Associating Communities with Static and Aggregate Routes

This chapter provides information about associating communities with static and aggregate routes configurations.

Topics in this chapter include:


This chapter was initially written for SR OS Release 11.0.R3, but the MD-CLI in this edition corresponds to SR OS Release 20.7.R2. There are no prerequisites for this configuration.


Border gateway protocol (BGP) communities are optional, transitive attributes attached to BGP route prefixes to carry more information about that route prefix. Multiple route prefixes can have the same community attached such that it can be matched by a route policy. As a result, the presence of a community value can be used to influence and control route policies.

A BGP community is a 32-bit value that is written as two 16-bit numbers separated by a colon. The first number usually represents the autonomous system (AS) number that defines or originates the community while the second is set by the network administrator.

Knowledge of RFC 4271 (BGP-4) and RFC 1997 (BGP Communities Attribute) is assumed throughout this document, as well as knowledge of multi-protocol BGP (MP-BGP) and RFC 4364 (BGP/MPLS IP VPNs).


Example topology shows the example topology with 7750 Server Router nodes. PE-1 to PE-4 and the Route Reflector (RR-5) are located in the same Autonomous System (AS): AS 64496. CE-6 is in a separate AS 64497 and peers using eBGP with its directly connected neighbor, PE-4.

Figure 1. Example topology

The objectives are:

  • To configure static routes in a VPRN in PE-1 with various community values—including well-known communities—export them to other PEs within the same AS, and then via eBGP to CE-6. During this process, the community values for each route will be examined to ensure that the transitive nature of the attribute is maintained.

  • To associate a community with an aggregate route that represents a larger number of composite prefixes. The aggregate will be advertised in place of the composite prefixes.

The following configuration tasks should be completed as a prerequisite:

  • Full mesh IS-IS or OSPF between all of the PE routers and the RR.

  • iBGP between the RR and all PEs.

  • eBGP between PE-4 and CE-6.

  • Link-layer LDP between all PEs.

Associating communities with static and aggregate routes

It is possible to add a single community value to a static and aggregate route without using a route policy.

The community value can be in the 4-byte format comprising of a 2-byte AS value, followed by a 2-byte decimal value, separated by a colon. It can also be the name of a well-known standard community, such as: no-export, no-advertise, no-export-subconfed.

Any community added can be matched using a route policy.

The purpose of this example is to provision static and aggregate IPv4 route prefixes and associate a community with each route. These routes are then redistributed into the BGP protocol and advertised to other BGP speakers.

This is shown for IPv4 routes within a VPRN. Well-known, standard communities will also be configured to show that the correct behavior is observed.


The first step is to configure an iBGP session between each of the PEs and the Route Reflector (RR). The address family negotiated between peers is VPN-IPv4.

The following BGP configuration is identical for all PEs:

# on all PEs:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        autonomous-system 64496
        bgp {
            group "internal" {
                peer-as 64496
                family {
                    vpn-ipv4 true
            neighbor "" {
                group "internal"

The IP addresses can be derived from Example topology.

The BGP configuration for RR-5 is as follows:

# on RR-5:
configure {
 router "Base" {
        autonomous-system 64496
        bgp {
            cluster {
            group "RR-clients" {
                peer-as 64496
                family {
                    vpn-ipv4 true
            neighbor "" {
                group "RR-clients"
            neighbor "" {
                group "RR-clients"
            neighbor "" {
                group "RR-clients"
            neighbor "" {
                group "RR-clients"

The following BGP summary on RR-5 shows that BGP sessions with each PE are established for the VPN-IPv4 address family:

A:admin@RR-5# show router bgp summary all 

BGP Summary
Legend : D - Dynamic Neighbor
ServiceId          AS PktRcvd InQ  Up/Down   State|Rcv/Act/Sent (Addr Family)
                      PktSent OutQ
Def. Instance  64496        3    0 00h00m11s 0/0/0 (VpnIPv4)
                            3    0  
Def. Instance  64496        3    0 00h00m11s 0/0/0 (VpnIPv4)
                            3    0  
Def. Instance  64496        3    0 00h00m11s 0/0/0 (VpnIPv4)
                            3    0  
Def. Instance  64496        3    0 00h00m11s 0/0/0 (VpnIPv4)
                            3    0           



CE connections for next-hops shows the Customer Edge (CE) routers connected to PE-1.

