Requirements and specifications - Lucent CM user client platform


This topic lists the system requirements for the platforms that run the Lucent CM user client.

Supported platforms

The Lucent CM user client is supported on the following equipment:

Requirements for softphone and voicemail use

When using a softphone or when playing back voicemail messages on a Windows based platform, you will need a soundcard and a headset.

Additional requirements:



Minimum requirement




System compatible soundcard, preferably with full duplex audio.




Any good quality USB headset.


Internet connection


Broadband internet connection.


Lucent CM user client software requirements

Minimum software requirements to run the Lucent CM user client:



Minimum requirement


Operating System (Windows)


  • Windows 2000

  • Windows XP Professional

  • Windows XP Home.


Operating System (Linux)


Any Linux that supports the JRE and browser requirements


Sun JavaTM Runtime Environment (JRE)


Standard Edition version 1.5.0_06 or better


Web browser


Supported are:

  • Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher (IE 6.0 preferred) 1

  • Mozilla 1.2.1 or higher




AnyDial is only supported on Internet Explorer.

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