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[no] shutdownThe shutdown command administratively disables the entity. When disabled, an entity does not change, reset, or remove any configuration settings or statistics. Many entities must be explicitly enabled using the no shutdown command.The shutdown command administratively disables an entity. The operational state of the entity is disabled as well as the operational state of any entities contained within. Many objects must be shut down before they may be deleted.Unlike other commands and parameters where the default state is not indicated in the configuration file, shutdown and no shutdown are always indicated in system generated configuration files.The no form of the command puts an entity into the administratively enabled shutdown: config>router>igmp
config>router>igmp>interface ip-int-name
config>router>pim>rp>rp-candidatedescription description-stringThe description command associates a text string with a configuration context to help identify the context in the configuration file.The no form of the command removes any description string from the context.[no] ip-fast-rerouteThis command specifies the maximum number of multicast routes that can be held within a VPN routing/forwarding (VRF) context. When this limit is reached, a log and SNMP trap are sent. If the log-only parameter is not specified and the maximum-routes value is set below the existing number of routes in a VRF, then no new joins will be processed.The no form of the command disables the limit of multicast routes within a VRF context. Issue the no form of the command only when the VPRN instance is shutdown.
Values Specifies that if the maximum limit is reached, only log the event. log-only does not disable the learning of new routes.threshold threshold
Default multicast-info-policy policy-name
Values [no] igmpThe no form of the command disables the IGMP instance. To start or suspend execution of IGMP without affecting the configuration, use the no shutdown command.grp-if-query-src-ip ip-addressThe no form of the command removes the IP address.The no form of the command deletes the IGMP interface. The shutdown command in the config>router>igmp>interface context can be used to disable an interface without removing the configuration for the interface — No interfaces are defined.The IP interface name. Interface names must be unique within the group of defined IP interfaces for config router interface and config service ies interface commands. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. Interface names can be any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.[no] disable-router-alert-checkThe no form of the command disables the IGMP router alert check option.import policy-nameThis command applies the referenced IGMP policy (filter) to a subscriber or a group-interface. An IGMP filter is also known as a black/white list and it is defined under the configure>router>policy-options.The no form of the command removes the policy association from the IGMP import — No import policy specified.The route policy name. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. Route policies are configured in the config>router>policy-options context.query-src-ip ip-addressThe no form of the command removes the IP address.The no form of the command disables the command.The no form of the command disables the command.max-groups [1..16000]Values 1 — 16000max-grp-sources [1..32000]The no form of the command reverts to the default.
Values max-sources [1..1000]The source command is mutually exclusive with the specification of individual sources for the same group.Use the no form of the command to remove the source from the configuration.[no] stargUse the no form of the command to remove the starg entry from the configuration.[no] subnet-checkversion versionValues 1, 2, 3Values >= 1000Values 2 — 1024query-last-member-interval secondsValues 1 — 1024query-response-interval secondsValues 1 — 1023robust-count robust-countValues 2 — 10This command enables the context to configure group ranges which are translated to SSM (S,G) entries. If the static entry needs to be created, it has to be translated from a IGMPv1 IGMPv2 request to a Source Specific Multicast (SSM) join. An SSM translate source can only be added if the starg command is not enabled. An error message is generated if you try to configure the source command with starg command enabled.This command specifies the source IP address for the group range. Whenever a (*,G) report is received in the range specified by grp-range start and end parameters, it is translated to an (S,G) report with the value of this object as the source lsp-name
Values sender lsp-nameThe no form of the command removes the source from the configuration.[no] stargThe no form of the command removes the starg entry from the configuration.[no] pimPIM is used for multicast routing within the network. Devices in the network can receive the multicast feed requested and non-participating routers can be pruned. The router OS supports PIM sparse mode (PIM-SM).Interface names are case-sensitive and must be unique within the group of defined IP interfaces defined for config router interface, config service ies interface, and config service ies subscriber-interface group-interface. Interface names must not be in the dotted decimal notation of an IP address. For example, the name “” is not allowed, but “int-” is allowed. Show commands for router interfaces use either the interface names or the IP addresses. Ambiguity can exist if an IP address is used as an IP address and an interface name. Duplicate interface names can exist in different router instances, although this is not recommended because it may be confusing.The no form of the command removes the IP interface and all the associated configurations.The name of the IP interface. Interface names must be unique within the group of defined IP interfaces for config router interface, config service ies interface, and config service ies subscriber-interface group-interface commands. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.If the ip-int-name already exists, the context is changed to maintain that IP interface. If ip-int-name does not exist, the interface is created and the context is changed to that interface for further command processing.If a manually created or modified interface is deleted, the interface will be recreated when (re)processing the apply-to command and if PIM is not required on a specific interface a shutdown should be executed.The apply-to command is first saved in the PIM configuration structure. Then, all subsequent commands either create new structures or modify the defaults as created by the apply-to command.none (keyword)assert-period assert-periodThe no form of the command removes the assert-period from the configuration.
