QoS profile management

QoS profiles allow you to shape the traffic managed by a workload VPN intent.

In the Fabric Services System UI, you can:

  • Create a QoS profile
  • Edit a QoS profile
  • Delete a QoS profile

Creating a QoS profile

  1. If you are not already on the Profiles page, do the following:
    1. Click to open the main menu.
    2. Select Profiles.
  2. From the Profiles drop-down list, select QoS.
  4. In the General pane, set the following parameters for the QoS profile.
    • Name - enter the name for the QoS profile
    • Description - enter an optional description
  5. In the Classifiers pane, create DSCP policies for the QoS profile.
    1. In the Classifiers panel, click + DSCP POLICY.
    2. In the Add DSCP Policy form, set the following parameters for the policy.
      • Value
      • Forwarding Class
    3. Click ADD.
    4. If required, you can delete an individual DSCP policy from the list by clicking on the More actions icon ( ) at the right of the policy's row, and selecting Delete from the displayed list.
    Repeat this step until the list of classifiers is complete.
  6. Enter rewrite rules for the QoS profile.
    Repeat this step until the DSCP policy list is complete.
    1. In the Rewrite Rule panel, click + QOS MAPPING.
    2. In the Add QoS Mapping form, set the following parameters for the mapping entry.
      • Forwarding Class
      • DSCP
    3. Click ADD.
    4. If required, you can delete an individual DSCP policy from the list by clicking on the more icon ( ) at the right of the policy's row, and selecting Delete from the displayed list.
    Note: The Workload Reference List field is empty. This field shows all of the workload VPN intents that are currently using this global QoS profile; but because this profile is new, no workload VPN intents are using it.
  7. At the lower right of the QoS overlay, click CREATE.
    The system closes the Create QoS Profile overlay and returns you to the Profiles page with the QoS view selected. The profile you just defined is now included in the list of available QoS profiles.

Editing a QoS profile

You can edit a QoS profile at any time.

If the QoS profile that you want to edit is already being used by a workload VPN intent, and that workload VPN intent has already been generated or deployed, then the changes you make do not propagate to the workload VPN intent until you regenerate that workload VPN intent:

  • If the workload VPN intent has been generated, but is not yet deployed, you can re-save and regenerate the workload VPN intent without creating a new version. Regenerating the workload VPN intent incorporates the new QoS settings into its configuration.
  • If the workload VPN intent has already been deployed, you must create a new candidate version of the workload VPN intent before you can regenerate and redeploy it with the new QoS settings.
  1. If you are not already on the Profiles page, do the following:
    1. Click to open the main menu.
    2. Select Profiles.
  2. From the Profiles drop-down list, click QoS.
  3. Select a QoS profile from the list.
  4. Click the More actions icon ( ) at the right edge of the row, and click Open from the drop-down list.
  5. Update parameters in the QoS profile as described in Creating a QoS profile.
  6. At the lower right of the QoS overlay, click SAVE.

Deleting a QoS profile

You can delete a QoS profile provided it has not been used in a workload VPN intent. If you try to delete a QoS profile that is in use, the system prevents the action and displays a message indicating why the profile cannot be deleted.
  1. If you are not already on the Profiles page, do the following:
    1. Click to open the main menu.
    2. Select Profiles.
  2. From the Profiles drop-down list, select QoS.
  3. Select a QoS profile from the list, click the More actions icon ( ) at the right edge of the row, and select Delete from the drop-down list.
  4. In the confirmation form, click OK.
The system deletes the selected profile and closes the confirmation form, returning you to the Profiles page with the QoS view selected. The profile you just deleted no longer appears in the list.