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Subscriber Management Command Reference
Configuration Commands
Note: Enhanced Subscriber Management is supported on the redundant chassis model only.
Subscriber management commands are also described in the Triple Play Services Command Reference section.
ANCP Commands
rate-adjustment adjusted-percent
rate-modify agg-rate-limit
rate-modify {scheduler scheduler-name | arbiter arbiter-name}
rate-monitor kilobit-per-second [alarm]
rate-reduction kilobit-per-second
rate-adjustment adjusted-percent
rate-modify {scheduler scheduler-name | arbiter arbiter-name}
rate-monitor kilobit-per-second [alarm] [log]
rate-reduction kilobit-per-second
[no] disable-shcv [alarm] [hold-time seconds]
entry key ancp-string customer customer-id multi-service-site customer-site-name ancp-policy policy-name
entry key ancp-string sap sap-id ancp-policy policy-name
no entry key ancp-string customer customer-id multi-service-site customer-site-name
no entry key ancp-string sap sap-id
VPRN GSMP Configuration Commands
[no] vprn service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls]
[no] group name
[no] oam
description description-string
hold-multiplier multiplier
keepalive seconds
[no] neighbor ip-address
description description-string
local-address ip-address
priority-marking dscp dscp-name
priority-marking prec ip-prec-value
Authentication Policy Commands
radius-coa-port {1647|1700|1812|3799}
description description-string
fallback-action user-db-local-user-name
calling-station-id {mac | remote-id | sap-id | sap-string}
nas-port-id [prefix-string string] [suffix suffix-option]
nas-port-type [0..255]
password password
ppp-user-name append domain-name
ppp-user-name default-domain domain-name
ppp-user-name replace domain-name
pppoe-access-method {none | padi | pap-chap}
access-algorithm {direct | round-robin}
fallback-action user-db local-user-db-name
retry count
router router-instance
router service-name
server server-index address ip-address secret key [hash | hash2] [port port] [coa-only]
no server server-index
source-address ip-address
timeout seconds
radius-server-policy radius-server-policy-name
send-acct-stop-on-fail {[on-request-failure] [on-reject] [on-accept-failure]}
user-name-format format [mac-format mac-format]
user-name-format format append [domain-name] [mac-format mac-format]
user-name-format format append domain-name
user-name-format format default-domain domain-name [mac-format mac-format]
user-name-format format replace domain-name[mac-format mac-format]
user-name-format format strip [mac-format mac-format]
Diameter Policy Commands
peer name [create]
no peer name
address ip-address
destination-host destination-host-string
destination-realm destination-realm-string
preference preference
transport tcp port port
router service service-name
router router-instance
source-address ip-address
vendor-support [3gpp|vodafone]
cc-session-failover-handler {terminate | continue | retry-and-terminate}
[no] tx-timer seconds
3gpp-imsi {circuit-id|subscriber-id|imsi}
subscription-id {circuit-id|subscriber-id|imsi|msisdn|imei} [type {e164|private|imsi}]
out-of-credit-reporting {final|quota-exhausted}
credit-control-policy policy-name [create]
credit-control-server diameter policy-name
default-category-map category-map-name
description description-string
error-handling-action {continue|block}
out-of-credit-action {continue|disconnect-host|block-category|change-service-level}
Category Map Commands
category-map category-map-name [create]
no category-map category-map-name
activity-threshold kilobits-per-second
category category-name [create]
no category category-name
credit-type-override {volume | time}
default-credit volume credits bytes|kilobytes|megabytes|gigabytes
default-credit time seconds
entry entry-id [create]
action drop
action forward
action http-redirect url
match [protocol protocol-id]
dscp dscp-name
dst-port {lt|gt|eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
fragment {true|false}
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
ip-option ip-option-value [ip-option-mask]
multiple-option {true | false}
option-present {true | false}
src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
src-port {lt|gt|eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
tcp-ack {true|false}
tcp-syn {true|false}
entry entry-id [create]
action drop
action forward
match [protocol protocol-id]
dscp dscp-name
dst-port {lt|gt|eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
src-port {lt|gt|eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
tcp-ack {true|false}
tcp-syn {true|false}
entry entry-id [create]
action drop
action forward
action http-redirect url
match [protocol protocol-id]
dscp dscp-name
dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
dst-port {lt|gt|eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
fragment {true|false}
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
ip-option ip-option-value [ip-option-mask]