Figure 2. CE connections for next-hops

The VPRN configuration for PE-1 is as follows:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    service {
        vprn "VPRN 1" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 1
            customer "1"
            route-distinguisher "64496:1"
            vrf-target {
                community "target:64496:1"
            auto-bind-tunnel {
                resolution filter
                resolution-filter {
                    ldp true
            interface "int-PE-1-CE-7" {
                ipv4 {
                    primary {
                        prefix-length 30
                sap 1/2/1:1.0 {
            interface "int-PE-1-CE-8" {
                ipv4 {
                    unnumbered {
                        ip-int-name "loop1"
                sap 1/2/2:1.0 {
            interface "loop1" {
                loopback true
                ipv4 {
                    primary {
                        prefix-length 32

For unnumbered interfaces, an IP address is borrowed from a loopback interface, see ‟Unnumbered Interfaces in RSVP-TE and LDP” in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and 7950 XRS MPLS Advanced Configuration Guide for Classic CLI.

LDP is used as the label-switching protocol for next-hop resolution.

PE-4 is configured with an interface toward CE-6 that supports eBGP. The following export policy is configured:

# on PE-4:
configure {
    policy-options {
        community "1:1" {
            member "1:1" { }
        policy-statement "BGP-VPN-accept" {
            entry 10 {
                from {
                    protocol {
                        name [bgp-vpn]
                action {
                    action-type accept
                    community {
                        add ["1:1"]

The configuration of the VPRN service ‟VPRN 1” on PE-4 is as follows:

# on PE-4:
configure {
    service {
        vprn "VPRN 1" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 1
            customer "1"
            autonomous-system 64496
            route-distinguisher "64496:1"
            vrf-target {
                community "target:64496:1"
            auto-bind-tunnel {
                resolution filter
                resolution-filter {
                    ldp true
            bgp {
                group "VPRN1-external" {
                    peer-as 64497
                    export {
                        policy ["BGP-VPN-accept"]
                    import {
                        policy ["1:1"]
                neighbor "" {
                    group "VPRN1-external"
            interface "int-PE-4-CE-6" {
                ipv4 {
                    primary {
                        prefix-length 30
                sap 1/2/1:1 {

Static routes with communities

A static route has multiple next-hop options: direct connected IP address, black-hole, indirect IP address, and interface-name.

CE connections for next-hops shows a pair of CE routers connected to PE-1. The link to CE-7 is a numbered link. The link to CE-8 is an unnumbered link. The loopback interface address is used as a reference address for the unnumbered Ethernet interface.

Beyond CE-7 are several /24 subnets. Static routes to these individual subnets are created on PE-1 using a static route with a next-hop type of ‟interface address” or an ‟indirect address”. The indirect address is learned using a static route.

Beyond CE-8 is a single /24 subnet. A static route to this subnet is created with an interface-name as the next-hop.

There are several well-known, standard communities:

  • no-export: the route is not advertised to any external peer. This route should be present in the route tables of all BGP speakers in the originating AS, but not in those in neighboring ASs.

  • no-advertise: the route is not advertised to any peer. This route should not be present in any router as BGP-learned route.

The requirement for each subnet is:

  • must not be advertised outside of the AS. This must be associated with the standard, well-known community no-export. The community value is encoded as 65535:65281 (0xFFFFFF01), but the CLI requires the keyword no-export.

