Key concepts

Concept Definition
Decoupled Connect is decoupled from the Fabric Services System. Operations in Connect resources are only later reflected in the Fabric Services system.

The status of a resource indicates whether it is fully deployed.

See the related key concepts Version, DeployedVersion, and Status.

DeployedVersion The DeployedVersion of a Connect resource indicates which Version of the resource was actually deployed to the Fabric Services System.

See the related key concepts Version, Decoupled, and Status.


A Connect deploymentrepresents a cloud Deployment. It can be created by the plugin or by the operator, depending on the type of plugin.

See the related key concepts Managing Plugins and Deployments.

EdgeMap A Connect EdgeMap represents the edge neighbor information learned through LLDP. It shows the compute or server physical ports that are attached to the leaf nodes of the fabric.
Plugin A Connect plugin is responsible for collecting information about the workloads that are running in a cloud environment and for configuring Connect accordingly.
Status The Status of a Connect resource indicates whether it is Deploying, Deployed, or in an Error state. When the resource is in an Error state, check the Fabric Services System alarms for further information.
Tenant A Connect tenant is a concept for separation of concern between different tenants of the cloud environment. It translates into a workload intent in the Fabric Services System.
Version The version of a Connect resource indicates how many create or update operations have been performed on this resource.

See the related key concepts DeployedVersion, Decoupled, and Status.