L2 Services with Auto-GRE Spoke-SDPs
This chapter provides information about L2 Services with Auto-GRE Spoke-SDPs.
Topics in this chapter include:
This chapter was initially written for SR OS Release 16.0.R4, but the MD-CLI in the current edition is based on SR OS Release 21.5.R1. Auto-GRE spoke-SDPs are supported in L2 services in SR OS Release 16.0.R1, and later.
When the connectivity between nodes is IP-based (not MPLS), VPWS and VPLS services can use manually provisioned or auto-generated GRE transport tunnels. For auto-GRE transport tunnels, the signaling can be BGP or Targeted LDP (T-LDP). BGP signaling is more scalable than T-LDP, because T-LDP requires point-to-point sessions between communicating peers.
Auto-GRE spoke-SDPs can be used in the following services:
BGP-VPLS with BGP signaling
LDP VPLS using BGP-AD with T-LDP signaling
BGP-VPWS with BGP signaling
Dynamic Multi-segment Pseudowire (MS-PW) spoke-SDP Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) 129 with T-LDP signaling (not supported in MD-CLI for SR OS Release 21.5.R1)
PW templates for auto-GRE spoke-SDPs are configured with auto-gre-sdp true.
*[ex:/configure service pw-template "PW3"]
A:admin@PE-1# auto-gre-sdp ?
auto-gre-sdp <boolean>
<boolean> - ([true]|false)
Default - false
'auto-gre-sdp' is: immutable
Use a GRE tunnel to automatically create an SDP
Warning: Modifying this element recreates 'configure service pw-template "PW3"'
automatically for the new value to take effect.
Immutable fields - pw-template-id, provisioned-sdp, auto-gre-sdp
The auto-gre-sdp parameter can be combined with the parameter provisioned-sdp prefer, but not with provisioned-sdp use (because that might contradict the use of auto-GRE spoke-SDPs), as follows:
*[ex:/configure service pw-template "PW3"]
A:admin@PE-1# commit
MINOR: SVCMGR #5626: configure service pw-template "PW3" auto-gre-sdp - not compatible with auto-gre-sdp - auto-gre-sdp is not allowed with used-provisioned-sdp
The auto-GRE SDP and SDP binding are created after a matching BGP route has been received. Subsequent requests for an auto-GRE SDP of the same type and to the same destination as an existing auto-GRE SDP will use the existing auto-GRE SDP.
Downstream fragmentation is allowed for auto-GRE SDPs by clearing the Don't Fragment (DF) bit in the GRE IP header. The following command controls fragmentation for a PW template:
configure {
service {
pw-template "PW40" {
pw-template-id 40
allow-fragmentation true
auto-gre-sdp true
The following PW template parameters are not supported with GRE tunnels and will be ignored when a GRE SDP is auto-created:
Hash label
Entropy label
SDP include/exclude (there is no mechanism to configure an SDP admin group for auto-GRE SDPs)
However, these parameters are relevant for provisioned MPLS SDPs when the PW template is configured with provisioned-sdp prefer.
The pw-template-binding parameter in the bgp <..> context of the L2 service allows to configure the PW template to be used. It is possible to define multiple PW template bindings within a service. The mechanism for selecting the PW template is as follows:
In BGP-VPWS, BGP-VPLS, and BGP-AD services, the PW template binding selection is based on matching the configured import Route Targets (RTs) for a PW template binding with the RTs in the received routes.
The binding with the first matching RT is chosen. If no import RTs are configured, the lowest PW template binding ID is used.
It is not possible to add RTs to BGP-VPWS BGP updates using import or export policies, because they are ignored. However, the RT exported to select the destination service can be used on the receiving PE with PW template binding statement to influence the PW template to be selected; see the first use case in the Configuration section.
If the selected PW template is configured with provisioned-sdp prefer and an SDP with a matching far-end address exists, the system chooses the SDP with the lowest metric from the tunnel table. If multiple matching SDPs with the same metric occur, the highest SDP ID that is operationally up is chosen.
The following tools command allows for PW template bindings to change:
A:admin@PE-1# tools perform service id 1 eval-pw-template
[policy-id] <number>
<number> - <1..2147483647>
<number> - <1..2147483647>
The policy ID refers to the PW template currently in use. With the allow-service-impact option, the current binding will be torn down and re-signaled.
