log commands
Log commands are used to retrieve Digital Sandbox related logs.
The following log CLI commands are available:
— logs
— all
— deployment
dsctl logs all
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl logs all command is used to retrieve all the Digital Sandbox logs. If a specific tar string is not specified (using the -t flag), the logs are sent to /tmp/logs.tar. |
Options |
The following are dsctl logs all parameters:
Examples |
To retrieve all the Digital Sandbox logs and send them to ‟/tmp/logs.tar”:
To retrieve all the Digital Sandbox logs and send them to a tar file that you have named ‟newlogs”:
dsctl logs deployment
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl logs deployment command is used to retrieve all the Digital Sandbox logs associated with a specific deployment ID. |
Options |
The following are dsctl logs deployment parameters:
Examples |
To retrieve all the Digital Sandbox logs associated with a deployment ID called ‟star” and send them to ‟/tmp/logs.tar‟:
To retrieve all the Digital Sandbox logs associated with a deployment ID called ‟star” and send them to a tar file that you have named ‟newlogs”: