Required parameters

Required parameters (fabric intent) defines the required fabric intent parameters and the available values that can be selected.

Some parameters apply only to some fabric intent types:

  • L/S: "Y" indicates the parameter applies to flexible leaf/spine fabric intents.
  • BB: "Y" indicates the parameter applies to Backbone fabric intents.
Table 1. Required parameters (fabric intent)






Reference Template



Predefined Nokia certified templates to create a fabric intent.

Flexible Leaf Spine


Fabric Type



The type of networking switch fabric to be implemented.


Digital Sandbox

Fabric Intent Name



The name of the fabric.

A string value




A description of the fabric intent.

A string value

Prefix Naming



A string to be added at the beginning of the name of every node in the fabric intent. The rest of the node name is automatically generated.

For example, enter "A01" here to assign nodes names such as "A01-leaf-1" and "A01-spine-1".

The Prefix Naming string must be unique to each fabric.

A string value




Identifies the region that contains the new fabric intent. The Fabric Services System currently supports only a single region.

To create or edit a region now, you can click on the Regions icon ( ) to navigate to the Regions page. This exits the fabric intent creation procedure. You must begin fabric intent creation again after creating the new region.


Software Catalog / Image ID



The version of SR Linux software to load onto all of the nodes in the new fabric.

Only software that has been loaded into the catalog.

Currently supported:

  • SR Linux 22.6.1-281
  • SR Linux 22.6.2-24
  • SR Linux 22.11-3

Is Border Leaf



Enable if this backbone fabric is serving as a "border leaf", able to carry EVPN workloads as well as provide access to an eternal network.

Disable if this is a standard backbone that is not capable of carrying an EVPN workload.

Enabled, Disabled

If enabled, only the 7220 IXR-D3 is supported as a node type.

Spine Node Type



Select a supported type of hardware to act as a spine node.

7220 IXR-D3

7220 IXR-D3L

7250 IXR-6

7250 IXR-10

7220 IXR-H2

7220 IXR-H3

7220 IXR-D5

Number of Spine Nodes



Specify the number of devices of the specified type to act as spine nodes.

An integer

Add Pod Y - Indicates whether you are configuring a Pod, which is a subset of the fabric that can use a different hardware type for leaf nodes than the non-Pod subset. For more information about Pods, see Adding a second type of hardware for leaf nodes.

Enabled, Disabled

If Enabled, the configuration you create is applied to the Pod subset of your fabric. If Disabled, the configuration is applied to the non-Pod subset.

Leaf Node Type



Select a supported type of hardware to act as a leaf node.

7220 IXR-D2

7220 IXR-D2L

7220 IXR-D3

7220 IXR-D3L

Number of Leaf Nodes



Specify the number of devices of the specified type to act as leaf nodes.

An integer

Node Type



Select a supported type of hardware to act as a backbone node.

The available values vary based on the "Is Border Leaf" selection.

7220 IXR-D2

7220 IXR-D2L

7220 IXR-D3

7220 IXR-D3L

7250 IXR-6

7250 IXR-10

7220 IXR-H2

7220 IXR-H3

Number of Nodes



Specify the number of devices of the specified type to act as backbone nodes.

An integer

Dual Homing



A topology is generated where devices can connect to the network through two independent access points, where one point is the primary connection and the other point is activated in event of a failure.

Enabled, Disabled

Servers per Rack



The number of servers per rack in the fabric intent.

1-40 servers per rack for all templates

Number of Racks



The number of racks in the fabric intent. The maximum number of racks depends on the reference template selected.

Leaf Spine: 1-8 racks

Chassis Spine: 1-20 racks

Backbone: 1-30 racks

Super Backbone: 1-40 racks

Edge Link Speed



The data transfer speed from the access point to data center or computers.

1G, 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, 100G, 200G, 400G

T1 Layer Uplink Speed



The data transfer speed from computers or data center to the access point.

1G, 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, 100G, 200G, 400G

Deploy Trigger Percentage



The percentage of fabric deployment for a fabric design intent to create a topology.

Has a fixed, automatically assigned value of 0% or 100% based on fabric type (Real or Digital Sandbox).

This parameter cannot be edited.