API management

This section provides an overview of the requests (methods) used in the Fabric Services System REST API and provides basic examples.


The method defines the operation with a resource. The following methods are used in the Fabric Services System API:

Retrieves a resource or set of resources
Creates a resource or set of resources
Updates or replaces an existing resource or set of resources
Updates one or more specific properties of an existing resource or set of resources
Removes a resource or a set of resources

Working with the Swagger UI

The Swagger UI describes each service (resource) in the API.

You can select a service and view the endpoints per service and the supported call methods that you can use for each endpoint.
Figure 1. Endpoints for the LabelManager API
When you click the expand icon for an endpoint, you can view the relevant input parameters for a call.
Figure 2. Example of an expanded view
You can try and run API calls on the interactive Swagger UI.
Note: Before you execute a call through the Swagger UI, ensure that you have obtained an API access token, as described in Using the Swagger UI to authenticate. You need this access token when using the Authorize function on the Swagger UI.
From the expanded view of an endpoint, click Try it out. In the request body, the field become editable so you can enter values.
Figure 3. Executing a call on the Swagger UI
Click Execute to send the request. After you click Execute, the Responses section shows the curl command that was submitted and the Request URL. The Server response section shows the code returned by the server.
Figure 4. Responses section

Retrieving a resource

Use a GET request to retrieve an object or group of objects. When you use the UUID, the request returns a single object in JSON format; if you do not use a UUID, the request returns a JSON list of objects.

Retrieve a list of fabric objects

curl --fail -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS TOKEN>" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "https://fss.domain.tld/rest/intentmgr/api/v1/intents"

    "fabric": [
        "deployInfo": {
          "isFailed": false,
          "reason": "Delete Workload workload 1 Deployment Done.",
          "timestamp": "2022-11-22T19:19:12Z",
          "transactionId": "435561924323704832"
        "isDigitalSandbox": false,
        "name": "edge1_realnet_fabric",
        "state": "DeploymentDone",
        "uuid": "434325057192460288",
        "version": "1.0"
    "uuid": "434325057192329216",
    "version": "1.0",
    "wlCount": 0
    "fabric": [
        "deployInfo": {
          "isFailed": false,
          "reason": "Workload APP01 Deployment Done",
          "timestamp": "2022-11-22T22:58:46Z",
          "transactionId": "435584022265987072"
        "isDigitalSandbox": true,
        "name": "DSPOD01_gatenet_fabric",
"state": "DeploymentDone",
        "uuid": "435562509898940416",
        "version": "1.0"
    "uuid": "435562509865320448",
    "version": "1.0",
    "wlCount": 0

Retrieve a single fabric with its UUID

curl --fail -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS TOKEN>" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "https://fss.domain.tld/rest/intentmgr/api/v1/intents/434325057192329216"

  "fabric": [
      "deployInfo": {
        "isFailed": false,
        "reason": "Delete Workload workload 1 Deployment Done.",
        "timestamp": "2022-11-22T19:19:12Z",
        "transactionId": "435561924323704832"
      "isDigitalSandbox": false,
      "name": "edge1_realnet_fabric",
      "state": "DeploymentDone",
      "uuid": "434325057192460288",
      "version": "1.0"
  "uuid": "434325057192329216",
  "version": "1.0",
  "wlCount": 0

Create a resource

Use a POST request to create a new resource or set of resources. When you create a new object, you must provide a JSON object that contains all the attributes of the object as defined in the API specifications.

Create a label

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://fss.domain.tld/rest/labelmgr/api/v1/labels' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS TOKEN>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "comments": "",
  "defaultLabel": false,
  "externalID": "",
  "name": "Edge-Link",
  "value": "edgelabel"

  "externalID": "",
  "name": "Edge-Link",
  "value": "edgelabel",
  "comments": "",
  "defaultLabel": false

Updating an object

Use a PUT request to update an existing object.