multiple-option {true|false}
option-present {true|false}
src-port {lt|gt|eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
tcp-ack {true|false}
tcp-syn {true|false}
entry entry-id [create]
action drop
action forward
match [protocol protocol-id]
dscp dscp-name
dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
dst-port {lt|gt|eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
icmp-code icmp-code
icmp-type icmp-type
src-port {lt|gt|eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
tcp-ack {true|false}
tcp-syn {true|false}
out-of-credit-action-override {continue | block-category | change-service-level}
queue queue-id {ingress-only | egress-only | ingress-egress}
no queue queue-id
rating-group rating-group-id
credit-exhaust-threshold threshold-percentage
credit-type {volume | time}
credit-control-policy policy-name [create]
default-category-map category-map-name
description description-string
error-handling-action {continue | block}
description description-string
Filter Commands
copy {ip-filter | mac-filter | ipv6-filter} src-filter-id [src-entry src-entry-id] to dst-filter-id [dst-entry dst-entry-id] [overwrite]
ip-filter filter-id [create]
no ip-filter filter-id
default-action drop|forward
description description-string
entry entry-id [time-range time-range-name] [create]
no entry entry-id
action drop|forward
log log-id
match [next-header next-header]
group-inserted-entries application application location location
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
scope exclusive|template
shared-radius-filter-wmark low low-watermark high high-watermark
sub-insert-radius start-entry entry-id count count
sub-insert-credit-control start-entry entry-id count count
sub-insert-shared-radius start-entry entry-id count count
sub-insert-wmark [low percentage] [high percentage]
ipv6-filter ipv6-filter-id [create]
no ipv6-filter ipv6-filter-id
default-action drop|forward
description description-string
entry entry-id [time-range time-range-name] [create]
no entry entry-id
action drop|forward
log log-id
match [next-header next-header]
group-inserted-entries application application location location
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
scope exclusive|template
shared-radius-filter-wmark low low-watermark high high-watermark
sub-insert-radius start-entry entry-id count count
sub-insert-credit-control start-entry entry-id count count
sub-insert-shared-radius start-entry entry-id count count
sub-insert-wmark [low percentage] [high percentage]
BGP Peering Policy Commands
bgp-peering-policy policy-name [create]
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
cluster cluster-id
[no] connect-retry seconds
description description-string
disable-communities [standard] [extended]
export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
hold-time seconds
import policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
keepalive seconds
local-address ip-address
local-as as-number [private]
local-preference local-preference
loop-detect {drop-peer | discard-route | ignore-loop| off}
med-out {number | igp-cost}
multihop ttl-value
peer-as as-number
preference preference
prefix-limit limit [log-only] [threshold percent]
ttl-security min-ttl-value
type {internal | external}
Explicit Subscriber Mapping Commands
entry key sub-ident-string [sub-profile sub-profile-name] [alias sub-alias-string] [sla-profile sla-profile-name]
no entry key sub-ident-string
IGMP Policy Commands
igmp-policy policy-name [create]
description description-string
egress-rate-modify [egress-rate-limit | scheduler scheduler-name]
import policy-name
max-num-groups max-num-groups
max-num-sources max-num-sources
opt-reporting-fields [host-mac] [pppoe-session-id] [svc-id] [sap-id]
redirection-policy policy-name
[no] group ip-address
version version
sub-mcac-policy policy-name
sub-mcac-policy policy-name
Host Lockout Commands
host-lockout-policy policy-name [create]
description description-string
lockout-time [min seconds] [max seconds]
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] interface ip-int-name
sap sap-id [create]
no sap sap-id
subscriber-interface ip-int-name [fwd-service service-id fwd-subscriber-interface ip-int-name] [create]
sap sap-id [create]
no sap sap-id
ies service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id]
[no] interface ip-int-name
[no] sap sap-id
[no] subscriber-interface ip-int-name
[no] sap sap-id
[no] vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls]
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name] [create] [capture-sap] [eth-ring ring-index]
no sap sap-id
Host Tracking Policy Commands
host-tracking-policy policy-name [create]
description description-string
egress-rate-modify agg-rate-limit
egress-rate-modify scheduler scheduler-name
RADIUS Accounting Policy Commands
[no] override-counter override-counter-id
[no] queue queue-id
ref-override-counter ref-override-counter-id
ref-queue queue-id
description description-string
fallback-action user-db local-user-db-name
