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[no] msdpThe no form of the command deletes the MSDP protocol instance removing all associated configuration parameters.When the no form of the command is executed all sessions must be terminated and an appropriate event message should be numberThe no form of this command reverts the number of source message limit to default operationValues 0 — 1000000The no form of this command reverts this active-source limit to default operationValues 10 — 10000
Default interval secondsThis defines the time that together with the number parameter defines the number of MSDP messages (including source active messages) that are read from the TCP session within the configured number of seconds.Values 1 — 600
Default threshold numberValues 1 — 1000000
Default Specifies the key is entered in an encrypted form. If the hash parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in a non-encrypted, clear text form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash parameter specified.Specifies the key is entered in a more complex encrypted form. If the hash2 parameter is not used, the less encrypted hash form is assumed.[no] data-encapsulationThe no form of the command removes all policies from the configuration.local-address addressThe no form of this message removes the source active rate limiter for this source address range.None. The source active msdp messages are not rate limited based on the source address range.policy mcac-policy-nameno policy mcac-policy-nameThe no form of the command removes the named bundle from the configuration.Specifies the multicast bundle name. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.bandwidth bandwidthchannel start-address end-address bw bandwidth [class {high | low}] [type {mandatory | optional}] [source source-prefix]A channel definition can be either IPv4 (start-address, end-address, source-address are IPv4 addresses) or IPv6. A single bundle can have either IPv4 or IPv6 or IPv6 and IPv4 channel definitions. A single policy can mix any of those bundles.source source-prefix
Values bw bandwidth
Default mandatory — When the mandatory keyword is specified, then the bandwidth is reserved by subtracting it from the total available for all the potential egress interfaces and the bundle.optional — When the optional keyword is specified then the bandwidth must be available on both the bundle and the egress interface that requests the channel to be added. Once the channel has been added the available bandwidth for the bundle and the interface must be reduced by the configured bandwidth of channel.
Default policy policy-nameSpecifies the name of the global mcac channel definition policy defined under the hierarchy configure>router>mcac>policy.When the number of ports available in the LAG link is reduced by the number of ports configured in this context then the level-id specified here must be level levelThe no form of the command removes the level from the configuration.none (If no bandwidth is defined for a given level then no limit is applied.)
Values bw bandwidth
Default no number-down number-lag-port-down
Values level level-id
Values This command enables Mcac (or Hmcac) function on the corresponding level (subscriber, group-interface or redirected interface). When Mcac (or Hmcac) is enabled and a channel definition policy is referenced, admission control is performed. The allocated bandwidth for optional channels should not exceed the unconstrained-bw minus the mandatory-bw. The mandatory channels have to stay below the specified value for the mandatory-bw.Values 0 — 2147483647mandatory-bw mandatory-bwValues 0 — 2147483647[no] shutdownThe no form of the command puts an entity into the administratively enabled state.When a shutdown is performed then all constraints placed on either a bundle or an interface are removed and multicast can potentially take up the full bandwidth of the interface. Furthermore, when a no shutdown command is executed then policing of the policy must be in a gradual fashion. No active multicast groups may be removed. When a leave message is received for an optional channel then the multicast stream should be pruned and subsequent new joins can be denied in accordance with the policy. This may mean that for a period of time insufficient bandwidth is available even for mandatory channels.[no] mldThe no form of the command disables MLD.The IP interface name. Interface names must be unique within the group of defined IP interfaces for config router interface and config service ies interface commands. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. Interface names can be any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.grp-if-query-src-ip ipv6-addressThe no form of the command removes the IP address.query-src-ip ipv6-addressThe no form of the command removes the IPv6 address.The no form of the command deletes the MLD interface. The shutdown command in the config>router>mld>interface context can be used to disable an interface without removing the configuration for the interface — No interfaces are defined.The IP interface name. Interface names must be unique within the group of defined IP interfaces for config router interface and config service ies interface commands. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. Interface names can be any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.[no] disable-router-alert-checkimport policy-nameThis command specifies the import route policy to be used for determining which membership reports are accepted by the router. Route policies are configured in the config>router>policy-options context.The no form of the command removes the policy association from the MLD import — No import policy specified.The route policy name. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. Route policies are configured in the config>router>policy-options context.max-groups valueValues 1 — 16000Values 2 — 1024query-last-member-interval secondsValues 1 — 1024query-response-interval secondsValues 1 — 1023The no form of the command removes the IPv6 address from the configuration.The source command is mutually exclusive with the specification of individual sources for the same group.The no form of the command removes the source from the configuration.[no] stargUse the no form of the command to remove the starg entry from the configuration.[no] subnet-checkversion versionValues 1, 2robust-count robust-countValues 2 — 10This command enables the context to configure group ranges which are translated to SSM (S,G) entries. If the static entry needs to be created, it has to be translated from a IGMPv1 IGMPv2 request to a Source Specific Multicast (SSM) join. An SSM translate source can only be added if the starg command is not enabled. An error message is generated if you try to configure the source command with starg command enabled.This command specifies the source IP address for the group range. Whenever a (*,G) report is received in the range specified by grp-range start and end parameters, it is translated to an (S,G) report with the value of this object as the source address.router router-name
Default Values 1 — 2147483647
A:dut-f# mrinfo [version 3.0,prune,genid,mtrace]: -> [1/0/pim] -> [1/0/pim/down/disabled] -> [1/0/pim/querier/leaf] -> [1/0/tunnel/pim]...mstat source ip-address group grp-ip-address [destination dst-ip-address] [hop hop] [router router-name|service] [wait-time wait-time]This command traces a multicast path from a source to a receiver and displays multicast packet rate and loss information. The mstat command adds the capability to show the multicast path in a limited graphic display and provide drops, duplicates, TTLs, and delays at each node. This information is useful to network operators because it identifies nodes with high drop and duplicate counts. Duplicate counts are shown as negative drops.source ip-addressgroup group-ip-addressdestination dst-ip-addresshop hopValues 1 — 255router router-nameValues 1 — 2147483647wait-time wait-timeValues 1 — 60
mtrace source ip-address group grp-ip-address [destination dst-ip-address] [hop hop] [router router-name|service] [wait-time wait-time]source ip-addressgroup group-ip-addressdestination dst-ip-addresshop hopValues 1 — 255Default 32 hops (infinity for the DVMRP routing protocol).router router-nameValues 1 — 2147483647wait-time wait-timeValues 1 — 60