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VLL Services Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Apipe Service Configuration Commands
apipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {atm-vcc | atm-sdu | atm-vpc | atm-cell}] [vc-switching]
no apipe service-id
description description-string
[no] endpoint endpoint-name
active-hold-delay active-hold-delay
description description-string
revert-time revert-time
interworking {frf-5}
sap {port-id|aps-id}:[vpi/vci|vpi|vpi1.vpi2|cp.conn-prof-id]
sap sap-id [no-endpoint]
sap sap-id [endpoint endpoint-name]
no sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
[no] llf
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
description description-string
max-rate {rate | max}
[no] priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes | kilobytes]
policer policer-id [create]
no policer policer-id
cbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
packet-byte-offset add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
stat-mode stat-mode
qos policy-id [port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
parent {[weight weight] [cir-weight cir-weight]}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
max-rate {rate | max}
[no] priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes | kilobytes]
policer policer-id [create]
no policer policer-id
cbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
packet-byte-offset add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
stat-mode stat-mode
qos policy-id [shared-queuing] [fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
multi-service-site customer-site-name
tod-suite tod-suite-name
service-name service-name
spoke-sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id] [no-endpoint]
spoke-sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id] endpoint endpoint-name [icb]
no spoke-sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id]
max-cells cell-count
no max-cells [cell-count>]
max-delay delay-time
no max-delay [delay-time]
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
precedence [precedence-value| primary ]
connection-profile conn-prof-id [create]
Related Apipe Commands
Connection Profile Commands
connection-profile conn-prof-id [create]
description description-string
member encap-value [create]
no member encap-value
Cpipe Service Configuration Commands
cpipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {satop-e1 | satop-t1 | satop-e3 | satop-t3 | cesopsn | cesopsn-cas}] [vc-switching] [create]
no cpipe service-id
description description-string
no description [description-string]
endpoint endpoint-name [create]
no endpoint endpoint-name
active-hold-delay active-endpoint-delay
description description-string
no description [description-string]
revert-time revert-time
sap sap-id [no-endpoint] [create]
sap sap-id endpoint endpoint-name [create]
no sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
no accounting-policy [acct-policy-id>]
packet jitter-buffer milliseconds [payload-size bytes]
packet payload-size bytes
[no] report-alarm [stray] [malformed] [pktloss] [overrun] [underrun] [rpktloss] [rfault] [rrdi]
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
description description-string
no description [description-string]
[no] qos [policy-id]
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule}] [cir adaptation-rule}]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs size-in-kbytes
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
[no] qos [policy-id]
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule}] [cir adaptation-rule}]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs size-in-kbytes
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler scheduler-name [create]
no scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
multi-service-site customer-site-name
tod-suite tod-suite-name
service-name service-name
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [no-endpoint] [create]
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id [create] endpoint endpoint-name [icb]
no spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id]
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
bandwidth bw-value
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
vc-label egress-vc-label
no vc-label [egress-vc-label]
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
agi agi
saii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
taii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
precedence [precedence-value| primary]
Epipe Service Configuration Commands
Epipe Global Commands
[no] epipe service-id [customer customer-id] [create] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching]
[no] bgp
pw-template-binding policy-id [import-rt {ext-community,.(upto 5 max)}]
route-distinguisher [ip-addr:comm-val | as-number:ext-comm-val]
route-target {ext-community|{[export ext-community][import ext-community]}}
ve-id value
[no] ve-name name
ve-id value
description description-string
[no] endpoint endpoint-name
active-hold-delay active-endpoint-delay
description description-string
revert-time [revert-time | infinite]
tunnel service-id backbone-dest-mac mac-name| ieee-address isid ISID
service-name service-name
site name [create]
boot-timer seconds
sap sap-id
site-id value
site-preference preference-value
site-preference {primary|backup}
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [vc-type {ether | vlan}] [create] [no-endpoint]
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [vc-type {ether | vlan}] [create] endpoint
no spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id]
agi agi
saii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
taii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
Epipe SAP Configuration Commands
epipe service-id
sap sap-id [create] [no-endpoint]
sap sap-id [create] endpoint endpoint-name
no sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
no accounting-policy acct-policy-id
app-profile app-profile-name
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
encapsulation atm-encap-type
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
local-ecid emulated circuit identifier
packet jitter-buffer milliseconds [payload-size bytes]
packet payload-size bytes
remote-ecid emulated circuit identifier
remote-mac ieee-address
[no] report-alarm [stray] [malformed] [pktloss] [overrun] [underrun] [rpktloss] [rfault] [rrdi]
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
description description-string
agg-rate-limit agg-rate [queue-frame-based-accounting]
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
filter [mac mac-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id] [mac mac-filter-id]
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
queue queue-id
no queue queue-id
mbs size {[bytes | kilobytes] | default}
rate pir-rate
slope-policy hsmda-slope-policy-name allowable
wrr-weight weight
secondary-shaper secondary-shaper-name
wrr-policy hsmda-wrr-policy-name
max-rate {rate | max}
[no] priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes | kilobytes]
policer policyer-id [create]
no policer policyer-id
cbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
packet-byte-offset add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
stat-mode stat-mode
qos policy-id [port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
mbs size [bytes|kilobytes]
parent {[weightweight] [cir-weight cir-weight]}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
[no] mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [direction {up | down}] primary-vlan-enable [vlan vlan-id]
[no] client-meg-level [[level [level ...]]
