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System Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Configuration Commands
System Information Commands
retry-down retries
retry-up retries
boot-bad-exec file-url
no boot-bad-exec
no boot-bad-exec
chassis-mode {chassis-mode} [force]
clli-code clli-code
no clli-code
config-backup count
no config-backup
contact contact-name
no contact
coordinates coordinates
no coordinates
address-pref {ipv4-only | ipv6-first}
no address-pref
lacp-system-priority lacp-system-priority
no lacp-system-priority
[no] l4-load-balancing
[no] mc-enh-load-balancing
location location
no location
name system-name
no name
no system-ip-load-balancing
System Alarm Commands
cflash-cap-alarm cflash-id rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] interval seconds [rmon-event-type] [startup-alarm alarm-type]
no cflash-cap-alarm cflash-id
cflash-cap-warn cflash-id rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] interval seconds [rmon-event-type] [startup-alarm alarm-type]
no cflash-cap-warn cflash-id
kb-memory-use-alarm rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] interval seconds [rmon-event-type] [startup-alarm alarm-type]
no kb-memory-use-alarm
kb-memory-use-warn rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] interval seconds [rmon-event-type] [startup-alarm alarm-type]
no kb-memory-use-warn
memory-use-alarm rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] interval seconds [rmon-event-type] [startup-alarm alarm-type]
no memory-use-alarm
memory-use-warn rising-threshold threshold [falling-threshold threshold] interval seconds [rmon-event-type] [startup-alarm alarm-type]
no memory-use-warn
[no] rmon
alarm rmon-alarm-id variable-oid oid-string interval seconds [sample-type] [startup-alarm alarm-type] [rising-event rmon-event-id rising-threshold threshold] [falling event rmon-event-id falling-threshold threshold] [owner owner-string]
no alarm rmon-alarm-id
event rmon-event-id [event-type] [description description-string] [owner owner-string]
no event rmon-event-id
Persistence Commands
description description-string
location cflash-id
description description-string
location cflash-id
description description-string
location cflash-id
description description-string
location cflash-id
description description-string
location cflash-id
PTP Commands
clock-type {{ordinary [master | slave]} | boundary}
[no] domain domain
network-type {sdh | sonet}
[no] peer ip-address
[no] priority priority
[no] priority1 priority
[no] priority2 priority
profile profile
[no] shutdown
System Time Commands
set-time [date] [time]
[no] ntp
authentication-key key-id key key [hash | hash2] type {des | message-digest}
[no] broadcast [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name} [key-id key-id] [version version] [ttl ttl]
broadcastclient [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name} [authenticate]
[no] multicast [version version] [key-id key-id]
[no] multicastclient [authenticate]
[no] ntp-server [transmit key-id]
[no] peer ip-address [version version] [key-id key-id] [prefer]
[no] server ip-address [key-id key-id] [version version] [prefer]
[no] sntp
server-address ip-address [version version-number] [normal | preferred] [interval seconds]
[no] dst-zone [std-zone-name | non-std-zone-name]
end {end-week} {end-day} {end-month} [hours-minutes]
offset offset
start {start-week} {start-day} {start-month} [hours-minutes]
zone std-zone-name | non-std-zone-name [hh [:mm]]
no zone
Cron Commands
[no] cron
[no] action action-name [owner owner-name]
expire-time {seconds | forever}
lifetime {seconds | forever}
max-completed unsigned
[no] results file-url
[no] script script-name [owner owner-name]
[no] shutdown
[no] schedule schedule-name [owner owner-name]
[no] action action-name [owner owner-name]
[no] day-of-month {day-number [] all}
count number
[no] description description-string
[no] end-time [date|day-name] time
[no] hour {..hour-number [..hour-number]|all}
[no] interval seconds
[no] minute {minute-number [..minute-number]|all}
[no] month {month-number [..month-number]|month-name [..month-name]|all}