Update a label

The following PUT request updates the comments for a label:

curl -X 'PUT' \
  'https://fss.domain.tld/rest/labelmgr/api/v1/labels' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS TOKEN>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "externalID": "",
  "name": "Edge-Link",
  "value": "edgelabel",
  "comments": "Updated Comment",
  "defaultLabel": false

  "externalID": "",
  "name": "Edge-Link",
  "value": "edgelabel",
  "comments": "Updated Comment",
  "defaultLabel": false

Deleting an object

Use a DELETE request to remove an object or a set of objects.

DELETE requests

The following DELETE request removes minor severity alarms:
curl -X 'DELETE' \
  'https://fss.domain.tld/rest/alarmmgr/api/v1/alarms?severity=minor' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS TOKEN>'
The following DELETE request removes an alarm with a UUID 424197038574403584:
curl -X 'DELETE' \
  'https://fss.domain.tld/rest/alarmmgr/api/v1/alarms/424197038574403584' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS TOKEN>'

Bulk API operations

A bulk API request is a single HTTPS request that contains multiple objects instead of a single object. For example, a regular POST requests contains the definition of a single object and creates that object, and then returns the created object. A bulk POST request contains a list of objects (of the same type and with the same hierarchy) where each object is handled individually and created; the return contains a list of created objects instead of a single object.

Bulk API requests use the same URIs as for single object requests. If single object is received, it handles it as regular API call. If a list of objects is received, it handles it as a bulk API request.

Bulk API requests are supported for POST, PUT and DELETE bulk API calls.


The maximum number of objects allowed for each bulk operation is as follows:

Table 1. Number of objects per operation
Operation Number of objects
POST 200
PUT 200
If request body is a JSON array, it is considered to be a bulk request. The following APIs already support arrays in the body and are not compatible with bulk API requests.
Table 2. Unsupported endpoints
Method Endpoint Details
POST/DELETE /auth/api/{version}/users/:uuid/roles add or remove role from user
POST/DELETE /auth/api/{version}/users/:uuid/usergroups add or remove users from user-group
POST/DELETE /auth/api/{version}/usergroups/:uuid/users associate or disassociate user from user-group
POST /intentmgr/api/{version}/intents/:uuid/fabrics/:fabricid/accept accept, commit, or update diff

POST and PUT requests

All POST and PUT endpoints that accept the JSON body (object) to create or update an object also expose bulk POST and bulk PUT endpoints.

Create a single region

POST http://fss.domain.tld/rest/intentmgr/api/v1/regions
{ /* single region object*/ }

Create multiple regions

POST http://fss.domain.tld/rest/intentmgr/api/v1/regions
[ { /* region1 object*/ }, { /* region2 object*/ }, { /* region3 object*/ } ]

Delete requests

DELETE endpoints that accept the resource ID in the URI or accept the JSON object as body (as identifier) also expose bulk DELETE endpoints.

Delete devices identified by UUID

The following example deletes a single device by its UUID:
DELETE http://fss.domain.tld/rest/inventory/api/v1/devices/{uuid}
The following example deletes multiple devices identified by their UUIDs:
DELETE http://fss.domain.tld/rest/inventory/api/v1/devices?uuid=1234&uuid=5678&uuid=4534

Delete objects by their labels

The following example deletes a single label identified by its name and value:
DELETE http://fss.domain.tld/rest/labelmgr/api/v1/labels
{ "name": "Tenant", "value": "tenant1" }
The following example deletes multiple labels:
DELETE http://fss.domain.tld/rest/labelmgr/api/v1/labels
[ { "name": "Tenant", "value": "tenant1" }, { "name": "tenant", "value": "tenant2" }, { "name": "tenant", "value": "tenant3" } ]

Bulk API response

A bulk API request can include the following response codes:

Table 3. Response codes
Code Description
200 All actions were successful; information for each object is provided in the body
207 Not all actions were successful; check the body for each object to identify the errors
4XX Something is wrong with the entire bulk API request and it cannot be handled; this code is returned when incorrect formatting is used or when too many objects have been provided

Response structure

The response structure allows for the easy handling of the response for each separate object; each object has a unique response. You can use the index in the response to map the response back to each object in the original request. The response also includes the overall status that lists how many actions were successful and how many failed.

