Virtual Ethernet Segments

This chapter provides information about Virtual Ethernet Segments.

Topics in this chapter include:


This chapter was initially written based on SR OS Release 15.0.R3, but the MD-CLI in the current edition is based on SR OS Release 21.2.R2. Virtual Ethernet segments are supported in SR OS Release 15.0.R1, and later.


RFC 7432 describes the use and procedures for Ethernet segments (ESs) that can be associated with physical Ethernet ports and LAGs. The SR OS implementation also allows an ES to be associated with SDPs. ESs meet the redundancy requirements of directly connected CEs. However, ESs will not work when an aggregation network exists between CEs and ES PEs, which requires different ESs to be defined for the port, LAG, or SDP. Draft-ietf-bess-evpn-virtual-eth-segment describes how virtual ESs (vESs) can be defined with an Attachment Circuit (AC) level granularity. vESs for PWs shows an example where vES definition at the pseudowire (PW) granularity level is required:

Figure 1. vESs for PWs

When a Layer 2 aggregation network is used to get access to EVPN, the association of ACs that belong to the same ES and physical ports or SDPs can be arbitrary. For example, the SDP between MTU-1 and PE-3 (vESs for PWs) cannot be associated with only one ES, because it is being used by two different CEs that require different ESs. The association must be at spoke-SDP level. The RFC 7432 port/lag-based ES definition is not sufficient, so vESs need to be defined. Virtual ESs can be configured with up to eight ranges of one or more:

  • VC-IDs (spoke-SDPs)

  • Q-tags (dot1q)

  • S-tags (qinq)

  • C-tags for a fixed S-tag (qinq)

Mesh-SDPs are not allowed for an SDP used by a vES.

Virtual ESs are configured as Ethernet segments of type virtual:

*[ex:/configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "ESI-1"]
A:admin@PE-2# type ?

 type <keyword>
 <keyword>  - (none|virtual)
 Default    - none

 'type' is: immutable

    Type of the ethernet segment.

    Warning: Modifying this element recreates
    'configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "ESI-1"' automatically for the
 new value to take effect.

Virtual ES "vESI-23_600" is associated with LAG 1 and one service-delimiting VLAN range is defined for the S-tag, as follows:

# on PE-2, PE-3:
configure {
    service {
        system {
            bgp {
                evpn {
                    ethernet-segment "vESI-23_600" {
                        admin-state enable
                        type virtual
                        esi 01:00:00:00:00:23:06:00:00:01
                        multi-homing-mode all-active
                        df-election {
                            es-activation-timer 3
                            service-carving-mode manual
                            manual {
                                evi 2 {
                                    end 2
                        association {
                            lag "lag-1" {
                                virtual-ranges {
                                    qinq {
                                        s-tag 600 {
                                            end 602

The configured ES will match all the SAPs for which the top (outer) service-delimiting tag is within the 600 to 602 range.

When the ES is created as virtual, a port, LAG, or SDP needs to be created before any VLAN or VC-ID can be associated.

  • For VC-ID, only spoke-SDPs are allowed, no mesh-SDPs. Manual spoke-SDP VC-IDs and BGP-AD VC-IDs can be included in the range.

  • For dot1q, only those SAPs that match the service-delimiting VLAN range will be associated with the vES

  • For qinq, the following two commands can be configured, with a mutually exclusive S-tag:

    • s-tag <qtag1> end <qtag1> - associates all qinq SAPs with outer tag between the configured qtags.

    • s-tag-c-tag <qtag1> c-tag-start <qtag2> c-tag-end <qtag2> - associates all qinq SAPs with outer qtag1 and inner qtag between the configured qtag2 values to the vES

    A mutually exclusive S-tag means that a value for the S-tag can be configured in either of the two commands, but not in both.

Supported examples for Q-tag values between 1 and 4094 shows the supported examples for qtag values between 1 and 4094; Supported examples for Q-tag values 0, *, and null shows the supported examples for qtag values 0, *, and null:

Table 1. Supported examples for Q-tag values between 1 and 4094

vES configuration for port 1/1/1

SAP association

dot1q qtag 100


dot1q qtag-range 100 to 102

1/1/1:100, 1/1/1:101, 1/1/1:102

qinq s-tag 100 c-tag 200


qinq s-tag 100 c-tag-range 200 to 202

1/1/1:100.200, 1/1/1:100.201, 1/1/1:100.202

qinq s-tag 100

All SAPs 1/1/1:100.x (x being 1 to 4094, 0, or *)

qinq s-tag-range 100 to 102

All SAPs 1/1/1:100.x, 1/1/1:101.x, 1/1/1:102.x (x being 1 to 4094, 0, or *)

Table 2. Supported examples for Q-tag values 0, *, and null

vES configuration for port 1/1/1

SAP association

dot1q qtag 0


dot1q qtag *


qinq s-tag 0 c-tag *


qinq s-tag * c-tag *


qinq s-tag * c-tag null



  • The ranges can be modified on the fly for qtag, s-tag/c-tag, or vc-id.

