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→ Figure 14 displays an example of an IS-IS routing domain.Figure 14: IS-IS Routing Domain
• Level 1 intermediate systems — Routing is performed based on the area ID portion of the ISO address called the network entity title (NET). Level 1 systems route within an area. They recognize, based on the destination address, whether the destination is within the area. If so, they route toward the destination. If not, they route to the nearest Level 2 router.The Level 1 router’s area address portion is manually configured (see ISO Network Addressing ). A Level 1 router will not become a neighbor with a node that does not have a common area address. However, if a Level 1 router has area addresses A, B, and C, and a neighbor has area addresses B and D, then the Level 1 router will accept the other node as a neighbor, as address B is common to both routers. Level 2 adjacencies are formed with other Level 2 nodes whose area addresses do not overlap. If the area addresses do not overlap, the link is considered by both routers to be Level 2 only and only Level 2 LSPDUs flow on the link.
• Pseudonode — Where a broadcast sub-network has n connected intermediate systems, the broadcast sub-network itself is considered to be a pseudonode. The pseudonode has links to each of the n intermediate systems and each of the ISs has a single link to the pseudonode (rather than n-1 links to each of the other intermediate systems). Link-state PDUs are generated on behalf of the pseudonode by the designated IS.An end system can have multiple NSAP addresses, in which case the addresses differ only by the last byte (called the n-selector). Each NSAP represents a service that is available at that node. In addition to having multiple services, a single node can belong to multiple areas.Routers with common area addresses form Level 1 adjacencies. Routers with no common NET addresses form Level 2 adjacencies, if they are capable (Figure 15).Figure 15: Using Area Addresses to Form Adjacencies
• SRs can build a link-state PDU based upon their local interfaces that are configured for IS-IS and prefixes learned from other adjacent routers.
• SRs flood LSPs to the adjacent neighbors except the neighbor from which they received the same LSP. The link-state database is constructed from these LSPs.
• Although an operator on this or on a neighboring IS-IS router has configured setting of the IS‑IS administrative tags, it will not have any effect unless policies are configure to instruct how to process the given tag value.config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry>fromconfig>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry>action tag tag-value
config>router>policy-options>policy-statement# default-action tag tag-value
• BGP-AD VPLS, BGP-VPLS, BGP VPWS when the use-provisioned-sdp option is enabled in the binding to the PW template.Segment routing introduces the remote LFA feature which expands the coverage of the LFA by computing and automatically programming SR tunnels which are used as backup next-hops. The SR shortcut tunnels terminate on a remote alternate node which provides loop-free forwarding for packets of the resolved prefixes. When the loopfree-alternate option is enabled in an IS-IS or OSPF instance, SR tunnels are protected with an LFA backup next-hop. If the prefix of a given SR tunnel is not protected by the base LFA, the remote LFA will automatically compute a backup next-hop using an SR tunnel if the remote-lfa option is also enabled in the IGP instance.There are two mutually-exclusive modes of operation for the prefix SID range on the router. In the global mode of operation, the user configures the global value and this IGP instance will assume the start label value is the lowest label value in the SRGB and the prefix SID index range size equal to the range size of the SRGB. Once one IGP instance selected the global option for the prefix SID range, all IGP instances on the system will be restricted to do the same.The user must shutdown the segment routing context and delete the prefix-sid-range command in all IGP instances in order to change the SRGB. Once the SRGB is changed, the user must re-enter the prefix-sid-range command again. The SRGB range change will fail if an already allocated SID index/label goes out of range.The user must shutdown the segment routing context of an IGP instance in order to change the SID index/label range of that IGP instance using the prefix-sid-range command. In addition, any range change will fail if an already allocated SID index/label goes out of range.The user can, however, change the SRGB on the fly as long as it does not reduce the current per‑IGP instance SID index/label range defined with the prefix-sid-range. Otherwise, the user must shutdown the segment routing context of the IGP instance and delete and re-configure the prefix‑sid‑range