[no] host-accounting [interim-update]
queue-instance-accounting [interim-update]
access-algorithm {direct | round-robin}
retry count
router router-instance
server server-index [address ip-address] [secret key] [port port] [pending-requests-limit limit]
no server server-index
source-address ip-address
timeout seconds
radius-server-policy radius-server-policy-name
session-accounting [interim-update] [host-update]
session-id-format {description | number}
update-interval-jitter absolute seconds
event-control application-id [event-name | event-number] [generate [severity-level] [throttle]
event-control application-id [event-name | event-number] suppress
no event-control application [event-name | event-number]
RADIUS Route Download Commands
route-downloader name [create]
base-user-name user-name
description description-string
max-routes routes
password password [hash|hash2]
retry-interval min minimum max maximum
SLA Profile Commands
[no] sla-profile sla-profile-name
category-map category-map-name [create]
no category-map category-map-name
category category-name [create]
no category category-name
idle-timeout timeout
idle-timeout-action {shcv-check|terminate}
description description-string
[no] ip-filter filter-id
qos sap-egress-policy-id [vport-scheduler|port-scheduler] [force]
queue queue-id
no queue queue-id
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs size-in-kbytes
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
policer policer-id [create]
no policer policer-id
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
rate {max | kilobits-per-second} [cir {max | kilobits-per-second}]
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-priority-no-cir | offered-limited-profile-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-priority-cir | offered-total-cir}
report-rate agg-rate-limit
report-rate scheduler scheduler-name
report-rate pppoe-actual-rate
report-rate rfc5515-actual-rate
host-limit max-number-of-hosts [remove-oldest]
[no] ip-filter filter-id
qos sap-ingress-policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared | service-queuing] [force]
queue queue-id
no queue queue-id
burst-limit size-in-kbytes
mbs size-in-kbytes
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
policer policer-id [create]
no policer policer-id
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
rate {max | kilobits-per-second} [cir {max | kilobits-per-second}]
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-priority-no-cir | offered-limited-profile-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-priority-cir | offered-total-cir}
report-rate agg-rate-limit
report-rate scheduler scheduler-name
Subscriber Identification Policy Commands
[no] sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name
entry key app-profile-string app-profile app-profile-name
no entry key app-profile-string
description description-string
script-url dhcp-primary-script-url
script-url dhcp-secondary-script-url
entry key sla-profile-string sla-profile sla-profile-name
no entry key sla-profile-string
entry key sub-profile-string sub-profile sub-profile-name
no entry key sub-profile-string
script-url dhcp-tertiary-script-url
Auto-Generated Subscriber Identification Key Commands
Note: These commands are supported on the 7450 ESS in mixed mode.
ipoe-sub-id-key sub-id-key [sub-id-key...(up to 4 max)]
ppp-sub-id-key sub-id-key [sub-id-key...(up to 5 max)]
Auto-Generated Subscriber Identification Key Service Commands
Notes: Refer to the 7750 SR OS Services Guide/7450 ESS OS Services Guide for further services commands.
sap sap-id
def-sub-id use-auto-id
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-id string sub-id
sap sap-id
def-sub-id use-auto-id
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-id string sub-id
sap sap-id
def-sub-id use-auto-id
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-id string sub-id
msap-policy msap-policy-name
def-sub-id use-auto-id
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-id string sub-id
Subscriber MCAC Policy Commands
sub-mcac-policy sub-mcac-policy-name [create]
no sub-mcac-policy sub-mcac-policy-name
description description-string
unconstrained-bw mandatory-bw mandatory-bw
Subscriber Profile Commands
[no] sub-profile subscriber-profile-name
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
rate-adjustment adjusted-percent
rate-modify scheduler scheduler-name
rate-monitor kilobit-per-second [alarm]
rate-reduction kilobit-per-second
rate-adjustment adjusted-percent
rate-modify scheduler scheduler-name
rate-monitor kilobit-per-second [alarm]
rate-reduction kilobit-per-second
description description-string
agg-rate-limit agg-rate [queue-frame-based-accounting]
encap-offset [type type]
max-rate {kilobits-per-second | max}
min-thresh-separation size [bytes | kilobytes]
priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes | kilobytes] [fixed]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
