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sFlow Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
To enable sFlow collection, an operator must enable sFlow on physical Ethernet ports in addition to the following configuration. Refer to the Ethernet Port Commands section in the 7750 or 7950 SR OS Interface Configuration Guide for the CLI required to enable sFlow on physical ports.
System Commands
egress-counter-map { policer policer-id | queue queue-id} traffic-type {unicast | multicast | broadcast } [create]
no egress-counter-map { policer policer-id | queue queue-id }
ingress-counter-map { policer policer-id | queue queue-id } traffic-type { unicast | multicast | broadcast } [create]
no ingress-counter-map { policer policer-id | queue queue-id }
receiver receiver-name [create]
ip-addr-primary ip-address[:port]
ip-addr-backup ip-address[:port]
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