The response has the following structure:
    "response": [
            "status": $STATUS_CODE_FIRST_OBJECT,
            "data": $RETURN_DATA_FIRST_OBJECT
            "status": $STATUS_CODE_SECOND_OBJECT,
            "data": $RETURN_DATA_SECOND_OBJECT
    "responseMetadata": {
        "failure": $NUMBER_OF_FAILED_OBJECTS,
        "total": $TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS
The following table describes the variables in the preceding response message.
Table 4. Variable definitions
Variable Description
$STATUS_CODE_*_OBJECT This variable specifies the HTTP response code that would be returned if a single object API request had been made with the specified action. For possible values, see Response codes.
$RETURN_DATA_*_OBJECT This variable specifies the HTTP response data that would be returned if a single object API request had been made with the specified action. For instance, it contains the object's data if the creation succeeded or an error output if something went wrong for the object.
$NUMBER_OF_SUCCESSFUL_OBJECTS This variable specifies for how many objects the action was successful.
$NUMBER_OF_FAILED_OBJECTS This variable specifies for how many objects the action failed.
$TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS This variable specifies the total number of objects provided. This value is the sum of $NUMBER_OF_SUCCESSFUL_OBJECTS and $NUMBER_OF_FAILED_OBJECTS.

Job manager framework

The Fabric Services System API job framework provides a way to handle REST API calls in a non-blocking manner so that the call returns to the invoking client immediately. The job manager manages the life cycle of a job.

At a high level, the job life cycle is as follows:
  1. An API client sends a request.
  2. The job manager creates a new job, validates it, and marks its status as Submitted.
  3. The new job is persisted in the Fabric Services System database.
  4. The job manager sends the client details about the accepted server operation in the form of a job with an ID, tracking URL, and other details.
The client can then use the tracking URL to poll for the job status.

Single auto-deploy command request body and response

The following examples show the request body that uses the auto-deploy command and the response from the system.
    "command": "AUTO_DEPLOY",
    "params": [
            "key": "intentId",
            "value": 123
            "key": "intentVersion",
            "value": "1.0"
    "id": "443896864224313344",
    "requestURI": "",
    "requestMethod": "",
    "command": "AUTO_DEPLOY",
    "params": [
            "key": "intentId",
            "value": 123,
            "type": ""
            "key": "intentVersion",
            "value": "1.0",
            "type": ""
    "enqueueTime": "2023-01-19T07:19:09.096617184Z",
    "endTime": null,
    "trackingURL": "/jobs/443896864224313344",
    "status": "Submitted",
    "failureReason": "",
    "result": null

Bulk API request and response

        "command": "AUTO_DEPLOY",
        "params": [
                "key": "intentId",
                "value": 123
                "key": "intentVersion",
                "value": "1.0"
        "command": "AUTO_DEPLOY",
        "params": [
                "key": "intentId",
                "value": 456
                "key": "intentVersion",
                "value": "2.0"
    "response": [
            "data": {
                "id": "443896864224313344",
                "requestURI": "",
                "requestMethod": "",
                "command": "AUTO_DEPLOY",
                "params": [
                        "key": "intentId",
                        "value": 123,
                        "type": ""
                        "key": "intentVersion",
                        "value": "1.0",
                        "type": ""
                "enqueueTime": "2023-01-19T07:19:09.096617184Z",
                "endTime": null,
                "trackingURL": "/jobs/443896864224313344",
                "status": "InProgress",
                "failureReason": "",
                "result": null
            "status": 202
            "data": {
                "id": "443896864291422208",
                "requestURI": "",
                "requestMethod": "",
                "command": "AUTO_DEPLOY",
                "params": [
                        "key": "intentId",
                        "value": 456,
                        "type": ""
                        "key": "intentVersion",
                        "value": "2.0",
                        "type": ""
                "enqueueTime": "2023-01-19T07:19:09.134867794Z",
                "endTime": null,
                "trackingURL": "/jobs/443896864291422208",
                "status": "Submitted",
                "failureReason": "",
                "result": null
            "status": 202
    "responseMetadata": {
        "success": 2,
        "failure": 0,
        "total": 2

