Table 11 shows an example of the two possibilities.
The PIR bucket is drained at the PIR rate and has two burst thresholds, one for high burst priority traffic (defined by the maximum burst size (MBS)) and a second for low burst priority traffic (defined by the MBS minus high-prio-only), see Figure 245. The traffic burst priority is determined at ingress by the configured priority of either high or low, and at the egress by the profile state of the packets (in-profile=high, out-of-profile=low). Note that by default all FCs are low burst priority. If a packet conforms at the PIR bucket (its tokens enter the bucket) then the packet is forwarded, otherwise the packet is discarded. Discarding logically results in the packet’s tokens not being placed into the CIR, FIR or parent policer buckets.

The burst tolerance for each threshold is its own burst capacity plus the sum of the burst capacities of all lower thresholds. Referring to Figure 249, the total burst capacity for priority 6 is the sum of the burst capacities for priorities 1 to 6. Note that the burst for a given FC is normally controlled by the burst allowed at the child PIR threshold, not by the parent policer.
The QoS example shown in Figure 250 is used to describe the configuration of CFHP.
This is shown in Figure 251 on an IOM3-XP (other line cards have the same logic).
To achieve the QoS shown in Figure 250, configure a SAP-ingress QoS policy to define the child policers and a policer-control-policy to define the intermediate arbiter and the root arbiter/parent policer. As this example is for ingress, the unicast traffic will pass through a set of shared queues called policer-output-queues, which could be modified if required.
config>qos>sap-ingress# policer policer-id [create]
description “description-string”
adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
stat-mode {no-stats|minimal|offered-profile-no-cir|
rate {max | kilobits-per-second} [cir {max | kilobits-per-second}]
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
cbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
high-prio-only [default | percent-of-mbs]
parent {root | arbiter-name} [level level] [weight weight-within-level]
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
broadcast-policer <policer-id>
unknown-policer <policer-id>
multicast-policer <policer-id>
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# policer <policer-id> [group <queue-group-name> [queue <queueid>]]
config>qos>sap-egress>fc# policer <policer-id> queue <queue-id>
config>qos# policer-control-policy policy-name [create]
description description-string
max-rate {kilobits-per-second | max}
min-thresh-separation size [bytes|kilobytes]
priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes|kilobytes] [fixed]
tier 1
arbiter arbiter-name [create]
description escription-string
rate {kilobits-per-second|max}
parent root [level priority-level] [weight weight-within-level]
tier 2
arbiter arbiter-name [create]
description description-string
rate {kilobits-per-second | max}
parent {root|arbiter-name} [level priority-level] [weight weight-within-level]
config>qos# shared-queue "policer-output-queues"
description description-string
fc <fc-name> [create]
broadcast-queue <queue-id>
multicast-queue <queue-id>
queue <queue-id>
unknown-queue <queue-id>
queue queue-id [queue-type] [multipoint] [create]
cbs percent
mbs percent
high-prio-only percent
pool pool-name
rate percent [cir percent]
config>qos>qgrps>egr# queue-group queue-group-name [create]
description description-string
queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size [bytes|kilobytes]
cbs size-in-kbytes
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes|kilobytes]
parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight]
[cir-level cir-level]
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
pool pool-name
port-parent [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight]
[cir-level cir-level]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
wred-queue [policy slope-policy-name]
fc fc-name [create]
queue queue-id
A:PE-1>config>qos# queue-group-templates egress queue-group "policer-output-queues"
A:PE-1>cfg>qos>qgrps>egr>qgrp# info detail
description "Default egress policer output queues."