  • For port-based vESs, PXC sub-ports are supported. For more information about PXC, see the "Port Cross-Connect (PCX)" chapter in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Interface Configuration Advanced Configuration Guide for Classic CLI.

  • Virtual ESs are supported in EVPN-MPLS, PBB-EVPN, and EVPN-VPWS

  • Virtual ESs are supported in single-active and all-active EVPN multi-homing

    • Two all-active vESs must use different ES-BMAC addresses, even if they are defined in the same LAG.

  • Virtual ESs implement CMAC flush procedures described in RFC 7623. Optionally, ISID-based CMAC-flush can be used where the single-active vES does not use ES-BMAC allocation. See chapter PBB-EVPN ISID-based CMAC Flush.

  • Connection-profile-vlan SAPs (CP-SAPs) cannot be associated with a vES and cannot be configured on ports where vESs are defined. For more information about CP-SAPs, see chapter VLAN Range SAPs for VPLS and Epipe Services.


Example topology shows the example topology with four core PEs in an EVPN-MPLS network and two MTUs. VPLS 1 is configured in all the nodes. EVPN is configured on the core PEs, not on the MTUs. LAG 1 is configured on MTU-1, PE-2, and PE-3 and associated with an all-active vES "ESI-23_1" on PE-2 and PE-3. A single-active vES "ESI-45_1" is configured on PE-4 and PE-5, associated with SDPs.

Figure 2. Example topology

The configuration is similar to the one in chapter EVPN for MPLS Tunnels, where the parameters are described in detail.

The initial configuration on the nodes includes the following:

  • Cards, MDAs, ports

  • Router interfaces

  • IS-IS (alternatively, OSPF can be configured)

  • LDP in the IP/MPLS core and IP/MPLS access network

LAG 1 is configured with qinq encapsulation. The LAG configuration on MTU-1 is as follows:

# on MTU-1:
configure {
    lag "lag-1" {
        admin-state enable
        encap-type qinq
        mode access
        max-ports 64
        lacp {
            mode active
            administrative-key 32768
        port 1/1/1 {
        port 1/1/2 {

BGP is configured on all PEs for address family EVPN. PE-2 is the Route Reflector (RR) and is configured as follows.

# on RR PE-2:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        autonomous-system 64500
        bgp {
            vpn-apply-export true
            vpn-apply-import true
            rapid-withdrawal true
            peer-ip-tracking true
            split-horizon true
            rapid-update {
                evpn true
            group "internal" {
                peer-as 64500
                family {
                    evpn true
                cluster {
            neighbor "" {
                group "internal"
            neighbor "" {
                group "internal"
            neighbor "" {
                group "internal"

VPLS 1 is configured on all nodes. On the PEs, BGP-EVPN is enabled for MPLS. The following is configured on PE-2:

# on PE-2:
configure {
    service {
        vpls "VPLS 1" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 1
            customer "1"
            bgp 1 {
            bgp-evpn {
                evi 1
                mpls 1 {
                    admin-state enable
                    ingress-replication-bum-label true
                    ecmp 2
                    auto-bind-tunnel {
                        resolution any
            sap lag-1:1.1 {

The configuration on the other PEs is similar, but on PE-4 and PE-5, a spoke-SDP is configured instead of a SAP. The service configuration on PE-4 is as follows:

# on PE-4:
configure {
    service {
        sdp 46 {
            admin-state enable
            delivery-type mpls
            ldp true
            far-end {
        vpls "VPLS 1" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 1
            customer "1"
            bgp 1 {
            bgp-evpn {
                evi 1
                mpls 1 {
                    admin-state enable
                    ingress-replication-bum-label true
                    ecmp 2
                    auto-bind-tunnel {
                        resolution any
            spoke-sdp 46:1 {

Virtual ESs must be configured with type virtual; if not, the following error is raised after an attempt to define virtual ranges:

*[ex:/configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "ESI-3" association lag "lag-1"]
A:admin@PE-2# virtual-ranges {
MINOR: MGMT_CORE #2203: configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "ESI-3" association lag "lag-1" virtual-ranges - Invalid element - virtual-ranges allowed only on virtual ethernet-segments

On PE-2 and PE-3, the two following two all-active multi-homing vESs are created, each with a unique ESI:

# on PE-2, PE-3:
configure {
    service {
        system {
            bgp {
                evpn {
                    ethernet-segment "vESI-23_1" {
                        admin-state enable
                        type virtual
                        esi 01:00:00:00:00:23:01:00:00:01
                        multi-homing-mode all-active
                        df-election {
                            es-activation-timer 3
                        association {
                            lag "lag-1" {
                                virtual-ranges {
                                    qinq {
                                        s-tag-c-tag 495 c-tag-start 100 {
                                            c-tag-end 102
                                        s-tag 1 {
                                            end 1
                                        s-tag 500 {
                                            end 501
                    ethernet-segment "vESI-23_600" {
                        admin-state enable
                        type virtual
                        esi 01:00:00:00:00:23:06:00:00:01
                        multi-homing-mode all-active
                        df-election {
                            es-activation-timer 3
                            service-carving-mode manual
                            manual {
                                evi 2 {
                                    end 2
                        association {
                            lag "lag-1" {
                                virtual-ranges {
                                    qinq {
                                        s-tag 600 {
                                            end 602

When attempting to configure another vES with the ESI of an existing ES/vES, the following error is raised:

*[ex:/configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_610"]
A:admin@PE-2# esi 01:00:00:00:00:23:06:00:00:01

*[ex:/configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_610"]
A:admin@PE-2# commit
MINOR: SVCMGR #1003: configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_610" - Inconsistent value - esi 01:00:00:00:00:23:06:00:00:01 in use by ethernet segment vESI-23_600

Multiple vESs can be defined on the same LAG. However, the ranges should not overlap. The following error is raised after attempting to configure an additional range in vES "ESI-23_600" that uses S-tag 600 in combination with a range of C-tags. S-tag 600 is already included in the first range: s-tag 600 end 602. The error message points out that this range is of a different type: the existing range defines only S-tags, whereas the new range defines a range of C-tags for S-tag 600.

*[ex:/configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_600" association lag "lag-1" virtual-ranges qinq s-tag-c-tag 600 c-tag-start 100]
A:admin@PE-2# commit
MINOR: SVCMGR #1003: configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_600" association lag "lag-1" virtual-ranges qinq s-tag-c-tag 600 c-tag-start 100 - Inconsistent value - range overlaps with range of a different type in this ethernet-segment

When attempting to define s-tag 1 in "vESI-23_2", when S-tag 1 is already defined in "vESI-23_1", the following error is raised:

*[ex:/configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_600" association lag "lag-1" virtual-ranges qinq s-tag 1]
A:admin@PE-2# commit
MINOR: SVCMGR #1003: configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_600" association lag "lag-1" virtual-ranges qinq s-tag 1 - Inconsistent value - range overlaps with range in ethernet-segment vESI-23_1

On PE-4, the following single-active multi-homing vESs are configured. The configuration on PE-5 contains a different SDP.

# on PE-4:
configure {
    service {
        system {
            bgp {
                evpn {
                    ethernet-segment "vESI-45_1" {
                        admin-state enable
                        type virtual
                        esi 01:00:00:00:00:45:01:00:00:01
                        multi-homing-mode single-active
                        df-election {
                            es-activation-timer 3
                        association {
                            sdp 46 {
                                virtual-ranges {
                                    vc-id 1 {
                                        end 1
                                    vc-id 500 {
                                        end 501
                    ethernet-segment "vESI-45_2" {
                        admin-state enable
                        type virtual
                        esi 01:00:00:00:00:45:02:00:00:01
                        multi-homing-mode single-active
                        df-election {
                            es-activation-timer 3
                            service-carving-mode manual
                            manual {
                                evi 2 {
                                    end 2
                        association {
                            sdp 46 {
                                virtual-ranges {
                                    vc-id 2 {
                                        end 2

The configured ESs and vESs can be retrieved as follows:

A:admin@PE-2# show service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment

Service Ethernet Segment
Name                             ESI                           Admin     Oper
vESI-23_1                        01:00:00:00:00:23:01:00:00:01 Enabled   Up
vESI-23_600                      01:00:00:00:00:23:06:00:00:01 Enabled   Up
Entries found: 2

The following information for the first entry in the list shows that it is a virtual ES.

A:admin@PE-2# show service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment name "vESI-23_1"

Service Ethernet Segment
Name                    : vESI-23_1
Eth Seg Type            : Virtual
Admin State             : Enabled            Oper State         : Up
ESI                     : 01:00:00:00:00:23:01:00:00:01
Multi-homing            : allActive          Oper Multi-homing  : allActive
ES SHG Label            : 524280
Source BMAC LSB         : <none>
Lag                     : lag-1
ES Activation Timer     : 3 secs
Oper Group              : (Not Specified)
Svc Carving             : auto               Oper Svc Carving   : auto
Cfg Range Type          : primary

Virtual ES "vESI-23_1" on PE-2 has the following S-tag ranges and S/C-tag ranges:

