Verifying a deployment
This section provides examples of helpful commands to verify that your simulation session was successfully created.
Displaying details of a specific deployment
After creating a deployment, the following command can be used to display currently configured simulation sessions:
dsctl list deployment
The following will display all available deployments. In this case, we see that there are two successful deployments:
dsctl list deployment
| 00008 | star | Successful |
| 00009 | fire | Successful |
*: indicates some pods /
containers have restarted
The ID references in this output are internal numbers generated by the Digital Sandbox. Numbers increase with each new deployment.
Displaying details of a specific deployment
After creating a deployment, the following command can be used to display the details of a specific deployment:
dsctl list deployment -i <name>
The following will display the details of a deployment that was named ‛star’:
dsctl list deployment -i star
"nodes": {
"h1-leaf-1": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764238212235264",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "66",
"cpm": "177",
"card": "177",
"mda": "194"
"h1-leaf-2": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764238212300800",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "66",
"cpm": "177",
"card": "177",
"mda": "194"
"h1-spine-1": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764239571189760",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "42",
"cpm": "69",
"card": "127",
"mda": "182"
"h1-spine-2": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764239587966976",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "42",
"cpm": "69",
"card": "127",
"mda": "182"
"m1-leaf-1": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764942804975616",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "66",
"cpm": "177",
"card": "177",
"mda": "194"
"m1-leaf-2": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764942805041152",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "66",
"cpm": "177",
"card": "177",
"mda": "194"
"m1-spine-1": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764943526395904",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "42",
"cpm": "69",
"card": "127",
"mda": "182"
"m1-spine-2": {
"deviceType": 1,
"interfaces": [
"uuid": "348764943526461440",
"overrides": {
"tag": "0.0.0-27910"
"hwDetails": {
"chassis": "42",
"cpm": "69",
"card": "127",
"mda": "182"
"links": [
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/27"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/1"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/28"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/1"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/30"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/2"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/29"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/2"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/32"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/3"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/31"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/3"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/34"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/4"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/33"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/4"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/27"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/5"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/28"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/5"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/29"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/6"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/30"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/6"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/32"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/7"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/31"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/7"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/33"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/8"
"link": [
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/34"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/8"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/28"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/1"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/27"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/1"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/30"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/2"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/29"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/2"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/32"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/3"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/31"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/3"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/34"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/4"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/33"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/4"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/28"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/5"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/27"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/5"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/30"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/6"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/29"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/6"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/32"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/7"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/31"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/7"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/34"
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/8"
"link": [
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "ethernet-1/33"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "ethernet-1/8"
"isMgmtSegment": true,
"link": [
"node": "h1-spine-2",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"node": "h1-spine-1",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"node": "h1-leaf-2",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"node": "m1-spine-1",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"node": "m1-spine-2",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"node": "m1-leaf-2",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"node": "m1-leaf-1",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"node": "h1-leaf-1",
"itf": "mgmt0"
"dhcpItf": "dhcp-0",
"mgmtIP": ""
Displaying nodes and links
After creating a deployment, the following commands can be used to display the nodes and links associated with a specific deployment:
dsctl list nodes -i <name>
Example - nodes:
The following will display the nodes and their status that are associated with a deployment named ‛star’:
dsctl list nodes -i star
| as--sim-1 | Running | | 0/3/3 |
| as--sim-2 | Running | | 0/3/3 |
| as--sim-3 | Running | | 0/3/3 |
| dut2 | Running | | 0/3/3 |
| dut3 | Running | | 0/3/3 |
| dut4 | Running | | 0/3/3 |
| dut5 | Running | | 0/3/3 |
| mgmt-dhcp-server | Running | | 0/1/1 |
Example - links:
The following will display the links and their status that are associated with a deployment named ‛star’:
dsclt list links -i star
