Update system information


This topic describes the steps to update and view system information for the Lucent CM system.

System information includes the following information:

System Info general parameters

The System Info general parameters:





Virtual Hostname1


The virtual host name of the Lucent CM system.


System Name


The system name of the Lucent CM system.


Call Log for FS 5000


Checkmark box to enable call logging for FS 5000 based Lucent CM users the FS 5000.


Session Duration Timer


The maximum time of a session with the Lucent CM Explorer.


Reconfiguration Status


The status of the Lucent CM system reconfiguration process.




If the Virtual IP address of the system is changed in DNS, then the Virtual IP address must be updated using the Changing the Lucent CM system IP address procedure.

System Info - Customization parameters

The customization parameters are used to customize the look and feel of the Lucent CM Explorer for Lucent CM Explorer system administration sessions.

The System Info - Customization parameters:





Properties URL1


A URL that replaces the Lucent CM Explorer text strings with a different set of text strings.

The URL must point to a .jar file that contains the properties files:

  • Admin.properties

  • Error.properties

  • Web.properties

The URL that is defined, is used as the default value for the Properties URL parameter of a partition.


Stylesheet URL1


A URL that replaces the Lucent CM Explorer HTML style sheets that define the colors and fonts of the web page.

The URL that is defined, is used as the default value for the Stylesheet URL parameter of a partition.


Preferred DN Format


The format in which directory numbers are displayed.

The format that is defined, is used as the default value for the Preferred DN Format parameter of a partition.


Time/Date Format


The format in which the time and date is displayed on the Lucent CM user client.

The format that is defined, is used as the default value for the Time/Date Format parameter of a partition.




When URLs are changed, the Lucent CM Explorer is not refreshed immediately. Changes are applied when you log in the next time.

System Info - Database parameters

The System Info - Database parameters:







DB tie-breaker


Host name or IP address of the DB tie-breaker.

This must be an external entity that is associated with the internal interfaces network. For example, the default gateway of the internal interface.


What is this?


Button to display additional information explaining the function and purpose of the DB tie-breaker.


DB tie-breaker status


The status of the DB tie-breaker.


System Info - RTU parameters

The System Info - RTU parameters:







The Right-To-Use license key. The key defines the number of users that can be provisioned.


Current Users Assigned


The number of users that are currently provisioned on the system.


Max Users Allowed


The maximum number of users that can be provisioned on the system.


System Info - SNMP trap parameters

The System Info - SNMP trap parameters:







Name of the destination that receives the SNMP trap.




Port of the destination that receives the SNMP trap.


System Info - SIP parameters

The System Info - SIP parameters:







The external host name that Lucent CM uses for all SIP communication. For example for SUBSCRIBE or NOTIFY messages that are used for user presence.




The port that Lucent CM uses for all SIP communication.


The syntax for the SIP address is sip:<Host@<Internal Host Name>:<Port>



Folder and tab location


Example value




Lucent CM System → System Info → SIP






Lucent CM System → System Info → SIP




Internal Host Name


Lucent CM System → Nodes → Node Info




When using the example values, the SIP address for the application is:


Update system information

Task StepsPerform the following steps to update system information:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, select Lucent CM System.

Result:  The System Info tab displays.


Define the system information parameters.


If ...


then ...


you want to save the changes,


click Update.


you do not want to save the changes,


Click Refresh or select another item or folder in the Lucent CM tree view.

If you click another item or folder, the system asks for confirmation if you want to leave without saving the changes.


End of steps

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