command.configure> router>isis>segment-routing>no shutdownThis command will fail if the user has not previously enabled the router-capability option in the IGP instance. Segment routing is a new capability and needs to be advertised to all routers in a given domain so that routers which support the capability will only program the node SID in the data path towards neighbors which support it.Note that the IGP segment routing extensions are area-scoped. As a consequence, the user must configure the flooding scope to area in OSPF and to area or as in IS-IS, otherwise performing no shutdown of the segment-routing node fail.The segment-routing command is mutually exclusive with the rsvp-shortcut and advertise‑tunnel-link options under IGP, because an SR tunnel cannot resolve to an RSVP tunnel next-hop.Next, the user assigns a node SID index or label to the prefix representing the primary address of an IPv4 network interface of type loopback using one of the following commands:Once segment routing is successfully enabled in the IS-IS or OSPF instance, the router will perform the following operations. See Control Protocol Changes for details of all TLVs and sub-TLVs for both IS-IS and OSPF protocols.For example: In two different instances (L2, IS-IS instance 1 and L1, IS-IS instance 2—see Figure 17), Router D has the same prefix destination, with different SIDs (SIDx and SIDy).− prefix N− prefix NThe behavior in the case of a global SID index range is illustrated by the IS-IS example in Figure 18.− prefix N− prefix NThe segment routing module adds to TTM an SR tunnel entry for each resolved remote node SID prefix and programs the data path with the corresponding LTN with the push operation pointing to the primary and LFA backup NHLFEs . The LFA backup next-hop for a given prefix which was advertised with a node SID will only be computed if the loopfree-alternate option is enabled in the IS-IS or OSPF instance. The resulting SR tunnel which is populated in TTM will be automatically protected with FRR when an LFA backup next-hop exists for the prefix of the node SID.The TTM is used in the case of BGP shortcuts, VPRN auto-bind, or BGP transport tunnel when the tunnel binding commands are configured to the any value which parses the TTM for tunnels in the protocol preference order. The user can choose to either go with the global TTM preference or list explicitly the tunnel types they want to use. When they list the tunnel types explicitly, the TTM preference will still be used to select one type over the other. In both cases, a fallback to the next preferred tunnel type is performed if the selected one fails. Also, a reversion to a more preferred tunnel type is performed as soon as one is available. See BGP Shortcut Using Segment Routing Tunnel, BGP Label Route Resolution Using Segment Routing Tunnel, and Service Packet Forwarding with Segment Routing for the detailed service and shortcut binding CLI.
• Cfg_SR_MTU is the MTU configured by the user for all SR tunnels within a given IGP instance using the above CLI. If no value was configured by the user, the SR tunnel MTU will be fully determined by the IGP interface calculation explained next.
• IGP_Tunnel_MTU is the minimum of the IS-IS or OSPF interface MTU among all the ECMP paths or among the primary and LFA backup paths of this SR tunnel.The remote LFA algorithm for link protection is described in RFC 7490. Unlike the regular LFA calculation, which is calculated per prefix, the LFA algorithm for link protection is a per-link LFA SPF calculation. As such, it provides protection for all destination prefixes which share the protected link by using the neighbor on the other side of the protected link as a proxy for all these destinations. Assume the topology in Figure 19.Figure 19: Remote LFA AlgorithmThe Q space calculation is effectively a reverse SPF on node B. In general, one reverse SPF is run on behalf of each of C neighbors to protect all destinations resolving over the link to the neighbor. This yields nodes F and A in the example of Figure 19.
3. Select the best alternate node: this is the intersection of extended P and Q spaces. The best alternate node or PQ node is node F in the example of Figure 19. From node F onwards, traffic follows the IGP shortest path.The details of the label stack encoding when the packet is forwarded over the remote LFA next-hop is shown in Figure 20.Figure 20: Remote LFA Next-Hop in Segment Routing
• If the user excludes a network IP interface from being used as an LFA next-hop using the CLI command loopfree-alternate-exclude under the interface’s IS-IS or OSPF context, the interface will also be excluded from being used as the outgoing interface for a remote LFA tunnel next-hop.A packet received with a label matching either a node SID or an adjacency SID will be forwarded according to the ILM type and operation, as described in Table 8.