scheduler scheduler-name rate [pir-rate] [cir cir-rate]
no scheduler scheduler-name
description description-string
egress-rate-modify agg-rate-limit
egress-rate-modify scheduler scheduler-name
qos policy-id
wrr-policy weight
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
queue queue-id [create]
no queue queue-id
wrr-weight weight
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
rate {max | kilobits-per-second}
slope-policy hsmda-slope-policy-name
qos policy-id
queue queue-id
rate {max | kilobits-per-second}
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
mbs kilobits
policer policer-id [create]
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-priority-no-cir | offered-limited-profile-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-priority-cir | offered-total-cir}
rate {max | kilobits-per-second}
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
mbs kilobits
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
igmp-policy policy-name
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
scheduler scheduler-name rate [pir-rate] [cir cir-rate]
no scheduler scheduler-name
entry key sla-profile-string sla-profile sla-profile
no entry key sla-profile-string
sub-mcac-policy policy-name
Multi-Chassis Redundancy Commands
[no] peer ip-address
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
description description-string
bfd-enable service service-id interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
discovery-interval interval-1 [boot interval-2]
keep-alive-interval time-interval
tunnel-group group-id [create]
peer-group group-id
priority priority
lag lag-id lacp-key admin-key system-id system-id [remote-lag lag-id] system-priority system-priority
no lag lag-id
[no] ring sync-tag
dst-ip ip-address
interface ip-int-name
service-id service-id
[no] range vlan-range
[no] range vlan-range
[no] ring-node ring-node-name
dst-ip ip-address
interval interval
service-id service-id
src-ip ip-address
src-mac ieee-address
vlan [0..4094]
[no] l3-ring sync-tag
dst-ip ip-address
interface ip-int-name
max-debounce-time max-debounce-time
service-id service-id
[no] ring-node ring-node-name
dst-ip ip-address
interval interval
service-id service-id
src-ip ip-address
src-mac ieee-address
vlan [0..4094]
[no] srrp-instance srrp-id
source-address ip-address
[no] sync
[no] igmp
[no] ipsec
port [port-id|lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [create]
no port [port-id | lag-id]
range encap-range [sync-tag sync-tag]
no range encap-range
[no] srrp
tunnel-group tunnel-group-id sync-tag tag-name [create]
VPLS Subscriber Management Configuration Commands
[no] vpls service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id] [m-vpls]
sap sap-id [split-horizon-group group-name]
no sap sap-id
host-limit max-num-hosts
min-auth-interval min-auth-interval
[no] shutdownt
host [ip ip-address [mac mac-address]} [subscriber-sap-id | subscriber sub-ident-string [sub-profile sub-profile-name [sla-profile sla-profile-name [ancp-string ancp-string] [app-profile app-profile-name] [inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id]
no host [ip ip-address [mac mac-address]
host-connectivity-verify source-ip ip-address [source-mac ieee-address] [interval interval] [action {remove | alarm}]
def-app-profile default-app-profile-name
def-sla-profile default-sla-profile-name
def-sub-id string sub-ident-string
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-profile default-sub-profile-name
multi-sub-sap number-of-sub
non-sub-traffic sub-profile sub-profile-name sla-profile sla-profile-name [subscriber sub-ident-string]
sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name
Managed SAP Policy Commands
msap-policy msap-policy-name [create]
no msap-policy msap-policy-name
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring ]
description description-string
anti-spoof {ip-mac | nh-mac}
expiry-time expiry-time
import policy-name
no import policy-name
max-num-group max-num-groups
max-num-sources max-num-sources
lag-link-map-profile link-map-profile-id
def-app-profile app-profile-name
def-inter-dest-id {string string | use-top-q}
def-sla-profile sla-profile-name
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-id string sub-id
def-sub-profile sub-profile-name
multi-sub-sap [limit limit]
non-sub-traffic sub-profile-name sla-profile sla-profile-name [subscriber sub-ident-string] [app-profile app-profile-name]
sub-ident-policy policy-name
host-limit max-num-hosts
min-auth-interval min-auth-interval
arp-reply-agent [sub-ident]
lease-populate [nbr-of-leases]
action dhcp-action
circuit-id{ascii-tuple | vlan-ascii-tuple}
remote-id {mac | string string}
emulated-server ip-address
lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds] [radius-override]
multicast-group group-name
import policy-name
max-num-groups max-num-groups
level level-id bw bandwidth
no level level-id
number-down number-lag-port-down level level-id
no number-down number-lag-port-down
policy policy-name
