Add, modify, or delete a user


This topic describes the steps to add, modify, or delete a user or a partition administrator.

The procedure is intended for use by a fully-privileged enterprise administrator or a fully-privileged system administrator when Lucent CM is deployed without an OMC-P. When an OMC-P is deployed, users are created using the OMC-P.

Bulk provisioning

Large numbers of users are provisioned using the system administrator API. For more information about the system administrator API and bulk provisioning, refer to Web Services Interface Developers Guide - Administration Interface.

The Web Services Interface Developers Guide - Administration Interface is available at https://<Lucent CM system_name>:8843/doc/admin/home.html (recommended) or http://<Lucent CM system_name>:8888/doc/admin/home.html

Type of users

Lucent CM has the following types of users:

A partition administrator is a user with the additional capabilities to administer the partition to which the partition administrator belongs.

FS 3000 call server auto provisioning

For FS 3000 call servers that have Auto Provisioning disabled, define only the parameters Phone Number, Phone Password, and Alias. All other FS 3000 call server parameters are not available.

General user parameters

General user parameters:





User ID


The login ID for the user. Use lowercase alphanumerical characters.


Group ID


The group to which the user belongs.


First Name


The first name of the user


Last Name


The last name of the user




Privilege of the Lucent CM users. Check mark box to define the type of user.

A Lucent CM user can be:

  • User only

  • Partition administrator with full privileges

  • Partition administrator with permissions to reset passwords for Lucent CM users of the partition


User Tag


Menu to define the type of user.


Trace Enabled


Check mark box to start or stop a trace of the user.


Account Disabled


Indicates whether a user account is enabled or disabled. An account becomes disabled automatically when the authentication rule Disable login for x times in y minutes in the Lucent CM authentication service is met.


Account Locked


Check mark box to lock or unlock the user account. A user with a locked account cannot login to Lucent CM.

Only a fully-privileged administrator can lock an account.


Account Active


Check mark box to activate or deactivate the user account. An inactive account is available for assignment by an administrator.

The account active status only changes when an administrator adds or deletes a user.

A user with an inactive account cannot login to Lucent CM or connect to the call server.

Account Active applies to users that are assigned to an FS 5000 call server.




See Add a user or activate an account and Delete a user or inactivate an account for more information about adding and deleting user accounts.

User - PS Contact parameters

User - PS Contact parameters:





PS Contact Service User ID


The user ID used to identify the user on the Lucent Presence Solution server.

The PS Contact Service User ID must match the UserID parameter as defined in the Lucent Presence Solution.


PS Contact Service List ID


The value must be masterlist.

The name of the master list on the Lucent Presence Solution server that is used to synchronize the personal address book for the user.

The PS Contact Service List ID must match the value of the ListName parameter as defined in the Lucent Presence Solution.


User - Authentication parameters

User - Authentication parameters:





Authentication Service


The authentication service for the user.

You can assign the authentication service that the group uses (Use Group Policy), or another available authentication service.

A partition administrator cannot be assigned an authentication service that has the user authentication disabled.




The password to authenticate the user.


Verify Password


User - Call Server parameters for FS 5000

The tab becomes available when a Group ID is selected that has an FS 5000 call server provisioned.

User - Call Server parameters for FS 5000 call server:







Feature Package


The feature package for the user.

You can assign the user feature package that the group uses (Use Group Policy), or another available user feature package.




Identifier for the user.

The Alias parameter for the user in Lucent CM must be identical to the PartyID parameter of the user in the FS 5000 database.




Checkmark box to allow users to update common features.

Updates to common features affect all Public User IDs (PUID) that are associated with the Lucent FS 5000 PartyID (Alias in Lucent CM), regardless whether the PUID is assigned to the user or to another user.


Phone Number(s)


The list of telephone numbers for the user.

If the user has a Primary PUID, then the Primary PUID must be the first entry in the list.

If a user must be able to configure services (via the users's profile) related to the PUIDs, the PUIDs must be defined in the list.

It is recommended to define all PUIDs for the user in the list of Phone Number(s).




To add or delete phone numbers for the user.




Protection Call Server


The call server that acts as protection call server when the call server fails. The protection call server takes over all functions from the failing call server.

You can assign the user feature package that the group uses (Use Group Policy), None, or another available call server.


User - Call Server parameters for FS 3000

The tab becomes available when a Group ID is selected that has an FS 3000 call server provisioned.

User - Call Server parameters for FS 3000 call server:





Phone Number


The telephone number for the user.

The Phone Number parameter on the Lucent CM translates to the User ID parameter on the FS 3000. The User ID parameter on the FS 3000 must uniquely identify a user.




The phone extension number.


Feature Package


The feature package for the user.

You can assign the user feature package that the group uses (Use Group Policy), or another available user feature package.




The alias for the user.

The domain is shown behind the Alias box, for example,

The alias is the user identifier that is added to the Lucent FS 3000 call server.


User Password


The password for the user login to the Lucent FS 3000 call server.


Verify Password


Device Name


The device name of the phone.

The device name must match the device name on the FS 3000 call server.


Line Port


The line port (or directory number) that is associated with the hard phone.