[no] shutdown
type {schedule-type}
[no] weekday {weekday-number [..weekday-number]|day-name []|all}
[no] script [no] script script-name [owner owner-name]
[no] description description-string
[no] Specifies the script name.location file-url
[no] shutdown
[no] time-range name
absolute start start-absolute-time end end-absolute-time
no absolute start start-absolute-time
daily start start-time-of-day end end-time-of-day
no daily start start-time-of-day
weekdays start start-time-of-day end end-time-of-day
no weekdays start start-time-of-day
weekend start start-time-of-day end end-time-of-day
no weekend start start-time-of-day
weekly start start-time-in-week end end-time-in-week
no weekly start start-time-in-week
[no] tod-suite
filter ip ip-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
filter mac mac-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
no filter ip ip-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
no filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
no filtermac mac-filter-id [time-range time-range-name
qos policy-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
no qos policy-id [time-range time-range-name]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
no scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name [time-range time-range-name]
filter ip ip-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
filter mac mac-filter-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
no filter ip ip-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
no filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id [time-range time-range-name]
no filtermac mac-filter-id [time-range time-range-name
qos policy-id [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
no qos policy-id [time-range time-range-name]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name [time-range time-range-name] [priority priority]
no scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name [time-range time-range-name]
System Administration (Admin) Commands
debug-save file-url
disconnect {address ip-address | username user-name | console | telnet | ftp | ssh}
display-config [detail | index]
[no] enable-tech
force-discover [svc-id service-id]
reboot [active | standby | upgrade] [now]
synchronize {boot-env|config}
no synchronize
save [file-url] [detail] [index]
synchronize [boot-env | config]
tech-support [file-url]
System Synchronization Commands
line-length {110, 220, 330, 440, 550, 660}
source {line-ref|internal-clock}
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | eec1 | sec | prc | ssu-a | ssu-b | eec2}
ssm-bit sa-bit
ref-order first second [third [fourth]]
no ref-order
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | eec1 | sec | prc | ssu-a | ssu-b | eec2}
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | eec1 | sec | prc | ssu-a | ssu-b | eec2}
source-port port-id
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | eec1 | sec | prc | ssu-a | ssu-b | eec2}
source-port port-id
[no] revert
The following commands apply to the 7750 SR-c12 model.
ref-order first second [third]
no ref-order
bits-interface-type {ds1 [{esf | sf}] | e1 [{pcm30crc | pcm31crc}]}
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | eec1 | sec | prc | ssu-a | ssu-b | eec2}
source-bits slot/mda
no source-bits
source-port port-id
no source-port
ssm-bit sa-bit
bits-interface-type {ds1 [{esf | sf}] | e1 [{pcm30crc | pcm31crc}]}
ql-override {prs | stu | st2 | tnc | st3e | st3 | eec1 | sec | prc | ssu-a | ssu-b | eec2}
source-bits slot/mda
no source-bits
source-port port-id
no source-port
ssm-bit sa-bit
[no] revert
High Availability (Redundancy) Commands
display-config [detail |index]
synchronize {boot-env | config}
redundancy [to source 1]
delete {latest-rb | checkpoint-id | rescue}
revert [latest-rb] | checkpoint-id | rescue [now]
save (rollback) [rescue] [comment comment-string]
view [latest-rb | checkpoint-id | rescue]
view {latest-cfg | active-cfg | latest-rb | checkpoint-id}
[no] rollback-location file-url
[no] rescue-location file-url
no switchover-exec
[no] peer ip-address
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