Example topology shows the example topology with three PEs in AS 64500. Services will be configured on PE-1 and PE-2, and PE-3 is the route reflector (RR).

The initial configuration on the three PEs includes:
Cards, MDAs, ports
Router interfaces
IS-IS as IGP (alternatively, OSPF can be used)
Auto-GRE spoke-SDPs are configured in the following use cases:
BGP-VPLS with BGP signaling
BGP-AD in VPLS with T-LDP signaling
BGP-VPWS with BGP signaling
In these three use cases (BGP-VPLS, BGP-AD, BGP-VPWS), BGP is configured for the L2-VPN address family. In each of the use cases, two L2 services will be configured using different PW templates with auto-gre-sdp: one with provisioned-sdp prefer and one without.
Auto-GRE spoke-SDPs in BGP-VPLS
BGP-VPLS with auto-GRE spoke-SDPs shows the example topology with BGP-VPLSs 1 and 2 configured on PE-1 and PE-2. BGP is configured for the L2-VPN address family with PE-3 as Route Reflector (RR). The CEs are emulated through VPRNs configured on the PEs and connected to the VPLSs via Port Cross-connect (PXC).

BGP configuration
For the BGP-VPLS, BGP-AD, and BGP-VPWS use cases, BGP is configured with the L2-VPN address family. The BGP configuration on PE-1 and PE-2 is identical, as follows:
# on PE-1, PE-2::
configure {
router "Base" {
autonomous-system 64500
bgp {
rapid-withdrawal true
split-horizon true
group "WAN" {
type internal
family {
l2-vpn true
neighbor "" {
group "WAN"
On RR PE-3, BGP is configured as follows:
# on RR PE-3:
configure {
router "Base" {
autonomous-system 64500
bgp {
rapid-withdrawal true
split-horizon true
group "WAN" {
type internal
family {
l2-vpn true
cluster {
neighbor "" {
group "WAN"
neighbor "" {
group "WAN"
Service configuration
The configuration of BGP-VPLS services is described in the BGP VPLS chapter.
PW template 10 is configured with auto-gre-sdp; PW template 20 is configured with provisioned-sdp prefer and auto-gre-sdp. Because only IP connectivity is present between the nodes (no MPLS), the provisioned SDP is GRE-based using BGP signaling (no T-LDP). VPLS 1 has PW template bindings with IDs 10 and 20; VPLS 2 is configured with PW template binding 20. The service configuration on PE-1 is as follows:
# on PE-1:
configure {
service {
pw-template "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-id 10
auto-gre-sdp true
pw-template "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
pw-template-id 20
provisioned-sdp prefer
auto-gre-sdp true
sdp 12 {
admin-state enable
signaling bgp
far-end {
vpls "BGP-VPLS-1" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPLS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP"
service-id 1
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:1"
route-target {
export "target:64500:1"
import "target:64500:1"
pw-template-binding "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpls {
admin-state enable
maximum-ve-id 100
ve {
name "PE-1"
id 1
sap pxc-10.a:1 { # SAP to connect to CE-11
vpls "BGP-VPLS-2" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPLS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP_prefer provisioned SDP"
service-id 2
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:2"
route-target {
export "target:64500:2"
import "target:64500:2"
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpls {
admin-state enable
maximum-ve-id 100
ve {
name "PE-1"
id 1
sap pxc-10.a:2 { # SAP to connect to CE-12
The service configuration on PE-2 is similar, but the VE name is "PE-2" and the VE ID equals 2 instead, as follows:
# on PE-2:
configure {
service {
pw-template "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-id 10
auto-gre-sdp true
pw-template "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
pw-template-id 20
provisioned-sdp prefer
auto-gre-sdp true
sdp 21 {
admin-state enable
signaling bgp
far-end {
vpls "BGP-VPLS-1" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPLS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP"
service-id 1
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:1"
route-target {
export "target:64500:1"
import "target:64500:1"
pw-template-binding "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpls {
admin-state enable
maximum-ve-id 100
ve {
name "PE-2"
id 2
sap pxc-10.a:1 { # SAP to connect to CE-21
vpls "BGP-VPLS-2" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPLS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP_prefer provisioned SDP"
service-id 2
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:2"
route-target {
export "target:64500:2"
import "target:64500:2"
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpls {
admin-state enable
maximum-ve-id 100
ve {
name "PE-2"
id 2
sap pxc-10.a:2 { # SAP to connect to CE-22
The following L2-VPN routes are received on PE-1: one for VPLS 1 with RD 64500:1 and another for VPLS 2 with RD 64500:2.