Job retention

The system checks every hour for jobs that are older than 24 hours and purges them from the database to keep storage usage to a minimum.

Displaying inventory

You can gather and build a detailed inventory of all hardware in a data center. The hardware inventory includes details about chassis, CPMs, line cards, fans, PSUs, media adapters, or any hardware part with a part number or serial number.

The INVENTORY_UPDATE job command is used to gather and update information about all the hardware in a node.

To display the hardware details after updating it using the INVENTORY_UPDATE job command, use the following API endpoints:
  • to display hardware details for a single node: http://fss.domain.tld/rest/inventory/api/v1/regions/{regionid}/pdevices/{node uuid}/hardwaredetails
  • to display hardware details for a fabric intent: http://fss.domain.tld/rest/inventory/api/v1/inventory/api/v1/regions/{regionid}/intents/{fabric intent uuid}/pdeviceshardwaredetails
  • The fabric intent must be successfully deployed and the planned node has been associated with real-world hardware.
  • The nodes must be in the Ready state.
  1. Create a job using INVENTORY_UPDATE command.
    The endpoint is http://fss.domain.tld/rest/inventory/api/v1/jobs API.
    INVENTORY_UPDATE command request and response:
        "command": "INVENTORY_UPDATE",
        "params": [
            "key": "intentID",
            "value": "471251337657472994"   // the fabric intent uuid
        "response": [
                "data": {
                    "regionID": "471251302223992802",
                    "id": "471251417886119925",
                    "requestURI": "",
                    "requestMethod": "",
                    "command": "INVENTORY_UPDATE",
                    "params": [
                            "key": "intentID",
                            "value": "471251337657472994",
                            "type": ""
                    "enqueueTime": "2023-07-27T00:22:13.638365301Z",
                    "endTime": null,
                    "trackingURL": "/regions/471251302223992802/jobs/471251417886119925",
                    "status": "Submitted",
                    "failureReason": "",
                    "result": null
                "status": 202
        "responseMetadata": {
            "success": 1,
            "failure": 0,
            "total": 1
    Response when getting the latest state of the job, showing successful execution of the INVENTORY_UPDATE command:
        "regionID": "471251302223992802",
        "id": "471251971181926389",
        "requestURI": "",
        "requestMethod": "",
        "command": "INVENTORY_UPDATE",
        "params": [
                "key": "intentID",
                "value": "471251337657472994",
                "type": ""
        "enqueueTime": "2023-07-27T00:27:43.42Z",
        "endTime": "2023-07-27T00:27:43.66Z",
        "trackingURL": "/regions/471251302223992802/jobs/471251971181926389",
        "status": "Success",
        "failureReason": "",
        "result": {
            "devicesFailed": "0",
            "devicesProcessed": "2",
            "devicesSucceeded": "2",
            "errors": [],
            "successList": [
    Response when getting the latest state of the job, showing partially successful execution of the INVENTORY_UPDATE command:
        "regionID": "471251302223992802",
        "id": "471252375965816821",
        "requestURI": "",
        "requestMethod": "",
        "command": "INVENTORY_UPDATE",
        "params": [
                "key": "intentID",
                "value": "471251313649276898",
                "type": ""
        "enqueueTime": "2023-07-27T00:31:44.69Z",
        "endTime": "2023-07-27T00:31:44.877Z",
        "trackingURL": "/regions/471251302223992802/jobs/471252375965816821",
        "status": "Success",
        "failureReason": "",
        "result": {
            "devicesFailed": "2",
            "devicesProcessed": "4",
            "devicesSucceeded": "2",
            "errors": [
                    "additional_info": null,
                    "detail": "Device 471251331919730650 is not ready",
                    "errors": null,
                    "object_ref": "/inventory/api/v1/pdevices/471251331919730650/hardwaredetails",
                    "status": 412,
                    "title": "DEVICE_NOT_READY",
                    "type": "/inventory/errors?key=device-not-ready"
                    "additional_info": null,
                    "detail": "Device 471251329940019162 is not ready",
                    "errors": null,
