Adding a new network operating system version to the software catalog

The software catalog contains a list of network operating system (NOS) images that the Fabric Services System can use to deploy on nodes. The Fabric Services System ships with the latest version of supported NOS versions in the catalog at the time of release, but a operator can add a minor release to the software catalog.

Note: The same software and image catalogd are shared by all regions.
Use this procedure to update the Fabric Services System software catalog. You may need to execute this procedure in the following scenarios:
  • a new version the NOS is introduced for use with fabrics
  • after restoring a Digital Sandbox fabric
  • after a software upgrade
Note: Deleting an existing NOS that is in use causes a ZTP process failure. If you must delete an existing NOS image, ensure that no fabric is using it.
To guarantee that the functionality of Fabric Services System features are not affected, the addition of a new catalog and its SRL image must be approved and qualified by Nokia
  1. From the main menu , select Settings.
  2. Select Software Catalog.
  4. In the Software Image Details form that displays, set the following fields:
    • Vendor – this field is always set to Nokia
    • Operating System – select SRLinux or SROS210WBX
    • Software version – enter a valid software version; the Fabric Services System performs semantic validation depending on the selected operating system
  5. Click Save.
You can now use the new software image in a fabric intent or a maintenance intent.