Hexa decimal transformation format

If a device uses Hex string format to send and receive the payload data from the application server, then IMPACT IoT uses Uplink or Downlink scripting to encode or decode correspondingly.

In the case of an Uplink, the decode script is executed to map the payload data. Whereas, in the case of downlink, the script encodes the data for mapping.

The following are some example scenarios:

Uplink payload data

Workflow: Uplink

Operation: When a device is powered on, a Reset is received.

Data sent from the device: 012B0000123401

This triggers a registration to IMPACT IoT.


Data received by the network: Water/0/UsageinLiters = 4660

Dowlink payload data

Workflow: Downlink

Operation: To reset the status



Data received by the device: 012D00

Reference: For an example of hexa decimal transformation script, see lora_pulse_hex_codec.js script section.