                    "object_ref": "/inventory/api/v1/pdevices/471251329940019162/hardwaredetails",
                    "status": 412,
                    "title": "DEVICE_NOT_READY",
                    "type": "/inventory/errors?key=device-not-ready"
    Response when getting the latest state of the job, showing failed execution of the INVENTORY_UPDATE command:
        "regionID": "471251302223992802",
        "id": "471251417886119925",
        "requestURI": "",
        "requestMethod": "",
        "command": "INVENTORY_UPDATE",
        "params": [
                "key": "intentID",
                "value": "123",
                "type": ""
        "enqueueTime": "2023-07-27T00:22:13.638Z",
        "endTime": "2023-07-27T00:22:13.736Z",
        "trackingURL": "/regions/471251302223992802/jobs/471251417886119925",
        "status": "Fail",
        "failureReason": "did not have intent for  123",
        "result": null
  2. Display hardware details.
    Device and component inventory by fabric intent - sample request and response
    curl -X 'GET' \
      'https://fsp.nokia.com:8090/rest/inventory/api/v1/regions/471251302223992802/intents/471251337657472994/pdeviceshardwaredetails' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: NokiaFss1!'
    Device and component inventory by planned node UUID - sample request and response
    'https://fsp.nokia.com:8090/rest/inventory/api/v1/regions/471251302223992802/pdevices/471251337657472994/hardwaredetails' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: NokiaFss1!'
        "data": {
            "system": {
                "name": {
                    "host-name": "fssi468972054851374514-020003ff0000-665b644676-dzxzk"
                "information": {
                    "description": "SRLinux-v22.11.1-184-g6eeaa254f7 7250 IXR-6 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 Nokia. Kernel 4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Nov 9 20:13:27 UTC 2022",
                    "version": "v22.11.1-184-g6eeaa254f7"
            "platform": {
                "chassis": {
                    "clei-code": "Sim CLEI",
                    "hw-mac-address": "02:00:03:FF:00:00",
                    "manufactured-date": "01012019",
                    "part-number": "Sim Part No.",
                    "serial-number": "Sim Serial No.",
                    "type": ""
                "control": {
                    "A": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "slot": "A",
                        "software-version": "",
                        "type": "cpm2-ixr"
                    "B": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "slot": "B",
                        "software-version": "",
                        "type": ""
                "fabric": null,
                "fan-tray": {
                    "1": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 1
                    "2": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 2
                    "3": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 3
                "linecard": {
                    "1": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "software-version": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "slot": 1
                    "2": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "software-version": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "slot": 2
                    "3": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "software-version": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "slot": 3
                    "4": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "software-version": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "slot": 4
                "power-supply": {
                    "1": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 1
                    "2": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 2
                    "3": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 3
                    "4": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 4
                    "5": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 5
                    "6": {
                        "clei-code": "",
                        "manufactured-date": "",
                        "part-number": "",
                        "serial-number": "",
                        "type": "",
                        "id": 6
            "interface": null
        "lastUpdated": "2023-07-11T16:22:24Z",
        "name": "ds2-spine-1",
        "mgmtAddress": "",
        "serialNumber": "468972119493987729",
        "uuid": "468972119493987729",
        "softwareVersion": "22.11.1-184"