise CA.
To set up the Keystore details, configure the following parameters in values.yaml file:
Example configuration:
agentServerTrustStoreFile: "cert.jks"
agentServerTrustPassword: "impact"
Certificate path
[root@ramncs20fp2-control-01 charts]# ls
cdp cigserver impactbilling impact-dc impactsubscriptionrepo jsms lwm2mserver mqttadapter mqttsnadapter radiusserver sgiserver smsconnector
[root@ramncs20fp2-control-01 charts]# cd impact-dc/
[root@ramncs20fp2-control-01 impact-dc]# ls
cert.jks Chart.yaml config grafana templates values.yaml
For more information on parameters in values.yaml file, see Sample values.yaml file for JKS in IMPACT IoT Installation Guide.