queue 1 best-effort create
no parent
no port-parent
adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
rate max cir 0
cbs default
mbs default
high-prio-only default
no pool
no wred-queue
no burst-limit
queue 2 expedite create
no parent
no port-parent
adaptation-rule pir closest cir closest
rate max cir 0
cbs default
mbs default
high-prio-only default
no pool
no wred-queue
no burst-limit
fc af create
queue 1
fc be create
queue 1
fc ef create
queue 2
fc h1 create
queue 2
fc h2 create
queue 2
fc l1 create
queue 1
fc l2 create
queue 1
fc nc create
queue 2
sap sap-id [create]
qos policy-id
policer-control-policy policy-name
policer policer-id [create]
cbs size [bytes|kilobytes]
mbs size [bytes|kilobytes]
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
rate {rate | max} [cir {max | rate}
percent-rate <pir-percent> [cir <cir-percent>]
stat-mode stat-mode
policer-control-override [create]
max-rate {rate | max}
min-thresh-separation size [bytes | kilobytes]
priority level
mbs-contribution size [bytes | kilobytes]
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
policer-control-policy "cfhp-1" create
max-rate 100000
tier 1
arbiter "a3" create
parent "root" level 3
rate 60000
sap-ingress 10 create
queue 1 create
queue 11 multipoint create
policer 1 create
stat-mode offered-total-cir
parent "root"
rate 100000
high-prio-only 0
policer 2 create
stat-mode offered-total-cir
parent "a3" level 2 weight 50
rate 60000 cir 20000
high-prio-only 0
policer 3 create
stat-mode offered-total-cir
parent "a3" level 2 weight 25
rate 60000 cir 20000
high-prio-only 0
policer 4 create
stat-mode offered-total-cir
parent "a3" level 2 weight 25
rate 60000 cir 20000
high-prio-only 0
policer 5 create
stat-mode offered-total-cir
parent "root" level 5
rate 10000 cir 10000
high-prio-only 0
fc "af" create
policer 3
fc "be" create
policer 1
fc "ef" create
policer 5
fc "l1" create
policer 4
fc "l2" create
policer 2
dot1p 1 fc "be"
dot1p 2 fc "l2"
dot1p 3 fc "af"
dot1p 4 fc "l1"
dot1p 5 fc "ef"
echo "Service Configuration"
epipe 1 customer 1 create
sap 1/1/3:1 create
policer-control-policy "cfhp-1"
qos 10
sap 1/1/4:1 create
no shutdown
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
policer-control-policy "cfhp-2" create
max-rate 100000
min-thresh-separation 256 bytes
priority 1
mbs-contribution 1 kilobytes
priority 2
mbs-contribution 1 kilobytes
priority 3
mbs-contribution 1 kilobytes
priority 4
mbs-contribution 1 kilobytes fixed
priority 5
mbs-contribution 1 kilobytes fixed
priority 6
mbs-contribution 1 kilobytes fixed
sap-ingress 20 create
queue 1 create
queue 11 multipoint create
policer 1 create
parent "root" level 2
policer 2 create
parent "root" level 3
policer 3 create
parent "root" level 3
policer 4 create
parent "root" level 5
policer 5 create
parent "root" level 6
policer 6 create
parent "root" level 6
fc "af" create
policer 3
fc "be" create
policer 1
fc "ef" create
policer 6
fc "h2" create
policer 5
fc "l1" create
policer 4
fc "l2" create
policer 2
echo "Service Configuration"
epipe 2 customer 1 create
sap 1/1/3:2 create
policer-control-policy "cfhp-2"