unconstrained-bw bandwidth mandatory-bw mandatory-bw
from-vpls service-id
robust-count robust-count
version version
trigger-packet [dhcp] [pppoe] [arp] [dhcp6] [ppp]
eval-msap {policy msap-policy-name | msap sap-id }
VPRN Subscriber Interface Configuration Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
subscriber-interface ip-int-name [fwd-service service-id fwd-subscriber-interface ip-int-name] [create]
address {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [gw-ip-address ip-address] [populate-host-routes]
delayed-enable seconds [init-only]
description description-string
client-applications {[dhcp] [pppoe]}
description description-string
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-addr]
lease-populate [nbr-of-entries]
string text
emulated-server ip-address
lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds] [override]
relay-unicast-msg [release-update-src-ip]
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
default-dns ipv6-address [secondary ipv6-address]
link-local-address ipv6-address
prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length [pd] [wan-host] track-srrp srrp-instance [holdup-time milli-seconds]
no prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length
prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length [pd] [wan-host]
unnumbered [ip-int-name|ip-address]
VPRN Group Interface Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
subscriber-interface ip-int-name [fwd-service service-id fwd-subscriber-interface ip-int-name] [create]
group-interface ip-int-name [create]
group-interface ip-int-name [create] lns
group-interface ip-int-name [create] softgre
no group-interface ip-int-name
arp-timeout seconds
description description-string
client-applications {[dhcp] [pppoe]}
description description-string
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-address]
lease-populate nbr-of-leases
action {replace | drop | keep}
circuit-id [ascii-tuple | ifindex | sap-id | vlan-ascii-tupl]
remote-id [mac | string string]
[no] client-mac-address
[no] sap-id
[no] service-id
string text
no string
[no] system-id
emulated-server ip-address
lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds] [override]
relay-unicast-msg [release-update-src-ip]
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
host-limit max-num-hosts
host-connectivity-verify [interval interval] [action {remove|alarm}]
redirects [number seconds]
ttl-expired number seconds]
unreachables [number seconds]
ip-mtu octets
[no] gratuitous-rtr-adv
[no] shared-circuit-id
default-pool pool-name [secondary pool-name]
server server-name
[no] mac ieee-address
min-auth-interval min-auth-interval
sap-host-limit max-num-hosts-sap
[no] pppoe
description description-string
pap-chap-user-db local-user-db-name
ppp-policy pppoe-policy-name
sap-session-limit sap-session-limit
session-limit session-limit
[no] proxy-arp-policy policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
[no] sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
no accounting-policy [acct-policy-id]
anti-spoof {ip | ip-mac | nh-mac}
app-profile app-profile-name
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
encapsulation atm-encap-type
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]
default-host ip-address/mask next-hop next-hop-ip
no default-host ip-address/mask
description description-string
agg-rate-limit agg-rate [queue-frame-based-accounting]
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
[no] qos policy-id
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
host ip ip-address [mac ieee-address] [subscriber sub-ident-string] [sub-profile sub-profile-name] [sla-profile sla-profile-name] [ancp-string ancp-string]
no host {[ip ip-address] [mac ieee-address]}
expiry-time expiry-time
import policy-name
max-num-group max-num-groups
max-num-sources max-num-sources
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
match-qinq-dot1p {top|bottom}
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
no qos policy-id
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
multi-service-site customer-site-name
static-host ip ip/did-address [mac ieee-address] [create]
static-host mac ieee-address [create]
no static-host [ip ip-address] mac ieee-address
no static-host all [force]
no static-host ip ip-address
ancp-string ancp-string
app-profile app-profile-name
inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id
route {ip-prefix/length | ip-prefix netmask} [create]
no route {ip-prefix/length | ip-prefix netmask}
sla-profile sla-profile-name
sub-profile sub-profile-name
subscriber sub-ident
def-app-profile default-app-profile-name
def-sla-profile default-sla-profile-name
def-sub-id string sub-ident-string
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-profile default-subscriber-profile-name
multi-sub-sap subscriber-limit
non-sub-traffic sub-profile sub-profile-name sla-profile sla-profile-name [subscriber sub-ident-string]
sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name
[no] srrp srrp-id