Values The no form of this command removes BFD from the associated IGP protocol adjacency.The no form of the command disables SPT switchover for default MDT. On disable, PIM instance resets all MDTs and reinitiate setup.This command specifies the import route policy to be used. Route policies are configured in the config>router>policy-options context.The no form of the command removes the policy association from the import join-policy
no import register-policyThe route policy name. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. Route policies are configured in the config>router>policy-options context.[no] ipv4-multicast-disableNote that IPv4 multicast must be enabled to enable mLDP in-band signaling for IPv4 PIM joins; see p2mp-ldp-tree-join.[no] lag-usage-optimizationThis is independent whether lag-usage-optimization is enabled or disabled.[no] mc-ecmp-balanceThe no form of the command disables the multicast minutes[no] mc-ecmp-hashing-enabledThis command is mutually exclusive with the mc-ecmp-balance command in the same context.The no form of the command disables the hash-based multicast balancing of traffic over ECMP links.The no version of this command disables MoFRR for PIM interfaces.Note that IPv6 multicast must be enabled to enable mLDP in-band signaling for IPv6 PIM joins; see p2mp-ldp-tree-join.[no] bsm-check-rtr-alerthello-interval hello-intervalThis command configures the frequency at which PIM Hello messages are transmitted on this interface.The no form of this command reverts to the default value of the hello-interval.Values 0 — 255 secondshello-multiplier deci-unitsThe hello-multiplier in conjunction with the hello-interval determines the holdtime for a PIM neighbor.Values 20 — 100
Default [no] improved-assertconfig>router>pim>interfaceWhen the improved-assert command is enabled, the PIM assert process is done entirely in the control plane. The advantages are that it eliminates duplicate traffic forwarding to the LAN. It also improves performance since it removes the required interaction between the control and data planes.NOTE: improved-assert is still fully interoperable with the draft-ietf-pim-sm-v2-new-xx, Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Revised, and RFC 2362, Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM), implementations. However, there may be conformance tests that may fail if the tests expect control-data plane interaction in determining the assert winner. Disabling the improved-assert command when performing conformance tests is recommended.This command configures the option to join the P2MP LDP tree towards the multicast source. If p2mp-ldp-tree-join is enabled, a PIM multicast join received on an interface is processed to join the P2MP LDP LSP, using the in-band signaled P2MP tree for the same multicast flow. LDP P2MP tree is set up towards the multicast source. The route to the multicast node source is looked up from the RTM. The next-hop address for the route to source is set as the root of LDP P2MP tree.The no form of the command disables joining the P2MP LDP tree for IPv4 or IPv6 or for both (if both or none is specified).Enables dynamic mLDP in-band signaling for IPv4 PIM joins. IPv4 multicast must be enabled; see ipv4-multicast-disable. For backward compatibility p2mp-ldp-tree-join is equivalent to p2mp-ldp-tree-join ipv4.Enables dynamic mLDP in-band signaling for IPv6 PIM joins. IPv6 multicast must be enabled; see ipv6-multicast-disable).priority dr-priorityThe no form of the command restores the default values.Values 1 — 4294967295priority bootstrap-priorityThis command configures the bootstrap priority of the router. The RP is sometimes called the bootstrap router. The priority determines if the router is eligible to be a bootstrap router. In the case of a tie, the router with the highest IP address is elected to be the bootstrap router.Specifies the priority to become the bootstrap router. The higher the value, the higher the priority. A 0 value the router is not eligible to be the bootstrap router. A value of 1 means router is the least likely to become the designated router.Values 0 — 255priority priorityValues 0 — 255This command enables sticky-dr