Entropy Label

This chapter provides information about the Entropy Label (EL).

Topics in this chapter include:


This chapter was initially written for SR OS Release 14.0.R4. The CLI in the current edition corresponds to SR OS Release 24.3.R1.

RFC 6391 hash label or flow-aware transport label is supported in SR OS Release 8.0.R1, and later. RFC 6790 Entropy Labels (ELs) are supported on RSVP and BGP tunnels in Release 14.0.R1, and later, and supported on LDP tunnels in Release 14.0.R4, and later.


Entropy is the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system. SR OS supports both the MPLS EL and the hash label, but they are mutually exclusive. These labels allow Label Switched Routers (LSRs) to load-balance labeled packets in a granular way without the need to inspect the IPv4 or IPv6 header. The hash label is applicable to services such as Epipe VLL, VPLS, IES (spoke-SDP), and VPRN services. The main advantage of the EL compared to the hash label is that the EL can be applied to a wider range of services, such as EVPN, BGP VPWS, Fpipe VLL, Ipipe VLL, H-VPLS, and BGP RFC 3107 tunnels.

Load-balancing of flows based on hash label or entropy label shows that different flows from an ingress Label Edge Router (iLER) are load-balanced across different paths in the MPLS network toward the egress Label Edge Router (eLER).

Figure 1. Load-balancing of flows based on hash label or entropy label

The EL is inserted below the innermost Tunnel Label (TL) in the label stack, along with the Entropy Label Indicator (ELI), which is a special purpose MPLS label with a value of 7 to indicate that the next label in the stack is an EL. As with the hash label, the value of the EL is calculated based on a hash of the packet payload header (IP and Layer 4). The EL is inserted as deep as possible in the stack to ensure preservation for as far as possible through the network. When the EL and ELI are present, load-balancing on the transit LSRs can be configured to only take into account the EL label for Link Aggregation Group (LAG) and Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP). Load-balancing on the LSR can be configured to take into account the IP header also, but that is not required when the EL and ELI are present. The eLER removes the EL and ELI before forwarding the packet to its final destination.

The EL requires two additional labels in the label stack, which may result in an unsupported label stack depth in an intermediate (possibly third-party) LSR. SR OS allows control of the EL and ELI insertion and accounting of extra labels in the tunnel table. The supported label stack depth is 12 in SR OS Release 14.0, including transport, service, hash, and OAM labels.

Label stack with hash label versus label stack with EL and ELI shows a comparison between a label stack with a hash label and a label stack with an EL and ELI.

Figure 2. Label stack with hash label versus label stack with EL and ELI

Hash labels or ELs are inserted by the iLER, based on the incoming packet header. The iLER uses a single label to represent one or more flows, based on the hash of the incoming packet header IP and Layer 4. The hash label is a single label that is inserted at the bottom of the stack, below the service label. The EL is inserted together with the ELI below the innermost tunnel label, but above the service label. The entropy and hash label value is outside of the range for MPLS label values, because the most significant bit equals 1 for entropy and hash labels and 0 for MPLS labels.

The EL is used as part of the LSR hashing algorithm for spraying packets over multi-port LAGs, ECMP, or BGP tunnels with multiple downstream interfaces. The packet ordering is preserved because one label is used per conversation. Hashing based on a label stack containing an EL per service will become more granular than when based on a standard label stack alone.

Downstream LERs signal EL capability to ILER shows how the eLER signals its EL capability to the iLER.

Figure 3. Downstream LERs signal EL capability to ILER

The Entropy Label Capability (ELC) is signaled by the eLER and indicates the ability to receive and process the ELs. This can be advertised for LDP and RSVP. However, ELC signaling is not supported for BGP tunnels, because no agreed standard exists in the IETF. RFC 6790 introduced the ELC BGP attribute that can be signaled by the eLER to indicate that it supports EL. According to RFC 6790, LSRs incapable of processing ELs must remove the ELC BGP attribute, but this requirement could not be guaranteed; therefore, the ELC BGP attribute has been deprecated in RFC 7447.