description description-string
gw-mac mac-address
[no] policy vrrp-policy-id
priority priority
tos-marking-state {trusted | untrusted}
IES Subscriber Management Configuration Commands
ies service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id]
[no] interface ip-int-name
IES Interface Commands
address {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [gw-ip-address ip-address] [populate-host-routes]
arp-timeout seconds
cflowd [acl | interface]
description description-string
client-applications {[dhcp] [pppoe]}
description description-string
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-addr]
lease-populate nbr-of-leases
action {replace | drop | keep}
circuit-id [ascii-tuple | ifindex | sap-id]
relay-unicast-msg [release-update-src-ip]
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
host-connectivity-verify [source {vrrp|interface}] [interval interval] [action {remove | alarm}]
redirects [number seconds]
ttl-expired number seconds]
unreachables [number seconds]
[no] mac ieee-address
[no] proxy-arp-policy policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
[no] sap sap-id
[no] subscriber-interface ip-int-name
IES Subscriber Interface Commands
[no] address {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
delayed-enable seconds [init-only]
description description-string
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-addr]
relay-unicast-msg [release-update-src-ip]
default-dns ipv6-address [secondary ipv6-address]
default-pool pool-name [secondary pool-name]
server server-name
[no] group-interface ip-int-name
IES Subscriber Interface Group Interface Commands
host-limit max-num-hosts
min-auth-interval min-auth-interval
sap-host-limit max-num-hosts-sap
arp-timeout seconds
description description-string
description description-string
filter filter-id
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-addr]
lease-populate nbr-of-leases
action {replace | drop | keep}
circuit-id [ascii-tuple | ifindex | sap-id]
[no] vendor-specific-option
[no] client-mac-address
[no] sap-id
[no] service-id
string text
no string
[no] system-id
relay-unicast-msg [release-update-src-ip]
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
host-connectivity-verify [interval interval] [action {remove | alarm}]
redirects [number seconds]
ttl-expired number seconds]
unreachables [number seconds]
ip-mtu octets
[no] gratuitous-rtr-adv
[no] shared-circuit-id
[no] mac ieee-address
[no] pppoe
description description-string
pap-chap-user-db local-user-db-name
ppp-policy pppoe-policy-name
sap-session-limit sap-session-limit
session-limit session-limit
[no] proxy-arp-policy policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
[no] sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
no accounting-policy [acct-policy-id]
anti-spoof {ip | ip-mac | nh-mac}
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
encapsulation atm-encap-type
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
cpu-protection [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
default-host ip-address/mask next-hop next-hop-ip
no default-host ip-address/mask
description description-string
filter ip ip-filter-id
no filter ip ip-filter-id
qos policy-id
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
no adaptation-rule
avg-frame-overhead percentage
no avg-frame-overhead
cbs size-in-kbytes
no cbs
high-prio-only percent
no high-prio-only
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
no mbs
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
host ip ip-address [mac ieee-address] [subscriber sub-ident-string] [sub-profile sub-profile-name] [sla-profile sla-profile-name]
no host {[ip ip-address] [mac ieee-address]}
filter ip ip-filter-id
match-qinq-dot1p {top|bottom}
qos policy-id [shared-queuing]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
[no] multi-service-site customer-site-name
static-host ip ip/did-address [mac ieee-address] [create]
static-host mac ieee-address [create]
no static-host [ip ip-address] mac ieee-address
no static-host all [force]
no static-host ip ip-address
ancp-string ancp-string
app-profile app-profile-name
inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id
sla-profile sla-profile-name
sub-profile sub-profile-name
subscriber sub-ident
def-app-profile default-app-profile-name
def-sla-profile default-sla-profile-name
def-sub-id string sub-ident-string
def-sub-id use-sap-id
def-sub-profile default-subscriber-profile-name
multi-sub-sap subscriber-limit
non-sub-traffic sub-profile sub-profile-name sla-profile sla-profile-name [subscriber sub-ident-string]
sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name
tos-marking-state {trusted | untrusted}
[no] srrp srrp-id
description description-string
gw-mac mac-address
[no] policy vrrp-policy-id
priority priority
VPort Commands
Refer to the SR OS Interfaces Guide for further information on card, Media Dependent Adapter (MDA), MCM (MDA Carrier Module), CMA (Compact Media Adapter) and port provisioning.