    # on PE-1:
    configure {
        service {
            vprn "VPRN 1" {
                static-routes {
                    route route-type unicast {
                        next-hop "" {
                            admin-state enable
                            community "no-export"
  • must be advertised with a community of 64496:101

                    route route-type unicast {
                        next-hop "" {
                            admin-state enable
                            community "64496:101"
  • must not be advertised to any BGP peer. This must be associated with the standard, well-known community no-advertise. The community value is encoded as 65535:65282 (0xFFFFFF02), but the CLI requires the keyword no-advertise.

                    route route-type unicast {
                        next-hop "" {
                            admin-state enable
                            community "no-advertise"
  • must be advertised with a community of 64496:103 and a route tag of 10.

                    route route-type unicast {
                        next-hop "" {
                            admin-state enable
                            tag 10
                            community "64496:103"
  • must be advertised with a community of 64496:104. It is reachable via which, in turn, is reachable via This is using a static route which does not need to be advertised, therefore, it is associated with the no-advertise community.

                    route route-type unicast {
                        indirect {
                            admin-state enable
                            community "64496:104"
                    route route-type unicast {
                        next-hop "" {
                            admin-state enable
                            community "no-advertise"
  • must be advertised with a community of 64496:105. It is reachable via the unnumbered interface to CE-8.

                    route route-type unicast {
                        interface "int-PE-1-CE-8" {
                            admin-state enable
                            community "64496:105"

On PE-1, static routes are configured that match the static routes from CE connections for next-hops, and the preceding conditions.

The default behavior of a VPRN is to export all static and connected routes into a BGP labeled route with the appropriate route-target extended community configured in the VRF-target statement. A single community string can be added using the preceding static-route community commands. If multiple communities are required, then a VRF-export policy should be used, but this is outside the scope of this chapter.

The following BGP table on PE-1 shows which VPN-IPv4 routes have been exported correctly to RR-5:

A:admin@PE-1# show router bgp neighbor advertised-routes vpn-ipv4 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
i     64496:1:                            100         None                                          None        n/a
      No As-Path                                                     524283
i     64496:1:                            100         None                                          None        n/a
      No As-Path                                                     524283
i     64496:1:                            100         None                                          None        n/a
      No As-Path                                                     524283
i     64496:1:                            100         None                                          None        n/a
      No As-Path                                                     524283
i     64496:1:                            100         None                                          None        n/a
      No As-Path                                                     524283
i     64496:1:                             100         None                                          None        n/a
      No As-Path                                                     524283
i     64496:1:                             100         None                                          None        n/a
      No As-Path                                                     524283
Routes : 7

There are only seven exported routes. The route prefixes associated with the no-advertise community are not present, as expected.

Examining the BGP table of PE-4 shows the presence of the expected routes, with the correct community values.

The prefix is a member of community no-export. This is correctly advertised to PE-4, as follows:

A:admin@PE-4# show router bgp routes vpn-ipv4 detail 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Original Attributes

Network        :
Nexthop        :
Route Dist.    : 64496:1                VPN Label      : 524283
Path Id        : None                   
From           :
Res. Nexthop   : n/a
Local Pref.    : 100                    Interface Name : int-PE-4-PE-1
Aggregator AS  : None                   Aggregator     : None
Atomic Aggr.   : Not Atomic             MED            : None
AIGP Metric    : None                   IGP Cost       : 10
Connector      : None
Community      : no-export target:64496:1
Cluster        :
Originator Id  :              Peer Router Id :
Fwd Class      : None                   Priority       : None
Flags          : Used  Valid  Best  IGP  
Route Source   : Internal
AS-Path        : No As-Path
Route Tag      : 0                      
Neighbor-AS    : n/a
Orig Validation: N/A                    
Source Class   : 0                      Dest Class     : 0
Add Paths Send : Default 
Last Modified  : 01h16m07s              
VPRN Imported  :  1

The following command shows all members of the community no-export:

A:admin@PE-4# show router bgp routes vpn-ipv4 community no-export 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
u*>i  64496:1:                            100         None                                          None        10
      No As-Path                                                     524283
Routes : 1

Because the community no-export is encoded as community 65535:65281, the same output can be retrieved as follows:

A:admin@PE-4# show router bgp routes vpn-ipv4 community 65535:65281 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
u*>i  64496:1:                            100         None                                          None        10
      No As-Path                                                     524283
Routes : 1

The prefix is a member of community 64496:101. This is correctly advertised to PE-4.