As a workaround, at the iLER, an override of the ELC for a BGP tunnel can be manually configured. After this ELC has been overridden, the BGP sender assumes that the receiver is capable of receiving and processing the ELs, regardless of the signaled ELC. The iLER inserts an EL on a tunnel for which the ELC is confirmed by the downstream peer or when the ELC is overridden by configuration.

ELC signaling can be enabled for LDP on the LERs, as follows:

# on PE-1, PE-2:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        ldp {
            entropy-label-capability true

ELC signaling for RSVP can be enabled as follows:

# on PE-1, PE-2:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        rsvp {
            entropy-label-capability true

As previously described, the lack of an IETF standard for BGP tunnels means that ELC is ignored by the receiving LER, and no EL is inserted. Therefore, an override is required that assumes that the far-end LER has ELC, and allows insertion of the EL. The override is enabled as follows:

# on PE-1, PE-2:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        bgp {
            override-tunnel-elc true

When the ELC is overridden for BGP, the iLER assumes that the receiver can handle the EL.


In this section, an EVPN-VPLS is configured on PE-1 and PE-2 to illustrate LAG hashing based on EL. Example topology shows the topology used for this example. Load-balancing of the traffic is performed in the P-routers that are connected by a LAG with eight links.

Figure 4. Example topology

The initial configuration of the PE/P-routers includes the following:

  • Cards, MDAs, ports

  • LAG with eight network links between P-3 and P-4

  • Router interfaces

  • IGP (IS-IS or OSPF)

  • LDP enabled on all interfaces

  • MPLS enabled on all interfaces. RSVP enabled.

  • iBGP configured with P-3 as route reflector (RR)

For the configuration of EVPN-MPLS, the BGP configuration needs to include the address family EVPN, as follows. See chapter EVPN for MPLS Tunnels for more information.

# on PE-1, PE-2:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        autonomous-system 64500
        bgp {
            ebgp-default-reject-policy {
                import false
                export false
            rapid-update {
                evpn true
            group "iBGP" {
                peer-as 64500
                family {
                    evpn true
            neighbor "" {
                group "iBGP"

EVPN service using RSVP tunnel with EL

RSVP LSP "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" from PE-1 to PE-2 via P-3 and P-4 shows LSP "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" from PE-1 to PE-2 via core routers P-3 and P-4.

Figure 5. RSVP LSP "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" from PE-1 to PE-2 via P-3 and P-4

The LSP "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" is configured on PE-1, as follows:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        mpls {
            path "path-PE-1-PE-2" {
                admin-state enable
                hop 10 {
                    type strict
                hop 20 {
                    type strict
                hop 30 {
                    type strict
            lsp "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" {
                admin-state enable
                type p2p-rsvp
                entropy-label true
                primary "path-PE-1-PE-2" { }

The configuration for LSP "LSP-PE-2-PE-1" on PE-2 is similar.

ELC is disabled by default, and needs to be enabled for RSVP on the eLERs, as follows:

# on PE-1, PE-2:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        rsvp {
            entropy-label-capability true

The EL can be disabled or enabled in the mpls context on the iLER, as follows:

# on PE-1, PE-2:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        mpls {
            entropy-label ?


 rsvp-te               - Apply entropy labels to RSVP-TE LSPs
 sr-te                 - Apply entropy labels to SR-TE LSPs

The EL can also be disabled or enabled per LSP, as follows:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        mpls {
            lsp "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" {
                entropy-label ?

 entropy-label <keyword>
 <keyword> - (false|true)

By default, the EL on the LSP inherits the EL settings in the mpls context, as follows:

# On PE-1:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        mpls {
            lsp "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" {
                info detail | match "entropy-label"
    entropy-label true

When LSP templates are used, EL can be configured within the lsp-template context for single-hop and mesh point-to-point LSPs, as follows:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        mpls {
            lsp-template "LSPtemplate1" {
                type p2p-rsvp-one-hop
                entropy-label ?

 entropy-label <keyword>
 <keyword> - (false|true)

    Entropy label for an LSP template

    Warning: Modifying this element toggles
    'configure router "Base" mpls lsp-template "LSPtemplate1" admin-state' automatically for the new
    value to take effect.
# on PE-1:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        mpls {
            lsp-template "LSPtemplate2" {
                type p2p-rsvp-mesh
                entropy-label ?

 entropy-label <keyword>
 <keyword> - (false|true)

    Entropy label for an LSP template

    Warning: Modifying this element toggles
    'configure router "Base" mpls lsp-template "LSPtemplate2" admin-state' automatically for the new
    value to take effect.