qos 20
sap 1/1/4:2 create
no shutdown
customer customer-id [create]
multi-service-site customer-site-name [create]
assignment port port-id
policer-control-policy name
policer-control-policy name
sap sap-id
multi-service-site customer-site-name
qos policy-id
qos policy-id
A:PE-1# show qos policer sap 1/1/3:1
Policer Information (Summary), Slot 1
Name FC-Maps MBS HP-Only A.PIR A.CIR
Direction CBS Depth O.PIR O.CIR O.FIR
Ingress be 124 KB 0 KB 100000 0
0 KB 82 30000 0 30000
Ingress l2 76 KB 0 KB 60000 20000
25 KB 77846 30000 20000 30000
Ingress af 76 KB 0 KB 60000 20000
25 KB 77824 15000 15000 15000
Ingress l1 76 KB 0 KB 60000 20000
25 KB 77868 15000 15000 15000
Ingress ef 12800 B 0 KB 10000 10000
12800 B 12834 10000 10000 10000
A:PE-1# show qos policer sap 1/1/3:1 ingress detail
Policer Info (1->1/1/3:1->3), Slot 1
Policer Name : 1->1/1/3:1->3
Direction : Ingress Fwding Plane : 1
FC-Map : af
Depth PIR : 77842 Bytes Depth CIR : 25618 Bytes
Depth FIR : 77842 Bytes
MBS : 76 KB CBS : 25 KB
Hi Prio Only : 0 KB Pkt Byte Offset : 0
Admin PIR : 60000 Kbps Admin CIR : 20000 Kbps
Oper PIR : 15000 Kbps Oper CIR : 15000 Kbps
Oper FIR : 15000 Kbps
Stat Mode : offered-total-cir
PIR Adaption : closest CIR Adaption : closest
Parent Arbiter Name: a3
Arbiter Member Information
Offered Rate : 45800 Kbps
Level : 2 Weight : 25
Parent PIR : 15000 Kbps Parent FIR : 15000 Kbps
Consumed : 15000 Kbps
A:PE-1# show service id 1 sap 1/1/3:1 stats
Sap per Policer stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Policer 1 (Stats mode: offered-total-cir)
Off. All : 2690893 172217152
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 967465 61917760
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 1723428 110299392
Ingress Policer 2 (Stats mode: offered-total-cir)
Off. All : 2690988 172223232
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 909492 58207488
For. InProf : 1178507 75424448
For. OutProf : 602989 38591296
PE-1# show service id 2 sap 1/1/1:2 stats
Sap per Policer stats
Packets Octets
Ingress Policer 1 (Stats mode: no-stats)
Ingress Policer 2 (Stats mode: minimal)
Off. All : 0 0
For. All : 0 0
Dro. All : 0 0
Ingress Policer 3 (Stats mode: offered-profile-no-cir)
Off. InProf : 0 0
Off. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Policer 4 (Stats mode: offered-priority-no-cir)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
For. HiPrio : 0 0
For. LoPrio : 0 0
Dro. HiPrio : 0 0
Dro. LowPrio : 0 0
Ingress Policer 5 (Stats mode: offered-profile-cir)
Off. InProf : 0 0
Off. OutProf : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Policer 6 (Stats mode: offered-priority-cir)
Off. HiPrio : 0 0
Off. LowPrio : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Policer 7 (Stats mode: offered-total-cir)
Off. All : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
Ingress Policer 8 (Stats mode: offered-limited-profile-cir)
Off. OutProf : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Policer 1 (Stats mode: no-stats)
Egress Policer 2 (Stats mode: minimal)
Off. All : 0 0
For. All : 0 0
Dro. All : 0 0
Egress Policer 3 (Stats mode: offered-profile-no-cir)
