Search users


This topic describes the steps to search for users of a partition.

Important!  Per default, the Users tab does not display any user. To display users, a search must be performed.

Search user

Task StepsPerform the following steps to search for users:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to Lucent CM System→ Partitions → <partition name> → Users.

Result:  The Users tab displays. No users are displayed.


In the Search Columns drop down box, select the column to search in.


Define the search criteria. Use the drop-down menu to select Contains, Starts With or Ends With and enter a search string in the box.


If you want to define which columns are displayed in the search result, click Display Filter.

Result:  The Display Filter window displays.


Check the columns you want to display and un-check the columns you do not want to display in the search result.


Click Update.

Result:  The Display Filter window closes.


If you want to limit the number of search result that are displayed, enter a value in the Max Display parameter.


Click Search.

Result:  The users that comply to the search criteria display. If the maximum number of search results is exceeded, an information message displays.

End of steps

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