| 1009 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/27 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/1 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1017 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/28 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/1 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1018 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/30 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/2 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1010 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/29 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/2 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1019 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/32 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/3 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1011 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/31 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/3 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1020 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/34 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/4 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1012 | m1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/33 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/4 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1013 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/27 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/5 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1021 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/28 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/5 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1014 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/29 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/6 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1022 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/30 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/6 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1023 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/32 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/7 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1015 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/31 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/7 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1016 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/33 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/8 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1024 | m1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/34 | Installed | 0 | |
| | m1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/8 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1025 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/28 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/1 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1001 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/27 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/1 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1026 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/30 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/2 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1002 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/29 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/2 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1027 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/32 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/3 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1003 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/31 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/3 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1028 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/34 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/4 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1004 | h1-leaf-1 | ethernet-1/33 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/4 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1029 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/28 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/5 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1005 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/27 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/5 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1030 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/30 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/6 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1006 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/29 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/6 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1031 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/32 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/7 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1007 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/31 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/7 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1032 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/34 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-2 | ethernet-1/8 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1008 | h1-leaf-2 | ethernet-1/33 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | ethernet-1/8 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| 1000 | h1-spine-2 | mgmt0 | Installed | 0 | |
| | h1-spine-1 | mgmt0 | | | |
| | h1-leaf-2 | mgmt0 | | | |
| | m1-spine-1 | mgmt0 | | | |
| | m1-spine-2 | mgmt0 | | | |
| | m1-leaf-2 | mgmt0 | | | |
| | m1-leaf-1 | mgmt0 | | | |
| | h1-leaf-1 | mgmt0 | | | |
| | | | | | |
Checking a deployments status
After creating a deployment, the following command can be used to display the current status of a deployment you are actively creating or updating:
dsctl status deployment -i <name>
The following will display the current status of a deployment named ‛star’:
dsctl status deployment -i star
| False | False | 0 | 0 |
Deployment is successful.
The following definitions apply to this output table:
ISBUSY indicates if an update/create or delete is ongoing.
ISFAILED indicates if the create/update/delete failed for some reason.
NODEERRORS count indicates the number of node failures.
LINKERRORS count indicates the number of known link failures.
Connecting to network elements
Once you have a working deployment, you may want to connect to SR Linux nodes to review status and run SR Linux commands. You can connect into network elements using the following command:
dsctl connect {-n <name_string> | -e <expression_string>} -i <ID_string> [-z <IPaddress_string>] [-o <ssh_opt_string>]
To connect into an SR Linux node for a simulation session named ‛star’, use the following:
dsctl connect -i star -e dut2
After entering this command, you will be prompted to start the SR Linux CLI:
start cli: sr_cli
From here you can enter valid SR Linux commands.
Welcome to the srlinux CLI.
Type 'help' (and press <ENTER>) if you need any help using this.
--{ running }--[ ]--
dut2# show network-instance default protocols bgp neighbor
BGP neighbor summary for network-instance "default"
Flags: S static, D dynamic, L discovered by LLDP, B BFD enabled, - disabled, * slow
| Net- | Peer | Group | Flags | Peer- | State | Uptim | AFI/S | [Rx/A |
| Inst | | | | AS | | e | AFI | ctive |
| | | | | | | | | /Tx] |
| default | 192.1 | test | S | 65002 | esta- | 2d:11 | ipv4- | [6/3/ |
| | 68.11 | | | | blished | h:54m | unica | 6] |
| | .2 | | | | | :43s | st | [6/3/ |
| | | | | | | | ipv6- | 6] |
| | | | | | | | unica | |
| | | | | | | | st | |
| default | 192.1 | test | S | 65003 | esta- | 2d:11 | ipv4- | [6/2/ |
| | 68.12 | | | | blished | h:55m | unica | 7] |
| | .2 | | | | | :13s | st | [6/2/ |
| | | | | | | | ipv6- | 7] |
| | | | | | | | unica | |
| | | | | | | | st | |
| default | 2001: | test | S | 65002 | esta- | 2d:11 | ipv4- | [0/0/ |
| | 1::19 | | | | blished | h:55m | unica | 0] |
| | 2:168 | | | | | :0s | st | [9/0/ |
| | :11:2 | | | | | | ipv6- | 9] |
| | | | | | | | unica | |
| | | | | | | | st | |
| default | 2001: | test | S | 65003 | esta- | 2d:11 | ipv4- | [0/0/ |
| | 1::19 | | | | blished | h:55m | unica | 0] |
| | 2:168 | | | | | :20s | st | [9/0/ |
| | :12:2 | | | | | | ipv6- | 9] |
| | | | | | | | unica | |
| | | | | | | | st | |
None configured neighbors, None configured sessions are established,None
disabled peers None dynamic peers