port port-id
vport vport-name [create]
no vport vport-name
description description-string
host-match dest string [create]
no host-match dest string
port-scheduler-policy port-scheduling-policy-name
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
Redundant Interface Commands
[no] redundant-interface ip-int-name
address {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [remote-ip ip-address]
[no] description description-string
[no] spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
[no] redundant-interface ip-int-name
address {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [remote-ip ip-address]
[no] description description-string
[no] spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
sdp sdp-id [gre | mpls]
no sdp sdp-id
port [port-id | lag-id]
pw-port pw-port-id [vc-id vc-id] [create]
no pw-port pw-port-id
int-dest-id int-dest-id
no int-dest-id int-dest-id
pw-sap-secondary-shaper secondary-shaper-name
no pw-sap-secondary-shaper secondary-shaper-name
vport vport-name
no vport vport-name
encap-type {dot1q|qinq}
no encap-type
[no] shutdown
vc-type {ether|vlan}
no vc-type
vlan-vc-tag vlan-id
no vlan-vc-tag
ies service-id [customer customer-id] [vpn vpn-id]
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
Interface Commands
interface ip-int-name [create] [tunnel]
no interface ip-int-name
[no] ipv6
[no] urpf-check
mode {strict | loose | strict-no-ecmp}
no mode
[no] subscriber-interface ip-int-name
group-interface ip-int-name [create]
group-interface ip-int-name [create] lns
group-interface ip-int-name [create] softgre
no group-interface ip-int-name
[no] ipv6
[no] urpf-check
mode {strict | loose | strict-no-ecmp}
no mode
Show Commands
credit-control credit-control [subscriber sub-ident-string]
credit-control out-of-credit [action action] [summary]
filter [subscriber sub-ident-string] [origin origin]
hierarchy [subscriber sub-ident-string]
host-tracking [subscriber sub-ident-string]
host-tracking [subscriber sub-ident-string] detail
host-tracking [subscriber sub-ident-string] summary
host-tracking [subscriber sub-ident-string] statistics
groups [group group-ip-address]
groups group group-ip-address] detail
groups group group-ip-address] summary
igmp [subscriber sub-ident-string][detail]
subscriber sub-ident-string
subscriber sub-ident-string detail
subscriber sub-ident-string mirror
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name detail
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name mirror
id service-id
arp-host [wholesaler service-id] [sap sap-id | interface interface-name | ip-address ip-address[/mask] | mac ieee-address | {[port port-id] [no-inter-dest-id | inter-dest-id inter-dest-id]}] [detail]
arp-host statistics [sap sap-id | interface interface-name]
arp-host summary [interface interface-name]
lease-state [wholesaler service-id][sap sap-id | sdp sdp-id:vc-id | interface interface-name | ip-address ip-address[/mask] | chaddr ieee-address | mac ieee-address | {[port port-id] [no-inter-dest-id | inter-dest-id inter-dest-id]}] [detail]
statistics [sap sap-id] | [ sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id] ]]
subscriber-hosts [sap sap-id] [ip ip-address[/mask]] [mac ieee-address] [sub-profile sub-profile-name] [sla-profile sla-profile-name] [detail]
neighbors group [name] [ip-address]
sessions [group name] neighbor ip-address] [ port port-number] [association] [statistics]
host [sap sap-id] [wholesaler service-id] [port port-id] [inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id] [detail]
host [sap sap-id] [wholesaler service-id] [port port-id] no-inter-dest-id [detail]
host summary
host [detail] wholesaler service-id (VPRN only)
interface [{[ip-address|ip-int-name] [interface-type] [detail] [family]}|summary]
sdp sdp-id pw-port [pw-port-id]
subscriber-using [service-id service-id] [sap-id sap-id] [interface ip-int-name] [ip ip-address[/mask]] [mac ieee-address] [sub-profile sub-profile-name] [sla-profile sla-profile-name] [app-profile app-profile-name]
port-scheduler-policy [port-scheduler-policy-name] [association]
port-scheduler-policy port-scheduler-policy-name network-policy network-queue-policy-name
port-scheduler-policy port-scheduler-policy-name sap-egress policy-id
port-scheduler-policy port-scheduler-policy-name scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
port-scheduler-policy port-scheduler-policy-name scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name sap-egress policy-id
sap-egress [policy-id] [association|detail]
sap-ingress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | detail]
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress|egress] [detail]
sap sap-id [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress|egress] [detail]
subscriber sub-ident-string [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress|egress][detail]
scheduler-name scheduler-name
scheduler-policy [scheduler-policy-name] [association|sap-ingress policy-id|sap-egress policy-id]
customer customer-id site customer-site-name [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress|egress] [detail]
sap sap-id [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress|egress] [detail]
subscriber sub-ident-string [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress|egress][detail]
shared-queue shared-queue-policy-name [detail]
mc-ipsec addr [tunnel-group grp-id]
mc-ring peer ip-address statistics
mc-ring peer ip-address [ring sync-tag [detail|statistics] ]
mc-ring peer ip-address ring sync-tag ring-node [ring-node-name [detail|statistics] ]
mc-ring global-statistics
