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If SNMP engine ID is changed in the config>system>snmp> engineID engine-id context, the current configuration must be saved and a reboot must be executed. If not, the previously configured SNMP communities and logger trap-target notify communities will not be valid for the new engine ID.Note: In conformance with IETF standard RFC 2274, User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3), hashing algorithms which generate SNMPv3 MD5 or SHA security digest keys use the engineID. Changing the SNMP engineID invalidates all SNMPv3 MD5 and SHA security digest keys and may render the node unmanageable.The no form of the command reverts to the default setting.general-portgeneral-port port-numberThis command configures the port number used by this node to receive SNMP request messages and to send replies. Note that SNMP notifications generated by the agent are sent from the port specified in the config>log>snmp-trap-group>trap-target CLI command.The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
Values packet-sizepacket-size bytesThe no form of this command to revert to default.1500 bytes
Values snmp[no] shutdownThe no form of the command administratively re-enables SNMP request/response bundling and TCP-based transport mechanism.[no] shutdownThis command is automatically invoked in the event of a reboot when the processing of the configuration file fails to complete or when an SNMP persistent index file fails while the bof persist on command is enabled.The no form of the command administratively enables SNMP which is the default state.access group[no] access group group-name security-model security-model security-level security-level [context context-name [prefix-match]] [read view-name-1] [write view-name-2] [notify view-name-3]Access must be configured unless security is limited to SNMPv1/SNMPv2c with community strings (see the community on ).To remove the user group with associated, security model(s), and security level(s), use:
no access group group-nameTo remove a security model and security level combination from a group, use:
no access group group-name security-model {snmpv1 | snmpv2c | usm} security-level {no-auth-no-privacy | auth-no-privacy | privacy}Specifies that authentication is required but privacy (encryption) is not required. When this option is configured, both the group and the user must be configured for authentication.Specifies that both authentication and privacy (encryption) is required. When this option is configured, both the group and the user must be configured for authentication. The user must also be configured for privacy.context context-nameThe context-name is treated as either a full context-name string or a context name prefix depending on the keyword specified (exact or prefix).The VPRN context names begin with a vprn prefix. The numerical value is associated with the service ID that the VPRN was created with and identifies the service in the service domain. For example, when a new VPRN service is created such as config>service>vprn 2345 customer 1, a VPRN with context name vprn2345 is created.The exact keywork specifies that an exact match between the context name and the prefix value is required. For example, when context vprn2345 exact is entered, matches for only vprn2345 are considered.The prefix keyword specifies that only a match between the prefix and the starting portion of context name is required. If only the prefix keyword is specified, simple wildcard processing is used. For example, when context vprn prefix is entered, all vprn contexts are matched.
Default read view-name
Default write view-name
Values notify view-name
Values If multiple attempts commands are entered, each command overwrites the previously entered command.The no form of the command resets the parameters to the default values.attempts 20 time 5 lockout 10 — 20 failed SNMP attempts allowed in a 5 minute period with a 10 minute lockout for the host if exceeded.
Values 1 — 64time minutes1
Values 0 — 60lockout minutes2
Values communitycommunity community-string [hash | hash2] access-permissions [version SNMP-version] [src-access-list list-name]This command creates SNMP community strings for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c access. This command is used in combination with the predefined access groups and views. To create custom access groups and views and associate them with SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c access use the usm-community command.When configured, community implies a security model for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c only.
For SNMPv3 security, the access group command on page 306 must be configured.The no form of the command removes a community the hashing scheme for community-string. Hash specifies that the key is entered in an encrypted form. If the hash parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in a non-encrypted, clear text form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form. Hash2 specifies that the key is entered in a more complex encrypted form.r — Grants only read access to objects in the MIB, except security objects, using the internal "snmp-ro" access group and the "no-security" snmp — Grants read and write access to all objects in the MIB, using the internal "snmp-rw" access group and the "no-security" snmp view.rwa — Grants read and write access to all objects in the MIB, including security, using the internal "snmp-rwa" access group and the "iso" snmp view.mgmt — Assigns a unique SMMP community string for SNMP access via the "management" routing instance. This community uses the internal "snmp-mgmt" access group and the "mgmt" snmp view.vpls-mgmt — Assigns a unique SNMP community string for SNMP access via the "vpls-management" routing instance. This community uses the internal "snmp-vpls-mgmt" access group and "mgmt-view" snmp view.
Default bothConfigures the community to reference a specific src-access-list, which will be used to validate the source IP address of all received SNMP requests that use this community. Multiple community, usm-community, or vprn snmp community instances can reference the same src-access-list.maskconfig>system>security>snmp>view view-nameThe mask value and the mask type, along with the oid-value configured in the view command, determines the access of each sub-identifier of an object identifier (MIB subtree) in the view.Per RFC 2575, View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), each MIB view is defined by two sets of view subtrees, the included view subtrees, and the excluded view subtrees. Every such view subtree, both the included and the excluded ones, are defined in this table. To determine if a particular object instance is in a particular MIB view, compare the object instance’s object identifier (OID) with each of the MIB view’s active entries in this table. If none match, then the object instance is not in the MIB view. If one or more match, then the object instance is included in, or excluded from, the MIB view according to the value of vacmViewTreeFamilyType in the entry whose value of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree has the most sub-identifiers.The no form of this command removes the mask from the configuration.Specifies whether to include or exclude MIB subtree objects. included - All MIB subtree objects that are identified with a 1 in the mask are available in the view. (Default: included).excluded - All MIB subtree objects that are identified with a 1 in the mask are denied access in the view. (Default: included).
Default snmpsrc-access-list list-nameno src-access-list list-nameAn src-address-list referenced by one or more community instances is used to verify the source IP addresses of an SNMP request using the community regardless of which VPRN/VRF interface (or ‘Base’ interface) the request arrived on. For example, if an SNMP request arrives on an interface in vprn 100 but the request is referencing a community, then the source IP address in the packet would be validated against the src-address-list configured for the community. This occurs regardless of whether the request is destined to a VPRN interface address and the VPRN has SNMP access enabled, or the reques is destined to the base system address via GRT leaking. If the request’s source IP address does not match the ip-address of any of the src-hosts contained in the list, then the request will be discarded and logged as an SNMP authentication failure.You can configure a maximum of 16 src-access-lists. Each src-access-list can contain a maximum of 16 src-hosts.The no form of this command removes the named src-access-list. You cannot remove an src-access-list that is referenced by one or more community instances.Configures the name or key of the src-access-list. The list-name parameter must begin with a letter (a-z or A-Z).no src-host host-nameThe no form of this command removes the specified entry.Configures the name of the src-host entry.
Values usm-communityno usm-community community-stringThe no form of this command removes a community string.Specify the group that governs the access rights of this community string. This group must be configured first in the config system security snmp access group context.
(Default: none)Configures the usm-community to reference a specific src-access-list that will be used to validate the source IP address of all received SNMP requests that use this usm-community. Multiple community, usm-community, or vprn snmp community instances can reference the same src-access-list.viewOnce the subtree (OID) is identified, a mask can be created to select the portions of the subtree to be included or excluded for access using this particular view. See the mask command. The view(s) configured with this command can subsequently be used in read, write, and notify commands which are used to assign specific access group permissions to created views and assigned to particular access groups.The object identifier (OID) value for the view-name. This value, for example,, combined with the mask and include and exclude statements, configures the access available in the view.