A:admin@PE-4# show router bgp routes vpn-ipv4 detail 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Original Attributes

Network        :
Nexthop        :
Route Dist.    : 64496:1                VPN Label      : 524283
Path Id        : None                   
From           :
Res. Nexthop   : n/a
Local Pref.    : 100                    Interface Name : int-PE-4-PE-1
Aggregator AS  : None                   Aggregator     : None
Atomic Aggr.   : Not Atomic             MED            : None
AIGP Metric    : None                   IGP Cost       : 10
Connector      : None
Community      : 64496:101 target:64496:1
Cluster        :
Originator Id  :              Peer Router Id :
Fwd Class      : None                   Priority       : None
Flags          : Used  Valid  Best  IGP  
Route Source   : Internal
AS-Path        : No As-Path
Route Tag      : 0                      
Neighbor-AS    : n/a
Orig Validation: N/A                    
Source Class   : 0                      Dest Class     : 0
Add Paths Send : Default                
Last Modified  : 01h34m23s              
VPRN Imported  :  1

The prefix is a member of community 64496:103. This is correctly advertised to PE-4, as follows:

A:admin@PE-4# show router bgp routes vpn-ipv4 detail 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Original Attributes

Network        :
Nexthop        :
Route Dist.    : 64496:1                VPN Label      : 524283
Path Id        : None                   
From           :
Res. Nexthop   : n/a
Local Pref.    : 100                    Interface Name : int-PE-4-PE-1
Aggregator AS  : None                   Aggregator     : None
Atomic Aggr.   : Not Atomic             MED            : None
AIGP Metric    : None                   IGP Cost       : 10
Connector      : None
Community      : 64496:103 target:64496:1
Cluster        :
Originator Id  :              Peer Router Id :
Fwd Class      : None                   Priority       : None
Flags          : Used  Valid  Best  IGP  
Route Source   : Internal
AS-Path        : No As-Path
Route Tag      : 0                      
Neighbor-AS    : n/a
Orig Validation: N/A                    
Source Class   : 0                      Dest Class     : 0
Add Paths Send : Default                
Last Modified  : 01h26m24s              
VPRN Imported  :  1

The prefix is a member of community 64496:104. This is correctly advertised to PE-4, as follows:

A:admin@PE-4# show router bgp routes vpn-ipv4 detail 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Original Attributes

Network        :
Nexthop        :
Route Dist.    : 64496:1                VPN Label      : 524283
Path Id        : None                   
From           :
Res. Nexthop   : n/a
Local Pref.    : 100                    Interface Name : int-PE-4-PE-1
Aggregator AS  : None                   Aggregator     : None
Atomic Aggr.   : Not Atomic             MED            : None
AIGP Metric    : None                   IGP Cost       : 10
Connector      : None
Community      : 64496:104 target:64496:1
Cluster        :
Originator Id  :              Peer Router Id :
Fwd Class      : None                   Priority       : None
Flags          : Used  Valid  Best  IGP  
Route Source   : Internal
AS-Path        : No As-Path
Route Tag      : 0                      
Neighbor-AS    : n/a
Orig Validation: N/A                    
Source Class   : 0                      Dest Class     : 0
Add Paths Send : Default                
Last Modified  : 01h20m45s              
VPRN Imported  :  1

The prefix is a member of community 64496:105. This is correctly advertised to PE-4.