ancp-string [policy-name]
ancp-string policy-name association
ancp-string ancp-string
ancp-string customer customer-id site customer-site-name
ancp-string sap sap-id
authentication policy-name association
authentication [policy-name]
authentication [policy-name] statistics
authentication coa-statistics
host-lockout-policy policy-name association
host-lockout-policy policy-name all
host-lockout-policy policy-name sap sap-id [circuit-id | mac | remote-id]
igmp-policy policy-name association
igmp-policy policy-name
local-user-db local-user-db-name association [dhcp] [ppp]
local-user-db local-user-db-name dhcp-all-hosts
local-user-db local-user-db-name dhcp-host dhcp-host-name
local-user-db local-user-db-name dhcp-unmatched-hosts
local-user-db [local-user-db-name]
local-user-db local-user-db-name ppp-all-hosts
local-user-db local-user-db-name ppp-host pppoe-host-name
local-user-db local-user-db-name ppp-unmatched-hosts
msap-policy [msap-policy-name [association]]
sla-profile [sla-profile-name [association]]
statistics iom (slot | all) [host|session|subscriber|summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics mda (mda | all) [host|session|subscriber|summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics port (port-id | all) [host|session|subscriber|summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics pw-port (pw-port | all) [host|session|subscriber|summary] [non-zero-value-only]
statistics system [host|session|subscriber|summary] [non-zero-value-only]
sub-ident-policy [sub-ident-policy-name [association]]
sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name script {primary | secondary | tertiary}
sub-profile [sub-profile-name [association]]
Monitor Commands
subscriber sub-ident-string sap sap-id sla-profile sla-profile-name [base | ingress-queue-id ingress-queue-id | egress-queue-id egress-queue-id] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]
Clear Commands
authentication [policy-name]
authentication coa-statistics
msap-policy msap-policy-name
peakvalue-stats iom (slot | all) [recursive]
peakvalue-stats mda (mda | all) [recursive]
peakvalue-stats port (port-id | all)
peakvalue-stats pw-port (pw-port | all)
peakvalue-stats system [recursive]
radius-accounting [policy-name]
id service-id
arp-host { mac ieee-address | sap sap-id | ip-address ip-address[/mask] }
arp-host [port port-id] [inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id | no-inter-dest-id]
arp-host statistics [sap sap-id | interface interface-name]
msap msap-id
msap-policy msap-policy-name
subscriber sub-ident-string
subscriber sub-ident-string [scheduler scheduler-name] [ingress|egress]
interface subscriber-interface [id srrp-id]
statistics interface subscriber-interface [id srrp-id]
route-downloader name [vprn vprn] [family family]
Debug Commands
id service-id
[no] ppp
[no] circuit-id circuit-id
[no] event
dhcp-client [terminate-only]
l2tp [terminate-only]
ppp [terminate-only]
[no] mac ieee-address
[no] msap msap-id
[no] packet
detail-level {low|medium|high}
[no] dhcp-client
discovery [padi] [pado] [padr] [pads] [padt]
mode {dropped-only|ingr-and-dropped|egr-ingr-and-dropped}
ppp [lcp] [pap] [chap] [ipcp] [ipv6cp]
[no] remote-id remote-id
[no] sap sap-id
[no] username username
[no authentication [policy policy-name] [mac-addr ieee-address] [circuit-id circuit-id]
[no sub-ident-policy policy-name
[no] srrp
[no] events [interface ip-int-name]
[no] packets [interface ip-int-name]
[no] radius
detail-level {low|medium|high}
packet-type [authentication] [accounting] [coa]
no radius-attr type attribute-type {address|hex|integer|string} attribute-value
no radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type
no radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type {address |string} value attribute-value
radius-attr type attribute-type [transaction]
radius-attr type attribute-type [transaction] {address|hex|integer|string} value attribute-value
radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type [transaction encoding-type]
radius-attr vendor vendor-id type attribute-type [transaction encoding-type] {address|hex|integer|string} value attribute-value
no radius-attr type attribute-type
[no] server-address ip-address
Tools Commands
force-switchover tunnel-group local-group-id
srrp-sync-data [instance instance-id] [peer ip-address]
srrp-sync-data dhcp pppoe
sync-database [peer ip-address] [port port-id | lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [application {dhcps|igmp|igmp-snooping|mc-ring|srrp|sub-mgmt|mld-snooping}] [detail] [type {alarm-deleted|local-deleted}]
route-downloader start [force]
downgrade target-version target [reboot]
credit-reset sap sap-id subscriber sub-ident-string sla-profile sla-profile-name {category category-name|all-categories}
credit-reset sap sap-id ip ip-address {category category-name| all-categories}
credit-reset svc service-id ip ip-address {category category-name| all-categories}
eval-lease-state sap sap-id ip ip-address [subscriber sub-ident-string] [sub-profile-string sub-profile-string] [sla-profile-string sla-profile-string] [app-profile-string app-profile-string] [inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id] [ancp-string ancp-string]
eval-lease-state svc-id service-id ip ip-address [subscriber sub-ident-string] [sub-profile-string sub-profile-string] [sla-profile-string sla-profile-string] [app-profile-string app-profile-string] [inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id] [ancp-string ancp-string]
re-ident-sub old-sub-ident-string to new-sub-ident-string