Prepare Lucent CM system for host name change


Important!  This procedure must not be used as a stand-alone maintenance procedure. It must only be performed as part of the overall process to change the host name of the Lucent CM system.

This topic describes the steps to prepare the Lucent CM system for host name change.

The procedure prepares the Lucent CM database segments for upcoming changes to the Lucent CM host names. The procedure changes the permissions to access databases to access based on the IP address of the Lucent CM nodes. This permits access to the databases during the host name change process.

Prepare the Lucent CM system

Task StepsPerform the following steps to prepare the Lucent CM system for a host name change:


Login in to any local CM node as “root” user.


Change directory to /opt/lps/current/bin/.


Start the preparation script. Enter:



Enter the root passwords for all Lucent CM nodes.

Result:  The database access permissions are updated.

End of steps

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