Deploying a user-provided server certificate for northbound services

Perform this procedure while logged in to the deployer VM.
Use the following command to deploy a user-provided certificate for northbound services (such as the UI, REST API, and Kafka) to replace the certificate that was generated during installation: deploy-fss-server-certs --certificate <path> --key <path>

--certificate <path> is the path to the certificate file to be used the northbound services , in PEM format

--key <path> is the path to the private key file, in PEM format

  1. Deploy the user-provided server certificate for northbound services.
    # /root/bin/ deploy-fss-server-certs --certificate /root/userdata/mysrvr-valid29days.crt --key /root/userdata/mysrvr-valid29days.key
    WARNING: Certificate validity is less than 30 days and expires 2023-08-10 08:07:04
    FSS updated successfully
    Updating Kafka server certs,  this may take upto 10 minutes
  2. Optional: Verify the new server certificate.
    You can log in to the UI and inspect the server certificate or perform the procedure Displaying certificates.