A:admin@PE-4# show router bgp routes vpn-ipv4 detail 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP VPN-IPv4 Routes
Original Attributes

Network        :
Nexthop        :
Route Dist.    : 64496:1                VPN Label      : 524283
Path Id        : None                   
From           :
Res. Nexthop   : n/a
Local Pref.    : 100                    Interface Name : int-PE-4-PE-1
Aggregator AS  : None                   Aggregator     : None
Atomic Aggr.   : Not Atomic             MED            : None
AIGP Metric    : None                   IGP Cost       : 10
Connector      : None
Community      : 64496:105 target:64496:1
Cluster        :
Originator Id  :              Peer Router Id :
Fwd Class      : None                   Priority       : None
Flags          : Used  Valid  Best  IGP  
Route Source   : Internal
AS-Path        : No As-Path
Route Tag      : 0                      
Neighbor-AS    : n/a
Orig Validation: N/A                    
Source Class   : 0                      Dest Class     : 0
Add Paths Send : Default                
Last Modified  : 01h18m11s              
VPRN Imported  :  1

The following route table of VPRN 1 on PE-4 shows that these seven BGP-learned routes are present as valid routes.

A:admin@PE-4# show router 1 route-table protocol bgp-vpn 

Route Table (Service: 1)
Dest Prefix[Flags]                            Type    Proto     Age        Pref
      Next Hop[Interface Name]                                    Metric   
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               Remote  BGP VPN   01h54m30s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                               Remote  BGP VPN   01h46m55s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                               Remote  BGP VPN   01h37m47s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                               Remote  BGP VPN   01h30m18s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                               Remote  BGP VPN   01h26m58s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                Remote  BGP VPN   01h54m30s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                Remote  BGP VPN   01h54m30s  170 (tunneled)                                         0
No. of Routes: 7
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
       B = BGP backup route available
       L = LFA nexthop available
       S = Sticky ECMP requested

The following route table on CE-6 shows six valid BGP-learned routes, as expected:

A:admin@CE-6# show router route-table protocol bgp 

Route Table (Router: Base)
Dest Prefix[Flags]                            Type    Proto     Age        Pref
      Next Hop[Interface Name]                                    Metric   
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               Remote  BGP       00h04m31s  170                                                  0                               Remote  BGP       00h04m31s  170                                                  0                               Remote  BGP       00h04m31s  170                                                  0                               Remote  BGP       00h04m31s  170                                                  0                                Remote  BGP       00h04m31s  170                                                  0                                Remote  BGP       00h04m31s  170                                                  0
No. of Routes: 6
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
       B = BGP backup route available
       L = LFA nexthop available
       S = Sticky ECMP requested

The prefix is not received from PE-4 because it is a member of the no-export community.

A:admin@CE-6# show router bgp routes detail 

 BGP Router ID:        AS:64497       Local AS:64497      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
No Matching Entries Found

Static route is received on CE-6 with the correct community 64496:101, as follows:

A:admin@CE-6# show router bgp routes community 64496:101 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64497       Local AS:64497      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
u*>i                                    None        None                                        None        0
      64496                                                          -
Routes : 1

Static route is received on CE-6 with the correct community 64496:103, as follows:

A:admin@CE-6# show router bgp routes community 64496:103 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64497       Local AS:64497      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
u*>i                                    None        None                                        None        0
      64496                                                          -
Routes : 1

Static route is received on CE-6 with the correct community 64496:104, as follows:

A:admin@CE-6# show router bgp routes community 64496:104 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64497       Local AS:64497      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
u*>i                                    None        None                                        None        0
      64496                                                          -
Routes : 1

Static route is received on CE-6 with the correct community 64496:105.

A:admin@CE-6# show router bgp routes community 64496:105 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64497       Local AS:64497      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
u*>i                                    None        None                                        None        0
      64496                                                          -
Routes : 1

Aggregate routes with communities

An aggregate route can be configured to represent a larger number of prefixes. For example, a set of prefixes to can be represented as a single aggregate prefix of

This is because the third octet in the range 0 to 7 can be represented by the 8 bits 00000000 to 00000111. The first 5 bits of this octet are common, along with the previous 2 octets, giving a prefix where the first 21 bits are common. Therefore, the aggregate can be written as

To illustrate the configuration of an aggregate, consider following.