[no] interval {1 | 60}
[no] priority priority-value
[no] ccm-ltm-priority priority
ccm-padding-size ccm-padding
noccm-padding-size ccm-padding
[no] bit-error-threshold bit-errors
test-pattern {all-zeros | all-ones} [crc-enable]
[no] fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
mac-address mac-address
mip [mac mac-address] primary-vlan-enable [vlan vlan-id]
mip default-mac
tunnel-fault [accept | ignore]
path path-index tag qtag[.qtag]
no path path-index
[no] llf
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
filter [mac mac-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id] [mac mac-filter-id]
qos network-policy-id fp- redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
queue queue-id
no queue queue-id
rate pir-rate
slope-policy hsmda-slope-policy-name allowable
match-qinq-dot1p {top | bottom}
max-rate {rate | max}
[no] priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes | kilobytes]
policer policyer-id [create]
no policer policyer-id
cbs size-in-kilobytes
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
packet-byte-offset add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
stat-mode stat-mode
qos policy-id [shared-queuing] [fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kilobytes
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
parent {[weight weight] [cir-weight cir-weight]}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
vlan-translation {vlan-id | copy-outer}
multi-service-site customer-site-name
oper-group group-name
ring-node ring-node-name
tod-suite tod-suite-name
transit-policy prefix prefix-aasub-policy-id
lag-link-map-profile link-map-profile-id
Epipe Spoke SDP Configuration Commands
epipe service-id
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [vc-type {ether | vlan}] [create] [no-endpoint]
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [vc-type {ether | vlan}] [create] endpoint [icb]
no spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id]
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
app-profile app-profile-name
bandwidth bandwidth
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
filter [mac mac-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id][mac mac-filter-id]
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
[no] vc-label egress-vc-label
[no] client-meg-level [[level [level ...]]
[no] interval {1 | 60}
[no] priority priority-value
[no] ccm-ltm-priority priority
[no] test-pattern {all-zeros | all-ones} [crc-enable]
[no] fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
[no] mip [{mac mac-address | default-mac}]
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [direction {up | down}]
no mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index
ccm-padding-size ccm-padding
noccm-padding-size ccm-padding
fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
low-priority-defect {allDe f |macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
mac-address mac-address
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
filter [mac mac-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id][mac mac-filter-id]
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
[no] vc-label egress-vc-label
precedence [precedence-value| primary]
vlan-vc-tag 0..4094
no vlan-vc-tag [0..4094]
spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id [fec fec-type] [aii-type aii-type] [create]
spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id no-endpoint
spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id [fec fec-type] [aii-type aii-type] [create] endpoint name [icb]
no spoke-sdp-fec spoke-sdp-fec-id
path name
precedence prec-value
precedence primary
retry-count retry-count
retry-timer retry-timer
saii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id
signaling signaling
taii-type2 global-id:prefix:ac-id
Fpipe Service Configuration Commands
fpipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-type {fr-dlci}] [vc-switching]
no fpipe service-id
description description-string
[no] endpoint endpoint-name
active-hold-delay active-endpoint-delay
description description-string
revert-time revert-time
sap sap-id [no-endpoint]
sap sap-id endpoint endpoint-name
no sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
description description-string
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
max-rate {rate | max}
[no] priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes | kilobytes]
policer policer-id [create]
no policer policer-id
cbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
packet-byte-offset add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}]
stat-mode stat-mode
qos policy-id
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
multi-service-site customer-site-name
tod-suite tod-suite-name
service-name service-name
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [no-endpoint]
spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] endpoint endpoint-name [icb]
no spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id]
bandwidth bandwidth
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
precedence [precedence-value| primary]
Ipipe Service Configuration Commands
ipipe service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [vc-switching]
no ipipe service-id
description description-string
[no] endpoint endpoint-name
active-hold-delay active-endpoint-delay
description description-string
revert-time revert-time
sap sap-id [no-endpoint]
sap sap-id endpoint endpoint-name
[no] sap eth-tunnel-tunnel-id [:eth-tunnel-sap-id] [create]
no sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
encapsulation atm-encap-type
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
ce-address ip-address
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
description description-string
filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
no filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
secondary-shaper secondary-shaper-name
wrr-policy hsmda-wrr-policy-name
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
queue queue-id
no queue queue-id
wrr-weight weight
mbs size {[bytes | kilobytes] | default}
rate pir-rate
slope-policy hsmda-slope-policy-name allowable
qos policy-id
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
[no] mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [direction {up | down}]
[no] ccm-ltm-priority priority
[no] bit-error-threshold bit-errors
[no] test-pattern {all-zeros | all-ones} [crc-enable]
[no] fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
[no] mac-address mac-address
[no] mip [{mac mac-address | default-mac}]
tunnel-fault [accept | ignore]
path path-index tag qtag[.qtag]
no path path-index
filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
no filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
match-qinq-dot1p {top | bottom}
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
lag-link-map-profile link-map-profile-id
mac [ieee-address]
mac-refresh [refresh interval]
multi-service-site customer-site-name
tod-suite tod-suite-name
service-name service-name
spoke-sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id] [no-endpoint]
spoke-sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id] endpoint endpoint-name [icb]
bandwidth bandwidth
ce-address ip-address
filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
no filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
[no] vc-label vc-label
filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
no filter {ip ip-filter-id | ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
precedence [precedence-value| primary]