Off. InProf : 0 0
Off. OutProf : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Policer 4 (Stats mode: offered-profile-cir)
Off. InProf : 0 0
Off. OutProf : 0 0
Off. Uncolor : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
Egress Policer 5 (Stats mode: offered-total-cir)
Off. All : 0 0
For. InProf : 0 0
For. OutProf : 0 0
Dro. InProf : 0 0
Dro. OutProf : 0 0
A:PE-1# show qos policer-control-policy cfhp-1
QoS Policer Control Policy
Policy-Name : cfhp-1
Description : (Not Specified)
Min Threshold Sep : Def
Priority MBS Thresholds
Priority MBS Contribution
1 none
2 none
3 none
4 none
5 none
6 none
7 none
8 none
Tier/Arbiter Lvl/Wt Rate Parent
root N/A 100000 None
1 a3 3/1 60000 root
A:PE-1# show qos policer-control-policy "cfhp-1" association
QoS Policer Control Policy
Policy-Name : cfhp-1
Description : (Not Specified)
Service-Id : 1 (Epipe) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/1/3:1 (Ing)
A:PE-1# show qos policer-hierarchy sap 1/1/3:1
Policer Hierarchy - Sap 1/1/3:1
Ingress Policer Control Policy : cfhp-1
Egress Policer Control Policy :
root (Ing)
| slot(1)
|--(A) : a3 (Sap 1/1/3:1)
| |
| |--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->4
| | |
| | | [Level 2 Weight 25]
| | | Assigned PIR:15000 Offered:45800
| | | Consumed:15000
| | |
| | | Assigned FIR:15000
| |
| |--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->3
| | |
| | | [Level 2 Weight 25]
| | | Assigned PIR:15000 Offered:45800
| | | Consumed:15000
| | |
| | | Assigned FIR:15000
| |
| |--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->2
| | |
| | | [Level 2 Weight 50]
| | | Assigned PIR:30000 Offered:45800
| | | Consumed:30000
| | |
| | | Assigned FIR:30000
|--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->5
| |
| | [Level 5 Weight 1]
| | Assigned PIR:10000 Offered:10000
| | Consumed:10000
| |
| | Assigned FIR:10000
|--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->1
| |
| | [Level 1 Weight 1]
| | Assigned PIR:30000 Offered:45800
| | Consumed:30000
| |
| | Assigned FIR:30000
root (Egr)
No Active Members Found on slot 1
A:PE-1# show qos policer-hierarchy sap 1/1/3:1 detail
Policer Hierarchy - Sap 1/1/3:1
Ingress Policer Control Policy : cfhp-1
Egress Policer Control Policy :
Legend :
(*) real-time dynamic value
(w) Wire rates
root (Ing)
| slot(1)
| MaxPIR:100000
| ConsumedByChildren:100000
| OperPIR:100000 OperFIR:100000
| DepthPIR:8111 bytes
| Priority 8
| Oper Thresh Unfair:17408 Oper Thresh Fair:25600
| Association count:0
| Priority 7
| Oper Thresh Unfair:17408 Oper Thresh Fair:25600
| Association count:0
| Priority 6
| Oper Thresh Unfair:17408 Oper Thresh Fair:25600
| Association count:0
| Priority 5
| Oper Thresh Unfair:17408 Oper Thresh Fair:25600
| Association count:1
| Priority 4
| Oper Thresh Unfair:9728 Oper Thresh Fair:17408
| Association count:0
| Priority 3
| Oper Thresh Unfair:9728 Oper Thresh Fair:17408
| Association count:3
| Priority 2
| Oper Thresh Unfair:0 Oper Thresh Fair:8192
| Association count:0
| Priority 1
| Oper Thresh Unfair:0 Oper Thresh Fair:8192
| Association count:1
|--(A) : a3 (Sap 1/1/3:1)