CE-7 connectivity shows a CE router (CE-7), in AS 64498, that advertises a series of contiguous prefixes via BGP.

  • to

  • to

Figure 3. CE-7 connectivity

Instead of advertising all these prefixes out of the VPRN toward an external CE individually, an aggregate route can be configured that summarizes each set of eight prefixes and a community can be directly associated with each aggregate route.

The configuration for VPRN service ‟VPRN 2” on PE-1, including the external BGP configuration is as follows:

# on PE-1:
configure {
    policy-options {
        community "1:2" {
            member "1:2" { }
        policy-statement "1:2" {
            entry 10 {
                from {
                    community {
                        name "1:2"
                action {
                    action-type accept
    service {
        vprn "VPRN 2" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 2
            customer "1"
            autonomous-system 64496
            route-distinguisher "64496:2"
            vrf-target {
                community "target:64496:2"
            auto-bind-tunnel {
                resolution filter
                resolution-filter {
                    ldp true
            bgp {
                group "external" {
                    peer-as 64498
                    import {
                        policy ["1:2"]
                    export {
                        policy ["1:2"]
                neighbor "" {
                    group "external"
            interface "int-PE-1-CE-7_2nd" {
                ipv4 {
                    primary {
                        prefix-length 30
                sap 1/2/1:2.0 {

The BGP neighbor relationship on PE-1 shows the following:

A:admin@PE-1# show router 2 bgp neighbor 

BGP Neighbor
Peer                 :
Description          : (Not Specified)
Group                : external
Peer AS              : 64498            Peer Port            : 179
Peer Address         :
Local AS             : 64496            Local Port           : 50195 
Local Address        :
Peer Type            : External         Dynamic Peer         : No
State                : Established      Last State           : Active
Last Event           : recvOpen
Last Error           : Unrecognized Error
Local Family         : IPv4
Remote Family        : IPv4
Hold Time            : 90               Keep Alive           : 30   
Min Hold Time        : 0                
Active Hold Time     : 90               Active Keep Alive    : 30   
Cluster Id           : None             
Preference           : 170              Num of Update Flaps  : 0    
Input Queue          : 0                Output Queue         : 0    
Input Messages       : 7                Output Messages      : 7    
Input Octets         : 247              Output Octets        : 232
Input Updates        : 1                Output Updates       : 1    
Input RtRefresh      : 0                Output RtRefresh     : 0    
TTL Security         : Disabled         Min TTL Value        : n/a
Graceful Restart     : Disabled         Stale Routes Time    : n/a
Restart Time         : n/a              
Long-Lived GR        : Disabled         
Advertise Inactive   : Disabled         Peer Tracking        : Disabled
Auth key chain       : n/a
Disable Cap Nego     : Disabled         Bfd Enabled          : Disabled
Default Route Tgt    : Disabled         
Aigp Metric          : Disabled         Split Horizon        : Disabled
Damp Peer Oscillatio*: Disabled         Update Errors        : 0    
GR Notification      : Disabled         Fault Tolerance      : Disabled
Rem Idle Hold Time   : 00h00m00s        
Next-Hop Unchanged   : None             
sel-lbl-ipv4-install : Disabled         
Local Capability     : RtRefresh MPBGP 4byte ASN 
Remote Capability    : RtRefresh MPBGP 4byte ASN 
Routes Resolve To St*: Disabled         
Local AddPath Capabi*: Disabled
Remote AddPath Capab*: Send - None
                     : Receive - None
Import Policy        : 1:2
                     : Default Reject
Export Policy        : 1:2
                     : Default Reject
Neighbors shown : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.

