Fabric Services System installation

After the Fabric Services System deployer VM and the Fabric Services System nodes have been installed and configured, the environment is ready to be installed with the Fabric Services System application.

Using HTTPS for the UI and API

By default, HTTPS is enabled for the UI and API to enforce the use of TLS encryption (v1.2 or v1.3) for all communication to the Fabric Services System management interfaces. Enabling HTTPS guarantees that all information is secured against snooping or changes during transit.

During the installation, a set of default certificates are generated by the installer for use by the system in different functions. After the installation, a tool and process is available to replace these auto generated certificates with customer specific certificates. More information, see Certificate Management in the Fabric Services System User Guide.

Dual-stack networks

The system supports a dual-stack network, where each VM has an IPv4 and an IPv6 address; the system does not support a pure IPv6 network.
  • The network must be ready for IPv6 and IPv4 IP addresses.
  • Each node must be configured with an IPv4 and IPv6 default gateway and the gateways must be functional.
  • The pods running in the VMs need to connect to SR Linux, which is in a different network.
  • After creating the VMs, Nokia recommends that you verify the required connectivity over IPv4 and IPv6.
To enable support for a dual-stack network, set the enable_dual_stack_networks parameter to True in the sample-input.json file. You must also set an IP v6 address in the ip6 parameter for each worker node and storage node.

Load balancing using a VIP

The system supports cluster-based load balancing using a virtual IP (VIP) address for the OAM (UI, API, and other northbound services) and one for the node networks (for SR Linux ZTP and DHCP relay). If a Fabric Services System compute node that services an OAM or node network service IP becomes unavailable, the system can continue to service these networks through the VIP, as it automatically assigns the virtual IP to another compute node.

You can configure an IPv4 and IPv6 VIP for the OAM and node networks.

When cluster load balancing is configured, the MetalLB load balancer is installed on the K8s cluster. MetalLB provides load balancing service in L2 mode. MetalLB uses the configured IP address and assigns this IP address to each node in the cluster. MetalLB sets only one node to respond to ARP requests. If this active node fails, another node becomes active. Typically, the IP pool is within the CIDR of one of the interfaces of the nodes, so no extra routing configuration is needed in the network.

In the sample-input.json file, the parameters for configuring load-balancing are in k8s section, under lbconfig. First, set the lbtype parameter to native. The oam section is for configuring the VIP and interface on which to advertise the VIP for the North-bound interfaces (including the UI and REST API); the node section is for configuring the VIP and interface on which to advertise the VIP the node network (for SR Linux ZTP and DHCP relay). The VIP for the node network should be the same as the setting for ztpaddress and ztpv6address parameters in the sample-input.json.

Editing the installation configuration file

As part of the deployment, you must provide specific details about the configurable portions of the installation using a configuration file. The details you provide instruct the deployer how to proceed when setting up the Kubernetes deployment, the Fabric Services System software, and the Digital Sandbox.

Note: You can rename the input configuration file to a name specific to your deployment. In the examples that follow, the input configuration file is named sample-input.json.
  1. From the deployer, access the input configuration file.
    [root@fss-deployer ~] vi sample-input.json
  2. Edit the configuration file.

    Update the file with the following settings:

    • IP addresses of the nodes to be used in your Fabric Services System deployment
    • deployer node settings
    • worker node settings
    • storage node settings
      Note: When you set the devices parameter, specify only the partition name ("sdb" or "vdb" in the example below). You do not need to specify the path.
    • time synchronization
    • replica count
    • optional: Digital Sandbox installation characteristics
    • optional: remote syslog settings
    • optional: load balancer configuration

    The deployer creates three Kubernetes master nodes. To specify which worker nodes are Kubernetes master nodes, tag the nodes with the master role in the configuration file.

    The table below describes the fields in the sample-input.json file. Examples of sample-input.json files for IPv4 and dual-stack deployments follow.
    Table 1. Field definitions
    Heading Configurable values

    Specifies the IP address, gateway, and netmask configured on the network interface of the deployer VM. The deployer VM must be reachable by all of the Fabric Services System nodes, and the Fabric Services System nodes must be reachable by the deployer VM.

    • ipaddr: the IP address of the deployer VM.
    • gateway: the gateway address of the interface on the deployer node.
    • netmask: the netmask of the interface on the deployer node.

    Specifies the remote syslog server settings.

    • host: the IP address or FQDN of the remote syslog server.
    • port: the port that the rsyslog utility uses for network connectivity.
    • proto: the protocol used for syslog traffic, either TCP or UDP.
    Note: The system currently supports one remote syslog server.