| | MaxPIR:60000
| | ConsumedByChildren:60000
| | OperPIR:60000 OperFIR:60000
| |
| | [Level 3 Weight 1]
| | Assigned PIR:60000 Offered:60000
| | Consumed:60000
| |
| | Assigned FIR:60000
| |
| |--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->4
| | | MaxPIR:60000 MaxCIR:20000
| | | CBS:25600 MBS:77824
| | | HiPrio:0
| | | Depth:77876
| | |
| | | OperPIR:15000 OperCIR:15000
| | | OperFIR:15000
| | | PacketByteOffset:0
| | | StatMode: offered-total-cir
| | |
| | | [Level 2 Weight 25]
| | | Assigned PIR:15000 Offered:45800
| | | Consumed:15000
| | |
| | | Assigned FIR:15000
| |
| |--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->3
| | | MaxPIR:60000 MaxCIR:20000
| | | CBS:25600 MBS:77824
| | | HiPrio:0
| | | Depth:77834
| | |
| | | OperPIR:15000 OperCIR:15000
| | | OperFIR:15000
| | | PacketByteOffset:0
| | | StatMode: offered-total-cir
| | |
| | | [Level 2 Weight 25]
| | | Assigned PIR:15000 Offered:45800
| | | Consumed:15000
| | |
| | | Assigned FIR:15000
| |
| |--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->2
| | | MaxPIR:60000 MaxCIR:20000
| | | CBS:25600 MBS:77824
| | | HiPrio:0
| | | Depth:77848
| | |
| | | OperPIR:30000 OperCIR:20000
| | | OperFIR:30000
| | | PacketByteOffset:0
| | | StatMode: offered-total-cir
| | |
| | | [Level 2 Weight 50]
| | | Assigned PIR:30000 Offered:45800
| | | Consumed:30000
| | |
| | | Assigned FIR:30000
|--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->5
| | MaxPIR:10000 MaxCIR:10000
| | CBS:12800 MBS:12800
| | HiPrio:0
| | Depth:12854
| |
| | OperPIR:10000 OperCIR:10000
| | OperFIR:10000
| | PacketByteOffset:0
| | StatMode: offered-total-cir
| |
| | [Level 5 Weight 1]
| | Assigned PIR:10000 Offered:10000
| | Consumed:10000
| |
| | Assigned FIR:10000
|--(P) : Policer 1->1/1/3:1->1
| | MaxPIR:100000 MaxCIR:0
| | CBS:0 MBS:126976
| | HiPrio:0
| | Depth:135
| |
| | OperPIR:30000 OperCIR:0
| | OperFIR:30000
| | PacketByteOffset:0
| | StatMode: offered-total-cir
| |
| | [Level 1 Weight 1]
| | Assigned PIR:30000 Offered:45800
| | Consumed:30000
| |
| | Assigned FIR:30000
root (Egr)
No Active Members Found on slot 1
A:PE-1# show qos policer sap 1/1/3:1 detail | match expression "Slot | Bytes | Kbps"
Policer Info (1->1/1/3:1->1), Slot 1
Depth PIR : 153 Bytes Depth CIR : 0 Bytes
Depth FIR : 153 Bytes
Admin PIR : 100000 Kbps Admin CIR : 0 Kbps
Oper PIR : 30000 Kbps Oper CIR : 0 Kbps
Oper FIR : 30000 Kbps
Offered Rate : 45800 Kbps
Parent PIR : 30000 Kbps Parent FIR : 30000 Kbps
Consumed : 30000 Kbps
Policer Info (1->1/1/3:1->2), Slot 1
Depth PIR : 77828 Bytes Depth CIR : 25624 Bytes
Depth FIR : 77828 Bytes
Admin PIR : 60000 Kbps Admin CIR : 20000 Kbps
Oper PIR : 30000 Kbps Oper CIR : 20000 Kbps
Oper FIR : 30000 Kbps
Offered Rate : 45800 Kbps
Parent PIR : 30000 Kbps Parent FIR : 30000 Kbps
Consumed : 30000 Kbps
Policer Info (1->1/1/3:1->3), Slot 1
Depth PIR : 77858 Bytes Depth CIR : 25634 Bytes
Depth FIR : 77858 Bytes
Admin PIR : 60000 Kbps Admin CIR : 20000 Kbps
Oper PIR : 15000 Kbps Oper CIR : 15000 Kbps
Oper FIR : 15000 Kbps
Offered Rate : 45800 Kbps
Parent PIR : 15000 Kbps Parent FIR : 15000 Kbps