The following output shows the 16 received BGP routes on PE-1:

A:admin@PE-1# show router 2 bgp routes 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64496       Local AS:64496      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
Flag  Network                                            LocalPref   MED
      Nexthop (Router)                                   Path-Id     IGP Cost
      As-Path                                                        Label
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
u*>i                                      None        None                                       None        0
      64498                                                          -
Routes : 16

PE-4 also has a VPRN 2 instance configured, so that it will receive the imported BGP routes. The service configuration for ‟VPRN 2” on PE-4 is as follows:

# on PE-4:
configure {
    service {
        vprn "VPRN 2" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 2
            customer "1"
            autonomous-system 64496
            route-distinguisher "64496:2"
            vrf-target {
                community "target:64496:2"
            auto-bind-tunnel {
                resolution filter
                resolution-filter {
                    ldp true
            bgp {
                group "VPRN2-external" {
                    peer-as 64497
                    import {
                        policy ["1:2"]
                    export {
                        policy ["1:2"]
                neighbor "" {
                    group "VPRN2-external"
            interface "int-PE-4-CE-6_2nd" {
                ipv4 {
                    primary {
                        prefix-length 30
                sap 1/2/1:2 {

CE-6 connectivity shows the connectivity between PE-4 and CE-6. PE-4 will only forward a summarizing aggregate route toward CE-6.

Figure 4. CE-6 connectivity

PE-4 receives labeled BGP route prefixes from PE-1 via the route reflector and installs them in the FIB for router instance 2, as follows:

A:admin@PE-4# show router 2 route-table 

Route Table (Service: 2)
Dest Prefix[Flags]                            Type    Proto     Age        Pref
      Next Hop[Interface Name]                                    Metric   
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                                 Remote  BGP VPN   00h01m07s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                               Remote  BGP VPN   00h02m41s  170 (tunneled)                                         0                               Local   Local     00h02m42s  0
       int-PE-4-CE-6_2nd                                            0
No. of Routes: 18
Flags: n = Number of times nexthop is repeated
       B = BGP backup route available
       L = LFA nexthop available
       S = Sticky ECMP requested

On CE-6, an additional interface is configured toward PE-4, as follows:

# on CE-6:
configure {
    service {
        ies "IES 2" {
            admin-state enable
            service-id 2
            customer "1"
            interface "int-CE-6-PE-4_2nd" {
                sap 1/1/1:2 {
                ipv4 {
                    primary {
                        prefix-length 30

The BGP configuration of CE-6 is as follows:

# on CE-6:
configure {
    router "Base" {
        bgp {
            group "external-toVPRN2onPE-4" {
                peer-as 64496
                import {
                    policy ["1:2"]
                export {
                    policy ["1:2"]
            neighbor "" {
                group "external-toVPRN2onPE-4"

The BGP neighbor state for PE-4 is as follows:

A:admin@PE-4# show router 2 bgp neighbor 

BGP Neighbor
Peer                 :
Description          : (Not Specified)
Group                : VPRN2-external
Peer AS              : 64497            Peer Port            : 179
Peer Address         :
Local AS             : 64496            Local Port           : 50683 
Local Address        :
Peer Type            : External         Dynamic Peer         : No
State                : Established      Last State           : Active
Last Event           : recvOpen
Last Error           : Unrecognized Error
Local Family         : IPv4
Remote Family        : IPv4
Hold Time            : 90               Keep Alive           : 30   
Min Hold Time        : 0                
Active Hold Time     : 90               Active Keep Alive    : 30   
Cluster Id           : None             
Preference           : 170              Num of Update Flaps  : 0    
Input Queue          : 0                Output Queue         : 0    
Input Messages       : 25               Output Messages      : 20   
Input Octets         : 750              Output Octets        : 387
Input Updates        : 5                Output Updates       : 0    
Input RtRefresh      : 0                Output RtRefresh     : 0    
TTL Security         : Disabled         Min TTL Value        : n/a
Graceful Restart     : Disabled         Stale Routes Time    : n/a
Restart Time         : n/a              
Long-Lived GR        : Disabled         
Advertise Inactive   : Disabled         Peer Tracking        : Disabled
Auth key chain       : n/a
Disable Cap Nego     : Disabled         Bfd Enabled          : Disabled
Default Route Tgt    : Disabled         
Aigp Metric          : Disabled         Split Horizon        : Disabled
Damp Peer Oscillatio*: Disabled         Update Errors        : 0    
GR Notification      : Disabled         Fault Tolerance      : Disabled
Rem Idle Hold Time   : 00h00m00s        
Next-Hop Unchanged   : None             
sel-lbl-ipv4-install : Disabled         
Local Capability     : RtRefresh MPBGP 4byte ASN 
Remote Capability    : RtRefresh MPBGP 4byte ASN 
Routes Resolve To St*: Disabled         
Local AddPath Capabi*: Disabled
Remote AddPath Capab*: Send - None
                     : Receive - None
Import Policy        : 1:2
                     : Default Reject
Export Policy        : 1:2
                     : Default Reject

