Configuring VMware

In order to manage a given vSphere deployment with the VMware Connect plugin, create an Connect deployment for that VMware Connect plugin. This process can be repeated for multiple vSphere deployments.

This is done using the following API call :

POST <fss-server>/connect/api/v1/admin/deployments

Within the POST body of this request, you must include the settings that the plugins require. The possible settings can be retrieved by interrogating the plugin..

Some settings are mandatory; others are optional.

Specifically for the VMware plugin, these settings are :

Setting Description Unique? Required? Stored encrypted?
host The hostname of the vCenter. True True False
username The user name to use with vCenter. False True False
password The password to the vCenter. False True True
location The location of the vCenter. False False False
  • The host parameter must be unique across all deployments.
  • The password parameter will be encrypted in the database.
  • Note that location is an optional parameter.
  • The username and password are for a user in vCenter which has read-only access to the vCenter environment

For details about creating a Deployment for the VMware Plugin, see Creating a Deployment (for VMware Plugin) in the Common API Examples section.