Table 8: Data Path Support A router forwarding an IP or a service packet over an SR tunnel pushes a maximum of three transport labels with a remote LFA next-hop, and four transport labels when the P and Q nodes are at most one hop away from each other (directed LFA if implemented by Node B). This is illustrated in Figure 21.When the hash-label option is enabled in a service context, the insertion of the hash label into the bottom of the label stack of a packet forwarded using segment routing transport tunnel is performed.New TLV/sub-TLVs are defined in draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions and are supported in the implementation of segment routing in IS-IS. Specifically:Similarly, if prefix SID sub-TLVs for the same prefix are received in different MT numbers of the same IS-IS instance, then only the one in MT=0 will be resolved as long as there is a IP Reachability TLV received for same prefix. When the prefix SID index is also duplicated, an error is logged and a trap is generated, as explained in Error and Resource Exhaustion Handling.New TLV/sub-TLVs are defined in draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions-04 and are required for the implementation of segment routing in OSPF. Specifically:SR OS supports propagation on ABR of external prefix LSA into other areas with routeType set to 3 as per Section 6.2 of draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions-04.SR OS supports propagation on ABR of external prefix LSA with route type 7 from NSSA area into other areas with route type set to 5 as per Section 6.3 of draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions-04.When resolution is set to any, any supported tunnel type in BGP shortcut context will be selected following TTM preference. The following tunnel types are supported in a BGP shortcut context and in order of preference: RSVP, LDP, Segment Routing and BGP.When the sr-isis or sr-ospf value is enabled, an SR tunnel to the BGP next-hop is selected in the TTM from the lowest preference ISIS or OSPF instance. If many instances have the same lowest preference from the lowest numbered IS-IS or OSPF instanceWhen the resolution option is explicitly set to disabled, the default binding to LDP tunnel resumes. If resolution is set to any, any supported tunnel type in BGP label route context will be selected following TTM preference.When the sr-isis or sr-ospf is specified using the resolution-filter option, a tunnel to the BGP next-hop is selected in the TTM from the lowest numbered ISIS or OSPF instance.The SDP of type sr-isis or sr-ospf can be used with the far-end option. When the sr-isis or sr-ospf value is enabled, a tunnel to the far-end address is selected in the TTM from the lowest preference ISIS or OSPF instance. If many instances have the same lowest preference from the lowest numbered IS-IS or OSPF instanceThe tunnel-far-end option is not supported. In addition, the mixed-lsp-mode option does not support the sr-isis and sr-ospf tunnel types.The signaling protocol for the service labels for an SDP using an SR tunnel can be configured to static (off), T-LDP (tldp), or BGP (bgp).SR tunnels can be used in VPRN and BGP EVPN with the auto-bind-tunnel command. See Next-hop Resolution Using Tunnels for more information.Both VPN-IPv4 and VPN-IPv6 (6VPE) are supported in a VPRN or BGP EVPN service using segment routing transport tunnels with the auto-bind-tunnel command.Refer to the SR OS Layer 3 Services Guide and the BGP chapter of the SR OS Routing Protocols Guide for more details of the VPRN auto-bind-tunnel CLI command.The user can configure a spoke-SDP bound to an SR tunnel to forward mirrored packets from a mirror source to a remote mirror destination. In the configuration of the mirror destination service at the destination node, the remote-source command must use a spoke-sdp with VC-ID which matches the one the user configured in the mirror destination service at the mirror source node. The far-end option is not supported with an SR spoke-sdp <sdp-id:vc-id>spoke-sdp <sdp-id:vc-id> [create]
• sdp-id matches an SDP which uses an SR tunnel
• the far-end command is not supported with SR tunnel at mirror destination node; user must reference a spoke-SDP using a segment routing SDP coming from mirror source node:
→ no far-end ip-addressMirroring and LI are also supported with the PW redundancy feature when the endpoint spoke-sdp, including the ICB, is using an SR tunnel. Routable Lawful Intercept Encapsulation (config>mirror>mirror-dest>encap# layer-3-encap) when the remote L3 destination is reachable over an SR tunnel is also supported.The RIB processing of specific routes can be prioritized through the use of the rib-priority command. This command allows specific routes to be prioritized through the protocol processing so that updates are propagated to the FIB as quickly as possible.The rib-priority command is configured within the global IS-IS routing context, and the administrator has the option to either specify a prefix-list or an IS-IS tag value. If a prefix list is specified than route prefixes matching any of the prefix list criteria will be considered high priority. If instead an IS-IS tag value is specified then any IS-IS route with that tag value will be considered high priority.Figure 22 displays the process to provision basic IS-IS parameters.Figure 22: IS-IS Configuration and Implementation Flow