Write resource

The write resource request allows the client application to post a request to either:

  • Create a new resource or object instance for the endpoint or gateway.
  • Modify or update a specific resource of an endpoint or gateway with a new value or the content of an existing object.

For both types of requests, the final response is notified on its callback URL later as an asynchronous response.

If the resource or entire object specified in the path of the request already exists and has a value or content, then this operation is aimed at:

  • Modifying the value of the existing single resource.
  • Partially updating the content of the existing object instance, that is overwriting resources or elements as specified in request body while keeping others untouched.

If the resource or entire object specified in the path of the request does not exist yet, then this operation is aimed at creating it, that is instantiating a new object. The request body defines the full content of an object and the path refers to an object instance ID (the one to be created).

Note: The payload content (resourceValue) and format is the responsibility of client application. IMPACT IoT server just conveys it (whether it is a full object or value of a single resource or any other content). However, for binary content to be conveyed, IMPACT IoT server requires the payload to be base64 encoded.