Consumed : 15000 Kbps
Policer Info (1->1/1/3:1->4), Slot 1
Depth PIR : 77838 Bytes Depth CIR : 25614 Bytes
Depth FIR : 77838 Bytes
Admin PIR : 60000 Kbps Admin CIR : 20000 Kbps
Oper PIR : 15000 Kbps Oper CIR : 15000 Kbps
Oper FIR : 15000 Kbps
Offered Rate : 45800 Kbps
Parent PIR : 15000 Kbps Parent FIR : 15000 Kbps
Consumed : 15000 Kbps
Policer Info (1->1/1/3:1->5), Slot 1
Depth PIR : 12814 Bytes Depth CIR : 12814 Bytes
Depth FIR : 12814 Bytes
Admin PIR : 10000 Kbps Admin CIR : 10000 Kbps
Oper PIR : 10000 Kbps Oper CIR : 10000 Kbps
Oper FIR : 10000 Kbps
Offered Rate : 10000 Kbps
Parent PIR : 10000 Kbps Parent FIR : 10000 Kbps
Consumed : 10000 Kbps
A:PE-1# show qos shared-queue "policer-output-queues" detail
QoS Shared Queue Policy
Shared Queue Policy (policer-output-queues)
Policy : policer-output-queues
Description : Default Policer Output Shared Queue Policy
Queue CIR PIR CBS MBS HiPrio Multipoint Pool-Name
1 0 100 1 50 10 FALSE
2 25 100 3 50 10 FALSE
3 25 100 10 50 10 FALSE
4 25 100 3 25 10 FALSE
5 100 100 10 50 10 FALSE
6 100 100 10 50 10 FALSE
7 10 100 3 25 10 FALSE
8 10 100 3 25 10 FALSE
9 0 100 1 50 10 TRUE
10 25 100 3 50 10 TRUE
11 25 100 10 50 10 TRUE
12 25 100 3 25 10 TRUE
13 100 100 10 50 10 TRUE
14 100 100 10 50 10 TRUE
15 10 100 3 25 10 TRUE
16 10 100 3 25 10 TRUE
FC UCastQ MCastQ BCastQ UnknownQ
be 1 9 9 9
l2 2 10 10 10
af 3 11 11 11
l1 4 12 12 12
h2 5 13 13 13
ef 6 14 14 14
h1 7 15 15 15
nc 8 16 16 16
Service : 1 SAP : 1/1/3:1
A:PE-1# show qos queue-group "policer-output-queues" detail
QoS Queue-Group Ingress
QoS Queue-Group Egress
QoS Queue Group
Group-Name : policer-output-queues
Description : Default egress policer output queues.
Q CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS HiPrio PIR Lvl/Wt Parent BurstLimit(B)
CIR Rule PIR Rule MBS CIR Lvl/Wt Wred-Queue Slope
Named-Buffer Pool
1 0 max def def 1/1 None default
closest closest def 0/1 disabled default
2 0 max def def 1/1 None default
closest closest def 0/1 disabled default
Queue Group Ports (access)
Port Sched Pol Acctg Pol Stats Description
1/1/3 0 No
1/1/4 0 No
Queue Group Ports (network)
Port Sched Pol Acctg Pol Stats Description
No Matching Entries
Queue Group Sap FC Maps
Sap Policy FC Name Queue Id
No Matching Entries
A:PE-1# show qos policer-hierarchy sap 1/1/3:2 ingress priority-info
Policer Hierarchy - Sap 1/1/3:2
Ingress Policer Control Policy : cfhp-2
root (Ing)
| slot(1)
| Priority 8
| Oper Thresh Unfair:4352 Oper Thresh Fair:5120
| Association count:0
| Priority 7
| Oper Thresh Unfair:4352 Oper Thresh Fair:5120
| Association count:0
| Priority 6
| Oper Thresh Unfair:4352 Oper Thresh Fair:5120
| Association count:2 fixed
| Priority 5
| Oper Thresh Unfair:3328 Oper Thresh Fair:4096
| Association count:1 fixed
| Priority 4
| Oper Thresh Unfair:2304 Oper Thresh Fair:3072
| Association count:0 fixed
| Priority 3
| Oper Thresh Unfair:1280 Oper Thresh Fair:2048
| Association count:2
| Priority 2
| Oper Thresh Unfair:0 Oper Thresh Fair:1024
| Association count:1
| Priority 1
| Oper Thresh Unfair:0 Oper Thresh Fair:0
| Association count:0