Neighbors shown : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.

To advertise a summarizing aggregate route with an associated community string, an aggregate route is required. In this case, the 10.101.x.0/24 group of prefixes will be associated with community 64496:101. The 10.102.x.0/24 group of prefixes will be associated with the standard community no-export, so that it will not be advertised to any external peer. These aggregate routes are configured in VPRN 2 on PE-4, as follows:

# on PE-4:
configure {
    service {
        vprn "VPRN 2" {
            aggregates {
                aggregate {
                    community ["64496:101"]
                aggregate {
                    community ["no-export"]

The following export policy is required on PE-4 to allow the advertising of the aggregate route. No community is applied using this policy.

# on PE-4:
configure {
    policy-options {
        policy-statement "PE-4-VPN-Agg" {
            entry 10 {
                from {
                    protocol {
                        name [aggregate]
                action {
                    action-type accept
                    community {
                        add ["1:2"]

This is applied as an export policy within the group context of the BGP configuration of the VPRN, as follows:

# on PE-4:
configure {
    service {
        vprn "VPRN 2" { 
            bgp {
                group "VPRN2-external" {
                    export {
                        policy ["PE-4-VPN-Agg"]

The aggregate route is received at CE-6 via BGP. The community that was associated with this prefix is seen: 64496:101. The route is seen as an aggregate, with PE-4 as the aggregating router ( The ‟Atomic Aggregate” attribute is present, meaning that PE-4 has not advertised any details of the AS Paths of the composite routes.

A:admin@CE-6# show router bgp routes hunt 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64497       Local AS:64497      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
RIB In Entries
Network        :
Nexthop        :
Path Id        : None                   
From           :
Res. Protocol  : LOCAL                  Res. Metric    : 0
Res. Nexthop   :
Local Pref.    : None                   Interface Name : int-CE-6-PE-4_2nd
Aggregator AS  : 64496                  Aggregator     :
Atomic Aggr.   : Atomic                 MED            : None
AIGP Metric    : None                   IGP Cost       : 0
Connector      : None
Community      : 64496:101
Cluster        : No Cluster Members
Originator Id  : None                   Peer Router Id :
Fwd Class      : None                   Priority       : None
Flags          : Used  Valid  Best  IGP  
Route Source   : External
AS-Path        : 64496 
Route Tag      : 0                      
Neighbor-AS    : 64496
Orig Validation: NotFound               
Source Class   : 0                      Dest Class     : 0
Add Paths Send : Default                
Last Modified  : 00h02m07s              

The aggregate route is not received at CE-6, because PE-4 does not advertise it, due to the fact that it is associated with the ‟no-export” community.

A:admin@CE-6# show router bgp routes hunt 
 BGP Router ID:        AS:64497       Local AS:64497      
 Legend -
 Status codes  : u - used, s - suppressed, h - history, d - decayed, * - valid
                 l - leaked, x - stale, > - best, b - backup, p - purge
 Origin codes  : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

BGP IPv4 Routes
No Matching Entries Found


Community strings can be added to static and aggregate routes. This example shows the configuration of communities with both static and aggregate routes, together with the associated show outputs which can be used to verify and troubleshoot them.