Typically, the identifier is the phone number or alias of the user and, when the phone number of the user appears on multiple devices, a suffix.

The line port must match the line port on the Lucent FS 3000 call server.


Phone Password


The password for the phone to register with the Lucent FS 3000 call server.


Verify Password


User - Logging parameters

The tab becomes available when a Group ID is selected that has a logging service provisioned.

User - Logging parameters:





Lucent CM Logging Package Service


The Lucent CM logging package for the user.

You can assign the logging service that the group uses (Use Group Policy), or another available Lucent CM logging package.


User - Messaging parameters

The tab becomes available when a Group ID is selected that has a messaging service provisioned.

User - Messaging parameters:





Messaging User ID


IMAP4 authentication user identifier for the messaging service.


Email ID


The E-mail identifier that is used to identify the user at the message server.




The password for the user to access the messaging system.


Verify Password


User - Associations parameters

User - Associations parameters:





Associate User ID


The login IDs for the users that are associated with the main user.

Use alphanumerical lower case characters.


Associate can act as user


Defines the users that have access to the account of the main user.


User can act as associate


Defines whether the main user has access to the accounts of these users.


User - DisplayGroup parameters

User - DisplayGroup parameters:







Defines the attendant group that is associated with the user.


Directed Operation


Defines the directed operation group that is associated with the user.




Defines the Multi-Line Hunt Group that is associated with the user.




Defines the pickup group that is associated with the user.


Monitor 1 2


Check mark box to define whether the user acts as a monitor in the group.

When checked, the user can monitor the members of the group.


Member 1


Check mark box to define whether the user acts as a member in the group.

When checked, the user is a member of the group.




For an attendant group, a user can be either monitor or member, not both.


An attendant group monitor must be assigned as Atttendant Server on the FS 5000.

User - PSI parameters

User - PSI parameters:





DN Extension PSI PUID


The DN Extension PSI PUID service package for the user.

You can assign the service package that the group uses (Use Group Policy), or another available PSI PUID service package.


Remote Access PSI PUID


The Remote Access PSI PUID service package for the user.

You can assign the service package that the group uses (Use Group Policy), or another available PSI PUID service package.


Delete a user or inactivate an account

You can only inactivate a user account for an FS 5000 user.

When you delete a user account, all configuration data is removed, regardless of the type of call server that is assigned to the user. When you inactivate a user account, no configuration data is removed. The user account can be reactivated later with the same configuration data. If the inactivated user is assigned to an FS 5000 call server, the userID becomes part of the CPE pool that is available for partition administrators to assign.

Add a user or activate an account

You can only activate a user account for an FS 5000 user,

A partition administrator can only add FS 5000 user accounts when CPEs are available in the pool. The number of available CPEs is shown in the parameter CPEs Available in the Call Server tab of the Group. A system administrator can add user accounts, regardless of the number of CPEs available for assignment.

Add, modify, or delete users

Important!  It is recommended to modify users when the user is off-line. When modifications are made when the user is on-line and is making calls, the Lucent CM user client may not be able to display the correct status for the current call.

Task StepsPerform the following steps:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the Lucent CM System→ Partitions → <partition name> → Users

Result:  The Users tab displays. No users are displayed.


Important!  When CPE Available parameter for the Group is 0, you cannot add new users to the group.

If ...


then ...


you want to add a user,


  1. Click Add.

  2. Continue with Step 3.


you want to modify a user,


  1. Search for the user.

  2. Select a user.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Continue with Step 3.


you want to delete a user,


  1. Search for the user.

  2. Select one or more users.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

End of Procedure


you want to inactivate a user,


  1. Search for the user.

  2. Select the user.

  3. Check Account Inactive.

  4. Click Update.

End of Procedure


you want to activate a user,


  1. Search for the user.

  2. Select the user.

  3. Uncheck Account Inactive.

  4. Click Update.

End of Procedure



Configure the general user parameters.


If ...


then ...


you want to add or modify a PS Contact service,


  1. Click the PS Contact tab.

  2. Configure the PS Contact parameters.


you want to add or modify an authentication service,


  1. Click the Authentication tab

  2. Configure the authentication parameters.


you want to add or modify a call server service,


  1. Click the Call Server tab.

  2. Configure the call server parameters.


you want to assign services for a user,


  1. Click the Call Server tab.

  2. Click Assign Features

  3. Configure the Feature Assignment parameters.


you want to add or modify a logging service,


  1. Click the Logging tab.

  2. Configure the logging parameters.


you want to add or modify a messaging service,


  1. Click the Messaging tab.

  2. Configure the messaging parameters.


you want to add, modify, or delete associations,


  1. Click the Association tab.

  2. Click Add, Edit, or Delete.

  3. Configure the association parameters.


you want to add or modify display groups,


  1. Click the DisplayGroup tab.

  2. Configure the DisplayGroup parameters.


you want to add, modify, or delete PSIs,


  1. Click the PSI tab.

  2. Click Add, Edit, or Delete.

  3. Configure the PSI parameters.



Click Add or Update.

Result:  The Users list is updated to reflect the changes.

End of steps

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