no authentication-key
description description-string
no description
[no] mc-mobile
bfd-enable[service <service-id>] interface <interface-name>
[no] mc-endpoint
[no] bfd-enable
boot-timer interval
no boot-timer
no hold-on-neighbor-failure
no keep-alive-interval
[no] passive-mode
[no] shutdown
no system-priority
[no] mc-lag
no hold-on-neighbor-failure
no keep-alive-interval
lag lag-id lacp-key admin-key system-id system-id [remote-lag lag-id] system-priority system-priority
no lag lag-id
[no] shutdown
ring sync-tag [create]
no ring sync-tag
dst-ip ip-address
no dst-ip
interface ip-int-name
no interface
service-id service-id
no service-id
[no] path-b
[no] range vlan-range
[no] path-excl
[no] range vlan-range
ring-node ring-node-name [create]
no ring-node ring-node-name
dst-ip ip-address
no dst-ip
interval interval
no interval
service-id service-id
no service-id
[no] shutdown
src-ip ip-address
no src-ip
src-mac ieee-address
no src-mac
vlan [0..4094]
no vlan
[no] shutdown
no peer-name
[no] shutdown
source-address ip-address
no source-address
[no] sync
[no] igmp
[no] igmp-snooping
[no] local-dhcp-server
[no] mc-ring
[no] mld-snooping
port [port-id | lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag]
no port [port-id | lag-id]
range encap-range [sync-tag sync-tag]
no range encap-range
[no] shutdown
[no] srrp
[no] sub-host-trk
[no] sub-mgmt
boot-timer seconds
no boot-timer
site-activation-timer seconds
no site-activation-timer
synchronize {boot-env | config}
LLDP System Commands
no message-fast-tx
message-fast-tx-init count
no message-fast-tx-init
notification-interval time
no notification-interval
reinit-delay time
no reinit-delay
[no] shutdown
tx-credit-max count
no tx-credit-max
tx-hold-multiplier multiplier
no tx-hold-multiplier
tx-interval interval
no tx-interval
LLDP Ethernet Port Commands
port port-id
dest-mac {nearest-bridge | nearest-non-tpmr | nearest-customer}
admin-status {rx | tx | tx-rx | disabled}
tx-tlvs [port-desc] [sys-name] [sys-desc] [sys-cap]
Show Commands
tod-suite tod-suite-name [detail] associations failed-associations
time-range name associations [detail]
all [detail]
mc-endpoint statistics
mc-endpoint peer [ip-address] statistics
mc-endpoint endpoint [mcep-id] statistics
mc-endpoint peer [ip-address]
mc-mobile peer [ip-address | ipv6-address]
mc-lag [lag lag-id]
peer [peer ip-address [lag lag-id]] mc-lag
mc-ring peer ip-address statistics
mc-ring peer ip-address [ring sync-tag [detail|statistics] ]
mc-ring peer ip-address ring sync-tag ring-node [ring-node-name [detail | statistics] ]
mc-ring global-statistics
sync [port port-id | lag-id]
peer [port port-id]
connections [address ip-address [interface interface-name]] [port port-number] [detail]
cpu [sample-period seconds]
lldp neighbor
load-balancing-alg [detail]
ptp [ peer ip-address [detail] | peers [detail] | unicast | statistics | standby]
Clear Commands
group isa-aa-group-id statistics
group isa-aa-group-id status
mc-endpoint endpoint [mcep-id] statistics
mc-endpoint statistics
mc-endpoint peer [ip-address] statistics
mc-mobile statistics peer {ip-address | ipv6-address}
mc-lag [peer ip-address [lag lag-id]]
debounce peer ip-address ring sync-tag
ring-nodes peer ip-address ring sync-tag
peer ip-address
ring peer ip-address ring sync-tag
ring-node peer ip-address ring sync-tag node ring-node-name
sync-database peer ip-address all application application
sync-database peer ip-address {port port-id | lag-id | sync-tag sync-tag} application application
sync-database peer ip-address port port-id | lag-id sync-tag sync-tag application application
screen action-name [owner owner-name]
system sync-if-timing {ref1 | ref2 | bits}
trace log
Debug Commands
force-reference {ref1 | ref2 | bits}
no force-reference
http-connections [host-ip-address/mask]
no http-connections
ntp [router router-name] [interface ip-int-name]
Tools Commands
mc-endpoint peer ip-address
mc-ring peer ip-address [ring sync-tag]
sync-database [instance instance-id] [peer ip-address]
sync-database [peer ip-address] [port port-id | lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [application application] [detail] [type type]