When the EL settings are modified, the changes take effect as a result of an automatic clearing of the LSP or an automatic bouncing of the MPLS.

The following command shows that EL is enabled in MPLS:

A:admin@PE-1# show router mpls status | match "Label"
Entropy Label RSVP-TE     : Enabled     Entropy Label SR-TE       : Enabled

The following command shows that EL is enabled in RSVP:

A:admin@PE-1# show router rsvp status | match "Label"
Implicit Null Label: Disabled           Node-id in RRO     : Exclude
DiffServTE AdmModel: Basic              Entropy Label      : Enabled

The following command shows that EL is enabled and operational in LSP "LSP-PE-1-PE-2":

A:admin@PE-1# show router mpls lsp "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" detail | match "Label"
Entropy Label   : Enabled                   Oper Entropy Label   : Enabled

The following command shows that the LSP "LSP-PE-1-PE-2" has the flag "entropy-label-capable" in the RSVP tunnel table:

A:admin@PE-1# show router tunnel-table protocol rsvp detail

Tunnel Table (Router: Base)
Destination      :
NextHop          :
Tunnel Flags     : exclude-for-lfa entropy-label-capable
Age              : 00h04m22s
CBF Classes      : (Not Specified)
Owner            : rsvp                 Encap            : MPLS
Tunnel ID        : 1                    Preference       : 7
Tunnel Label     : 524283               Tunnel Metric    : 16777215
Tunnel MTU       : 8918                 Max Label Stack  : 1
LSP ID           : 5632                 Bypass Label     : 0
LSP Bandwidth    : 0                    LSP Weight       : 0
Number of tunnel-table entries          : 1
Number of tunnel-table entries with LFA : 0

EL is supported on many Layer 2 and Layer 3 services. In this example, VPLS 1 is configured on PE-1 with BGP EVPN-MPLS, as follows:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    service {
        vpls "VPLS 1" {
            service-id 1
            customer "1"
            bgp 1 { }
            bgp-evpn {
                evi 1
                mpls 1 {
                    admin-state enable
                    entropy-label true
                    auto-bind-tunnel {
                        resolution filter
                        resolution-filter {
                            rsvp true
            sap 1/1/c2/1:11 { }
            sap 1/1/c9/1:11 { }

Auto-bind-tunnel is resolved to the RSVP LSP "LSP-PE-1-PE-2". A similar configuration is applied on PE-2.

The following command shows that the EL is enabled for BGP-EVPN, as follows:

A:admin@PE-1# show service id 1 bgp-evpn


BGP EVPN MPLS Information
Admin Status       : Enabled            Bgp Instance       : 1
Force Vlan Fwding  : Disabled           
Force Qinq Fwding  : none               
Route NextHop Type : system-ipv4        
Control Word       : Disabled           
Max Ecmp Routes    : 1                  
Entropy Label      : Enabled            
Default Route Tag  : none               
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Ingress Rep BUM Lbl: Disabled           
Ingress Ucast Lbl  : 524280             Ingress Mcast Lbl  : 524280
RestProtSrcMacAct  : none               
Evpn Mpls Encap    : Enabled            Evpn MplsoUdp      : Disabled
Oper Group         : (none)             
MH Mode            : network            
Evi 3-byte Auto-RT : Disabled           
Dyn Egr Lbl Limit  : Disabled           
Hash Label         : Disabled           
Local AC Ingr Lbl  : <not-allocated>

BGP EVPN MPLS Auto Bind Tunnel Information
Allow-Flex-Algo-FB : Disabled           
Resolution         : filter             Strict Tnl Tag     : Disabled
Max Ecmp Routes    : 1                  
Filter Tunnel Types: rsvp
Weighted Ecmp      : Disabled           

The iLER PE-1 adds the EL and ELI to the label stack. Traffic load-balancing is performed in P-3 where the traffic is sprayed over all eight links of the LAG. The options for LSR load-balancing are the following:

# on LSRs P-3 and P-4:
configure {
    system {
            lsr-load-balancing ?

 lsr-load-balancing <keyword>
 <keyword>       - (lbl-only|lbl-ip|ip-only|eth-encap-ip|lbl-ip-l4-teid)
 Dynamic Default - lbl-only

    Algorithm for system-wide LSR load balancing

By default, the load-balancing settings on P-3 are as follows:

# On P-3:
configure {
    system {
            info detail
    l2tp-load-balancing false
    l4-load-balancing false
    lsr-load-balancing lbl-only
    mc-enh-load-balancing false
    service-id-lag-hashing false
    system-ip-load-balancing false

When the EL and ELI are included in the stack, only the EL label is used for the load-balancing (lbl-only). It is not required to inspect the IP header or any other header.

For the reverse path, PE-2 is the iLER, and P-4 does the spraying of the packets over all links of the LAG. Therefore, LSR load-balancing with lbl-only is also configured on P-4.

EVPN service using LDP tunnel with EL

ELC is disabled by default for LDP, as follows:

A:admin@PE-1# show router ldp status

LDP Status for IPv4 LSR ID
               IPv6 LSR ID ::
Admin State        : Up                   
IPv4 Oper State    : Up                   IPv6 Oper State      : Down

Entropy Label Capa*: False                
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.

The command to enable ELC is as follows:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        ldp {
            entropy-label-capability true

In the list of LDP active bindings, the egress labels that are pushed by iLER PE-1 on traffic toward an eLER capable of handling an EL get the indication "e", as follows:

A:admin@PE-1# show router ldp bindings active prefixes ipv4

LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
             (IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Label Status:
        U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
        WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
        e - Label ELC
FEC Flags:
        LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC, M - Community Mismatch,
        BA - ASBR Backup FEC
        (S) - Static           (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
        (B) - BGP Next Hop     (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
        (I) - SR-ISIS Next Hop (O) - SR-OSPF Next Hop
        (C) - FEC resolved with class-based-forwarding
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix                                      Op
IngLbl                                      EgrLbl
EgrNextHop                                  EgrIf/LspId
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                Pop
524287                                        --
  --                                          --
  --                                        524284e                                1/1/c1/1
524282                                      524284                                1/1/c1/1
  --                                        524287                                1/1/c1/1
  --                                        524285                                1/1/c1/1
524284                                      524285                                1/1/c1/1
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 6

Because the iLER adds the EL, only labels which are pushed get the "e"-indication. Labels which are swapped or popped do not get this label.

The detail of the tunnel table for LDP shows that the LDP tunnel toward PE-2 has tunnel flag entropy-label-capable, as follows:

A:admin@PE-1# show router tunnel-table protocol ldp detail

Tunnel Table (Router: Base)
Destination      :
NextHop          :
Tunnel Flags     : entropy-label-capable
Age              : 00h00m38s
CBF Classes      : (Not Specified)
Owner            : ldp                  Encap            : MPLS
Tunnel ID        : 65539                Preference       : 9
Tunnel Label     : 524284               Tunnel Metric    : 30
Tunnel MTU       : 8918                 Max Label Stack  : 1

The following EVPN-VPLS uses an LDP transport tunnel and has EL enabled:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    service {
        vpls "VPLS 2" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 2
            customer "1"
            bgp 1 { }
            bgp-evpn {
                evi 2
                mpls 1 {
                    admin-state enable
                    entropy-label true
                    auto-bind-tunnel {
                        resolution filter
                        resolution-filter {
                            ldp true
            sap 1/1/c2/1:16 { }
            sap 1/1/c9/1:16 { }

The configuration on PE-1 and PE-2 is similar.