    Specifies Digital Sandbox parameters.

    enabled: when this flag is set to true, the Digital Sandbox component is installed. Ensure that at least one worker node is tagged with the digitalsandbox role.

    When set to false, the Digital Sandbox component is not installed.


    Specifies Fabric Services System deployment options.

    • ztpaddress: specifies an address associated with the node running Traefik. The node can be any of the Fabric Services System cluster nodes. The SR Linux nodes connect to this IP address during the boot process to get the software image and the configuration. This IP address must be reachable from the SR Linux management network.
    • ztpv6address: specifies the IPv6 address associated with the node for SR Linux to connect using IPv6.
    • dhcpnode: specifies a node on which the Fabric Services System DHCP pod is scheduled.
    • dhcpinterface: specifies the address that the DHCP server listens to for any DHCP requests coming from the DHCP relay agent. Optionally, you can connect SR Linux nodes via the relay agent to reach the Fabric Services System if they are not on the management network.

      If the network is not configured with a DHCP relay agent, do not set this parameter; remove it if it present in the input configuration file.

    • dhcpv6interface: specifies the IPv6 address of the DHCPv6 relay agent.

      If the network is not configured with a DHCP relay agent, do not set this parameter; remove it if it present in the input configuration file.

    • truststoreFilename: specifies the location of the truststore filename with the absolute path information. The JKS file must be generated to access the LDAP server from the Fabric Services System instance. The alternate names in the certificate should match the name and IP address configured for the federation provider (using the Fabric Services System UI or REST API).
    • truststorePassword: specifies the password used to access the truststore

    • kafkaconfig: Configures the parameters that enable third-party tools to access Fabric Services System alarms.
      • port: the port number used by the client to connect to the Kafka service; specify a value between 30000 and 32767.
      • groupprefix: the user group prefix for the client to use to connect to Kafka service.
      • user and password: the credentials to use to authenticate.
      • maxConnections: the maximum number of clients that can connect to the Kafka service. The maximum allowed value is 10.

    Specifies whether the system supports dual-stack networks and configures cluster-based load balancing

    • enable_dual_stack_networks: specifies whether dual-stack network is supported. Set to True to enable support for IPv6 networks.
      Note: The system supports only a dual-stack network where each VM has an IPv4 and IPv6 address; the system does not support a pure IPv6 network.
    • lbconfig section: configuration for the OAM and node load balancing.

      lbtype: set to native to configure lode-balancing. If set, either the oam or node sections, or both sections must be provided.

      • oam section: configures load-balancing for the north-bound interface.

        interface: specifies the interface on which the load balancer address is advertised.

        ipv4: specifies the IPv4 address for the load balancer to use. This value is mandatory.

        ipv6: specifies the IPv6 address for load balancer to use.

      • node section: configures load-balancing for SR Linux ZTP and DHCP relay.

        interface: specifies the interface on which the load balancer address is advertised.

        ipv4: specifies the IPv4 address for the load balancer to use.

        ipv6: specifies the IP address for the load balancer to use. This value must be the same as the value for the ztpv6address parameter.


    Specifies the list of nodes intended to be part of the deployment, except for the deployer host. Worker nodes include storage nodes and Digital Sandbox nodes.

    • hostip: the IP address of the specific worker node .
    • ip6: the IPv6 address of the worker node; required if the enable_dual_stack_networks parameter is set to True.
    • hostname: the hostname of the worker node.
    • role: the specified role of the worker node.

      For Digital Sandbox nodes, specify this value as digitalsandbox.

      For Kubernetes master nodes, specify this value as master.


    Specifies the replica count for Gluster volumes, including the active volume.

    The default value is 1, indicating no replica (active volume only).

    A replica count higher than 1 creates the respective number of replica storage volumes. The value cannot be greater than the number of storage nodes.


    Specifies the list of nodes used to create a storage pool.

    Nokia recommends that you configure a minimum of three storage nodes.
    • hostip: the IP address of the specific storage node.
    • ip6: the IPv6 address of the specific storage node; required if the enable_dual_stack_networks parameter is set to True.
    • hostname: the hostname of the storage node.
    • devices: separate block devices must be configured. Configure a raw partition as xxx. If an existing file system is present on the device, the setup cannot proceed.

    Specifies whether the deployment consists of only a single node for extra small deployments.

    The default value is false, indicating that the deployment is a standard three- or six-node deployment.

    If set to true, the deployment is set up on a single node and has no redundancy built in.