A:admin@PE-1# show router bgp routes l2-vpn
BGP Router ID: AS:64500 Local AS:64500
Legend -
Status codes : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
BGP L2VPN Routes
Flag RouteType Prefix MED
RD SiteId Label
Nexthop VeId BlockSize LocalPref
As-Path BaseOffset vplsLabelBa
u*>i VPLS - - 0
64500:1 - - 2 8 100
No As-Path 1 524280
u*>i VPLS - - 0
64500:2 - - 2 8 100
No As-Path 1 524272
Routes : 2
VPLS 1 is configured with two PW template bindings without import RT. Because the PW template binding with the lowest ID is preferred, PW template 10 is used and therefore, the following GRE SDP 32767 is auto-created:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 1 sdp detail
Services: Service Destination Points Details
Sdp Id 32767:4294967295 -(
Description : (Not Specified)
SDP Id : 32767:4294967295 Type : BgpVpls
PW-Template Id : 10
Split Horiz Grp : (Not Specified)
Etree Root Leaf Tag: Disabled Etree Leaf AC : Disabled
VC Type : Ether VC Tag : n/a
Admin Path MTU : 0 Oper Path MTU : 8954
Delivery : GRE
Far End : Tunnel Far End : n/a
Oper Tunnel Far End:
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
MinReqd SdpOperMTU : 1514
Acct. Pol : None Collect Stats : Disabled
Ingress Label : 524281 Egress Label : 524280
Last Status Change : 06/23/2021 14:24:54 Signaling : BGP
VPLS 2 is configured with PW template binding 20, which prefers provisioned SDPs, so the provisioned SDP 12 is used, as follows:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 2 sdp
Services: Service Destination Points
SdpId Type Far End addr Adm Opr I.Lbl E.Lbl
12:4294967294 BgpVpls Up Up 524273 524272
Number of SDPs : 1
In VPLS 1, the PW template binding selection can be changed by configuring a non-matching import RT to PW template 10, as follows:
# on PE-1:
configure {
service {
vpls "BGP-VPLS-1" {
bgp 1 {
pw-template-binding "PW10-auto-GRE" {
import-rt ["target:64500:999"]
This does not change the selected PW template during service operation and PW template 10 remains in use, as follows:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 1 sdp detail | match "PW-Template"
PW-Template Id : 10
The following tools command forces the system to re-evaluate the PW template binding:
A:admin@PE-1# tools perform service id 1 eval-pw-template 10 allow-service-impact
eval-pw-template succeeded for Svc 1 32767:4294967295 Policy 10
When the PW template binding is re-evaluated, PW template binding 20 is selected and the provisioned SDP 12 is used, as follows:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 1 sdp detail | match "PW-Template"
PW-Template Id : 20
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 1 sdp
Services: Service Destination Points
SdpId Type Far End addr Adm Opr I.Lbl E.Lbl
12:4294967293 BgpVpls Up Up 524281 524280
Number of SDPs : 1
Auto-GRE spoke-SDPs in LDP-VPLS using BGP-AD
LDP-VPLS using BGP-AD with auto-GRE Spoke-SDPs shows the example topology with VPLSs 3 and 4 configured with BGP-AD on PE-1 and PE-2. The BGP configuration is identical to the one for BGP-VPLS.

The following T-LDP session is configured between PE-1 and PE-2:
# on PE-1:
configure {
router "Base" {
ldp {
targeted-session {
peer {
# on PE-2:
configure {
router "Base" {
ldp {
targeted-session {
peer {
The following T-LDP signaled SDP is configured on PE-1 and PE-2:
# on PE-1:
configure {
service {
sdp 120 {
admin-state enable
far-end {
# on PE-2:
configure {
service {
sdp 210 {
admin-state enable
far-end {
The service configuration on PE-1 and PE-2 is as follows; see chapter LDP VPLS Using BGP Auto-Discovery for a description of BGP-AD in LDP VPLS. PW templates 10 and 20 are the same as in the preceding example.
# on PE-1, PE-2:
configure {
service {
pw-template "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-id 10
auto-gre-sdp true
pw-template "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
pw-template-id 20
provisioned-sdp prefer
auto-gre-sdp true
vpls "BGP-AD VPLS-3" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-AD for LDP VPLS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP"
service-id 3
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:3"
route-target {
export "target:64500:3"
import "target:64500:3"
pw-template-binding "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-ad {
admin-state enable
vpls-id "64500:3"
sap pxc-10.a:3 { # SAP to connect to CE-13 (PE-1) or CE-23 (PE-2)
vpls "BGP-AD VPLS-4" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-AD for LDP VPLS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP pref-prov-SDP"
service-id 4
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:4"
route-target {
export "target:64500:4"
import "target:64500:4"
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-ad {
admin-state enable
vpls-id "64500:4"
sap pxc-10.a:4 { # SAP to connect to CE-14 (PE-1) or CE-24 (PE-2)
PE-1 has received the following L2-VPN BGP-AD routes:
A:admin@PE-1# show router bgp routes l2-vpn bgp-ad
BGP Router ID: AS:64500 Local AS:64500
Legend -
Status codes : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Flag RouteType Prefix MED
RD SiteId Label
Nexthop VeId BlockSize LocalPref
As-Path BaseOffset vplsLabelBa
u*>i AutoDiscovery - 0
64500:3 - - - - 100
No As-Path - -
u*>i AutoDiscovery - 0
64500:4 - - - - 100
No As-Path - -
Routes : 2
The following shows the used SDPs on PE-1: BGP-signaled SDP 12 (used by VPLS 1 and 2) and T-LDP-signaled SDPs 120 and 32767.
A:admin@PE-1# show service sdp
Services: Service Destination Points
SdpId AdmMTU OprMTU Far End Adm Opr Del LSP Sig
12 0 8954 Up Up GRE n/a BGP
120 0 8954 Up Up GRE n/a TLDP
32767 0 8954 Up Up GRE n/a TLDP
Number of SDPs : 3
Legend: R = RSVP, L = LDP, B = BGP, M = MPLS-TP, n/a = Not Applicable
The following shows that PW template 10 is used in VPLS 3 and that auto-GRE SDP 32767 is used, with T-LDP signaling:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 3 sdp detail
Services: Service Destination Points Details
Sdp Id 32767:4294967292 -(
Description : (Not Specified)
SDP Id : 32767:4294967292 Type : BgpAd
PW-Template Id : 10
AGI : 64500:3 SDP Bind Source : bgp-l2vpn
Local AII :
Remote AII :
Split Horiz Grp : (Not Specified)
Etree Root Leaf Tag: Disabled Etree Leaf AC : Disabled
VC Type : Ether VC Tag : n/a
Admin Path MTU : 0 Oper Path MTU : 8954
Delivery : GRE
Far End : Tunnel Far End : n/a
Oper Tunnel Far End:
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Last Status Change : 06/23/2021 14:30:31 Signaling : TLDP
The following shows that the T-LDP signaled GRE SDP 120 is used in VPLS 4, not the BGP-signaled GRE SDP 12:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 4 sdp
Services: Service Destination Points
SdpId Type Far End addr Adm Opr I.Lbl E.Lbl
120:4294967291 BgpAd Up Up 524269 524269
Number of SDPs : 1
Auto-GRE spoke-SDPs in BGP-VPWS
BGP-VPWS with auto-GRE spoke-SDPs shows the example topology with BGP-VPWS Epipes 5 and 6 on PE-1 and PE-2. The BGP configuration is identical to the one for BGP-VPLS.