operation on this interface. When enabled, the priority in PIM hellos sent on this interface when elected as the designateed router (DR) will be modified to the value configured in dr-priority. This is done to avoid the delays in forwarding caused by DR recovery, when switching back to the old DR on a LAN when it comes back up.By enabling sticky-dr on this interface, it will continue to act as the DR for the LAN even after the old DR comes back up.The no form of the command disables sticky-dr operation on this interface.priority dr-priorityValues 1 — 4294967295[no] tracking-supportThis command enables the context to configure rendezvous point (RP) parameters. The address of the root of the group’s shared multicast distribution tree is known as its RP. Packets received from a source upstream and join messages from downstream routers rendezvous at this router.The no form of the command removes the anycast instance from the configuration.[no] auto-rp-discoveryThe no form of the command disables auto RP.The no form of the command removes an entry from the list.Entries can be created or destroyed. If no IP addresses are configured in the config>router>pim>rp>static>address context, then the multicast group to RP mapping is derived from the RP-set messages received from the Bootstrap Router.address ip-addressThe ip-address portion of the address command specifies the IP host address that will be used by the IP interface within the subnet. This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted decimal notation.Values – ip-address.Values – ip-addressThe static IP address of the RP. The ip-addr portion of the address command specifies the IP host address that will be used by the IP interface within the subnet. This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted decimal notation.Values –[no] embedded-rpThe detailed protocol specification is defined in RFC 3956, Embedding the Rendezvous Point (RP) Address in an IPv6 Multicast Address. This RFC describes a multicast address allocation policy in which the address of the RP is encoded in the IPv6 multicast group address, and specifies a PIM-SM group-to-RP mapping to use the encoding, leveraging, and extending unicast-prefix-based addressing. This mechanism not only provides a simple solution for IPv6 inter-domain ASM but can be used as a simple solution for IPv6 intra-domain ASM with scoped multicast addresses as well. It can also be used as an automatic RP discovery mechanism in those deployment scenarios that would have previously used the Bootstrap Router protocol (BSR).The no form of the command disables embedded RP.Values — 4 — 32This command configures the address ranges of the multicast groups for this router. When there are parameters present, the command configures the SSM group ranges for IPv6 addresses and netmasks.holdtime holdtime
Values The no form of the command removes the group-prefix from the configuration.Values — 4 — 32[no] overrideWhen enabled, the static group-to-RP mappings take precedence over the dynamically learned mappings.[no] non-dr-attract-trafficWhen enabled, the designated router state is ignored. When disabled, no non-dr-attract-traffic, the designated router value is honored.The no form of this command removes the association with the specified RTM instance and will cause PIM to use the unicast RTM.
Values The no version of this command disables RPF Vector processing. If RPF vector is received in a PIM join message, the vector will be removed before local processing of PIM message secondsValues 90 — 600Values — 1 — 4294967294 | infinityValues 4 — 32When the infinity keyword is specified, no switchover will occur at any time, regardless of the traffic level is detected. The threshold, in kilobits per second (KBPS), value is 4294967295.[no] ssm-groupsUse this command to apply export policies to control the flow of bootstrap messages from the RP, and apply them to the PIM configuration. Up to 5 policy names can be specified.Use this command to apply import policies to control the flow of bootstrap messages to the RP, and apply them to the PIM configuration. Up to 5 policy names can be specified.hash-mask-len hash-mask-lengthValues 0 — 32