    The following is an example of a sample-input.json configuration file for an IPv4 network.

      "deployernode": {
        "ipaddr": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "netmask": ""
      "digitalsandbox": {
        "enabled": true,
        "volumenode": "fss-node04"
      "fss": {
         "dhcpnode": "fss-node01",
         "dhcpinterface": "",
         "ztpaddress": "",     
         "kafkaconfig": {
             "port": "31000",
             "groupprefix": "fsskafka",
             "user": "fssalarms",
             "password": "fssalarms",
             "maxConnections": 2
      "rsyslog": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 51400,
            "proto": "udp"
      "k8s": {
          "enable_dual_stack_networks": false
          "lbconfig": {
            "lbtype": "native",
             "oam": {
               "interface": "eth0"
               "ipv4": [""]
              "node": {
              "interface": "eth1"
              "ipv4": [""]
      "replicacount": 2,
      "workernodes": [
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node01",
          "role": "master"
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node02",
          "role": "master"
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node03",
          "role": "master"
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node04",
          "role": "digitalsandbox"
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node05",
          "role": "digitalsandbox"
          "hostip": "",
         "hostname": "fss-node06",
          "role": "digitalsandbox"
      "storagenodes": [
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node04",
          "devices": [
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node05",
          "devices": [
          "hostip": "",
          "hostname": "fss-node06",
          "devices": [
    Dual stack

    The following is an example of a sample-input.json configuration file for dual stack, IPv4 and IPv6 network.

      "deployernode": {
        "ipaddr": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "netmask": ""
      "digitalsandbox": {
        "enabled": true,
        "volumenode": "fss-node04"
      "fss": {
         "dhcpnode": "fss-node01",
         "dhcpinterface": "",
         "dhcpv6interface": "2001:db8:f128:0::201/64",
         "ztpaddress": "",
         "ztpv6address": "2001:db8:f128:0::201",
         "truststoreFilename": "/root/fss.truststore.jks",
         "truststorePassword": "fss123"
         "kafkaconfig": {
             "port": "31000",
             "groupprefix": "fsskafka",
             "user": "fssalarms",
             "password": "fssalarms",
             "maxConnections": 2        
      "k8s": {
          "enable_dual_stack_networks": true
          "lbconfig": {
            "lbtype": "native",
             "oam": {
               "interface": "eth0",
               "ipv4": [""],
               "ipv6": ["2001:db8:f685:0::100"]
              "node": {
              "interface": "eth1",
              "ipv4": [""],
              "ipv6": ["2001:db8:f128:0::201"]
      "replicacount": 2,
      "rsyslog": {
          "host": "",
          "port": 514,
          "proto": "udp"
      "workernodes": [
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::201",
          "hostname": "fss-node01",
          "role": "master"
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::202",
          "hostname": "fss-node02",
          "role": "master"
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::203",
          "hostname": "fss-node03",
          "role": "master"
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::204",
          "hostname": "fss-node04",
          "role": "digitalsandbox"
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::205",
          "hostname": "fss-node05",
          "role": "digitalsandbox"
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::206",
          "hostname": "fss-node06",
          "role": "digitalsandbox"
      "storagenodes": [
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::204",
          "hostname": "fss-node04",
          "devices": [
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::205",
          "hostname": "fss-node05",
          "devices": [
          "hostip": "",
          "ip6": "2001:db8:f685:0::206",
          "hostname": "fss-node06",
         "devices": [

After you finish editing the input configuration file, you can install the Fabric Services System environment.

Installing the Fabric Services System environment

  1. Initiate the setup.
    [root@fss-deployer ~]$ fss-install.sh configure sample-input.json

    The CLI prompt indicates when the configuration is complete.

  2. Start the installation of Kubernetes, the Fabric Services System software, and the Digital Sandbox.
    [root@fss-deployer ~]$ fss-install.sh

    The installation time varies depending on the capacity of your system.

  3. After the installation script is completed, verify the installation by logging in to the Fabric Services System user interface using one of the node IP addresses.

    Log in using the following default username and password:

    Username: admin

    Password: NokiaFss1!

    Note: After the initial login, Nokia recommends that you change this default admin password to a stronger password to secure the platform properly.

How to troubleshoot a failed installation

If the Fabric Services System installation fails for any reason, you can use a script that is bundled with the system to generate information about the installation status. For assistance with troubleshooting, contact your Nokia support team.

The technical support script is included with the Fabric Services System.

For more information about the script and how to run it, see "Capturing troubleshooting data" in the Fabric Services System User Guide.