A:admin@PE-2# show service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment name "vESI-23_1" virtual-ranges

Q-Tag Ranges
Q-Tag Start         Q-Tag End           Last Changed
No entries found

VC-Id Ranges
VC-Id Start         VC-Id End           Last Changed
No entries found

S-Tag Ranges
S-Tag Start         S-Tag End           Last Changed
1                   1                   04/20/2021 16:14:55
500                 501                 04/20/2021 16:14:55
Number of Entries: 2

S-Tag C-Tag Ranges
S-Tag Start         C-Tag Start         C-Tag End       Last Changed
495                 100                 102             04/20/2021 16:14:55
Number of Entries: 1

Vxlan Instance Service Ranges
Svc Range Start          Svc Range End            Last Changed
No entries found

The ranges in the vES can be modified while the vES is operationally up, for example, an S-tag range can be added as follows:

# on PE-2:
configure {
    service {
        system {
            bgp {
                    ethernet-segment "vESI-23_1" {
                        association {
                            lag "lag-1" {
                                virtual-ranges {
                                    qinq {
                                        s-tag 10 {
                                            end 10

The S-tag ranges can be verified with the following command. Compared with the preceding output, the S-tag 10 has been added:

A:admin@PE-2# show service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment name "vESI-23_1" virtual-ranges | match S-Tag post-lines 8
S-Tag Ranges
S-Tag Start         S-Tag End           Last Changed
1                   1                   04/20/2021 16:14:55
10                  10                  04/20/2021 16:17:23
500                 501                 04/20/2021 16:14:55
Number of Entries: 3
S-Tag C-Tag Ranges
S-Tag Start         C-Tag Start         C-Tag End       Last Changed
495                 100                 102             04/20/2021 16:14:55
Number of Entries: 1
Vxlan Instance Service Ranges

On PE-4, the same show command shows the range of VC-IDs, as follows:

A:admin@PE-4# show service system bgp-evpn ethernet-segment name "vESI-45_1" virtual-ranges

Q-Tag Ranges
Q-Tag Start         Q-Tag End           Last Changed
No entries found

VC-Id Ranges
VC-Id Start         VC-Id End           Last Changed
1                   1                   04/20/2021 16:15:58
500                 501                 04/20/2021 16:15:58
Number of Entries: 2

S-Tag Ranges
S-Tag Start         S-Tag End           Last Changed
No entries found

S-Tag C-Tag Ranges
S-Tag Start         C-Tag Start         C-Tag End       Last Changed
No entries found

Vxlan Instance Service Ranges
Svc Range Start          Svc Range End            Last Changed
No entries found

Connection-profile-vlan SAPs (CP-SAPs) cannot be associated with a vES and cannot be configured on ports where vESs are defined. CP-SAP 10 is created on PE-3, as follows:

# on PE-3:
configure {
    connection-profile vlan 10 {
        qtag-range 5 {
            end 100
        qtag-range 495 {
            end 495

The following vES is configured on PE-3:

# on PE-3:
configure {
    service {
        system {
            bgp {
                evpn {
                    ethernet-segment "vESI-23_10" {
                        admin-state enable
                        type virtual
                        esi 01:00:00:00:00:23:10:00:00:01
                        multi-homing-mode single-active
                        df-election {
                            es-activation-timer 3
                        association {
                            port 1/2/3 {
                                virtual-ranges {
                                    qinq {
                                        s-tag 100 {
                                            end 100

This vES can only be configured when no CP-SAPs are defined on port 1/2/3. The following error message is raised when a CP-SAP is configured on port 1/2/3 already and the vES is configured afterward:

*[ex:/configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_10" association port 1/2/3 virtual-ranges qinq s-tag 100]
A:admin@PE-3# commit
MINOR: MGMT_CORE #4001: configure service vpls "VPLS 1" sap 1/2/3:100.cp-10 - connection profile saps not allowed on port/lags associated with evpn ethernet-segments - configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_10" association

When attempting to configure CP-SAP 1/2/3:cp-10 in VPLS 1 with port 1/2/3 associated with a vES, the following error message is raised.

*[ex:/configure service vpls "VPLS 1" sap 1/2/3:100.cp-10]
A:admin@PE-3# commit
MINOR: MGMT_CORE #4001: configure service vpls "VPLS 1" sap 1/2/3:100.cp-10 - connection profile saps not allowed on port/lags associated with evpn ethernet-segments - configure service system bgp evpn ethernet-segment "vESI-23_10" association


Regular ESs and vESs can be associated with ports, LAGs, and SDPs; in case of vES, ranges of Q-tags, S-tags, C-tags, or VC-IDs can be defined. The granularity for vES is per AC. Multiple vESs with different ESIs can be defined on the same port, LAG, or SDP.