EL is enabled in this service, as follows:

A:admin@PE-2# show service id 2 bgp-evpn

BGP EVPN MPLS Information
Admin Status       : Enabled            Bgp Instance       : 1
Force Vlan Fwding  : Disabled           
Force Qinq Fwding  : none               
Route NextHop Type : system-ipv4        
Control Word       : Disabled           
Max Ecmp Routes    : 1                  
Entropy Label      : Enabled            
Default Route Tag  : none               
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)
Ingress Rep BUM Lbl: Disabled           
Ingress Ucast Lbl  : 524279             Ingress Mcast Lbl  : 524279
RestProtSrcMacAct  : none               
Evpn Mpls Encap    : Enabled            Evpn MplsoUdp      : Disabled
Oper Group         : (none)             
MH Mode            : network            
Evi 3-byte Auto-RT : Disabled           
Dyn Egr Lbl Limit  : Disabled           
Hash Label         : Disabled           
Local AC Ingr Lbl  : <not-allocated>

BGP EVPN MPLS Auto Bind Tunnel Information
Allow-Flex-Algo-FB : Disabled           
Resolution         : filter             Strict Tnl Tag     : Disabled
Max Ecmp Routes    : 1                  
Filter Tunnel Types: ldp
Weighted Ecmp      : Disabled           

LSR load-sharing based on EL

The LSR load-sharing based on the EL results in a granular load-sharing for great numbers of flows, for example, thousands of flows. Each flow has four unique variables: source IP address, destination IP address, source UDP port, and destination UDP port. Each flow gets a unique EL and the P-nodes distribute the load over all eight links in the LAG, based on the hashing algorithm "lbl-only".

In a virtual test setup, such great numbers of flows are difficult to simulate. Nevertheless, the spread may be illustrated by comparing the traffic on each link of the LAG, once in the absence and once in the presence of externally launched traffic, as follows:

# On P-3:
  1. clear lag 1 statistics
  2. wait for X seconds (example: X=125)
  3. show lag "lag-1" statistics


# On P-3:

  1. clear port <port> statistics (where <port> is a port in the LAG)
  2. wait for X seconds (example: X=125)
  3. show port statistics
In the presence of great numbers of flows, the spread may be illustrated with:
  • monitor lag 1 rate packets
  • monitor port <port> rate monitor port all-ethernet-rates

As an example:, on P-3, in the absence of externally launched traffic:

A:admin@P-3# show lag "lag-1" statistics

LAG Statistics
Description        : N/A
Port-id                              Input(Packets)       Output(Packets)
                                     Input(Bytes)         Output(Bytes)
                                     Input Errors         Output Errors
1/1/c3/1                             228                  237
                                     24186                25052
                                     0                    0
1/1/c4/1                             124                  124
                                     15872                15872
                                     0                    0
1/1/c5/1                             157                  156
                                     19997                19872
                                     0                    0
1/1/c6/1                             132                  153
                                     16508                19352
                                     0                    0
1/1/c7/1                             153                  124
                                     19352                15872
                                     0                    0
1/1/c8/1                             124                  124
                                     15872                15872
                                     0                    0
1/1/c9/1                             124                  124
                                     15872                15872
                                     0                    0
1/1/c10/1                            124                  124
                                     15872                15872
                                     0                    0
Totals                               1166                 1166
                                     143531               143636
                                     0                    0

while in the presence of externally launched traffic:

A:admin@P-3# show lag "lag-1" statistics

LAG Statistics
Description        : N/A
Port-id                              Input(Packets)       Output(Packets)
                                     Input(Bytes)         Output(Bytes)
                                     Input Errors         Output Errors
1/1/c3/1                             278                  287
                                     30260                30668
                                     0                    0
1/1/c4/1                             150                  150
                                     19200                19200
                                     0                    0
1/1/c5/1                             189                  189
                                     24075                24075
                                     0                    0
1/1/c6/1                             160                  186
                                     19995                23408
                                     0                    0
1/1/c7/1                             186                  150
                                     23464                19200
                                     0                    0
1/1/c8/1                             150                  150
                                     19200                19200
                                     0                    0
1/1/c9/1                             150                  150
                                     19200                19200
                                     0                    0
1/1/c10/1                            150                  150
                                     19200                19200
                                     0                    0
Totals                               1413                 1412
                                     174594               174151
                                     0                    0
When thousands of flows are sent via P-3 and P-4, the flows are evenly spread in each direction.


The EL is a standard-compliant way to maintain packet ordering within a conversation while load-balancing across multiple ECMP paths or links in a LAG. The EL is supported for both Layer 2 and Layer 3 services and is, therefore, a more general solution than the MPLS hash label.