Chapter BGP Virtual Private Wire Services describes the configuration of BGP VPWS. The configuration of Epipes 5 and 6 on PE-1 is as follows:
# on PE-1:
configure {
service {
pw-template "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-id 10
auto-gre-sdp true
pw-template "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
pw-template-id 20
provisioned-sdp prefer
auto-gre-sdp true
epipe "BGP-VPWS-5" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPWS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP"
service-id 5
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:5"
route-target {
export "target:64500:5"
import "target:64500:5"
pw-template-binding "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpws {
admin-state enable
local-ve {
name "PE-1"
id 1
remote-ve "PE-2" {
id 2
sap pxc-10.a:5 { # SAP to connect to CE-15
epipe "BGP-VPWS-6" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPWS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP_prefer provisioned SDP"
service-id 6
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:6"
route-target {
export "target:64500:6"
import "target:64500:6"
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpws {
admin-state enable
local-ve {
name "PE-1"
id 1
remote-ve "PE-2" {
id 2
sap pxc-10.a:6 { # SAP to connect to CE-16
The configuration of the Epipes is similar on PE-2, but the VE names and VE IDs are different, as follows:
# on PE-2:
configure {
service {
pw-template "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-id 10
auto-gre-sdp true
pw-template "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
pw-template-id 20
provisioned-sdp prefer
auto-gre-sdp true
epipe "BGP-VPWS-5" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPWS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP"
service-id 5
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:5"
route-target {
export "target:64500:5"
import "target:64500:5"
pw-template-binding "PW10-auto-GRE" {
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpws {
admin-state enable
local-ve {
name "PE-2"
id 2
remote-ve "PE-1" {
id 1
sap pxc-10.a:5 { # SAP to connect to CE-25
epipe "BGP-VPWS-6" {
admin-state enable
description "BGP-VPWS with auto-GRE spoke-SDP_prefer provisioned SDP"
service-id 6
customer "1"
bgp 1 {
route-distinguisher "64500:6"
route-target {
export "target:64500:6"
import "target:64500:6"
pw-template-binding "PW20-auto-GRE_prefer-prov" {
bgp-vpws {
admin-state enable
local-ve {
name "PE-2"
id 2
remote-ve "PE-1" {
id 1
sap pxc-10.a:6 { # SAP to connect to CE-26
PE-1 receives the following BGP-VPWS routes from PE-2:
A:admin@PE-1# show router bgp routes l2-vpn bgp-vpws
BGP Router ID: AS:64500 Local AS:64500
Legend -
Status codes : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
Origin codes : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Flag RouteType Prefix MED
RD SiteId Label
Nexthop VeId BlockSize LocalPref
As-Path BaseOffset vplsLabelBa
u*>i VPWS - - 0
64500:5 - - 2 1 100
No As-Path 1 524268
u*>i VPWS - - 0
64500:6 - - 2 1 100
No As-Path 1 524267
Routes : 2
The following SDP bindings are used on PE-1: the first two are used by BGP-VPLS services VPLS 1 and 2, the third and fourth are used by BGP-AD in LDP VPLS 3 and 4, and the last two are used by BGP-VPWS services Epipe 5 and 6. For the last two, SDP 32766 is auto-created, whereas SDP 12 is provisioned with BGP signaling.
A:admin@PE-1# show service sdp-using
SDP Using
SvcId SdpId Type Far End Opr I.Label E.Label
1 12:4294967293 BgpVp* Up 524281 524280
2 12:4294967294 BgpVp* Up 524273 524272
3 32767:4294967292 BgpAd Up 524270 524270
4 120:4294967291 BgpAd Up 524269 524269
5 32766:4294967290 BgpVp* Up 524268 524268
6 12:4294967289 BgpVp* Up 524267 524267
Number of SDPs : 6
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Epipe 5 uses the following auto-GRE SDP 32766 with BGP signaling:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 5 sdp detail
Services: Service Destination Points Details
Sdp Id 32766:4294967290 -(
Description : (Not Specified)
SDP Id : 32766:4294967290 Type : BgpVpws
PW-Template Id : 10
VC Type : Ether VC Tag : n/a
Admin Path MTU : 0 Oper Path MTU : 8954
Delivery : GRE
Far End : Tunnel Far End : n/a
Oper Tunnel Far End:
Admin State : Up Oper State : Up
Last Status Change : 06/23/2021 14:36:00 Signaling : BGP
PW template 20 is used in Epipe 6, so the BGP-signaled GRE SDP 12 is used, as follows:
A:admin@PE-1# show service id 6 sdp
Services: Service Destination Points
SdpId Type Far End addr Adm Opr I.Lbl E.Lbl
12:4294967289 BgpVpws Up Up 524267 524267
Number of SDPs : 1
In IP-based networks, auto-GRE spoke-SDPs can be used in VPWS and VPLS services. Manually configured GRE tunnels are not an option in networks — such as LTE networks — where it is common to assign IP addresses dynamically from a pool of addresses, but auto-GRE spoke-SDPs can be applied instead.