Change Lucent CM system host names


This topic describes the steps to change on of the following Lucent CM system host names:



Service-disruption hazard

Before you begin

Ensure you comply with the following prerequisites:

Change host name

Task StepsPerform the following steps to change a host name:


If needed, perform DNS host name changes to the network ensuring that the prerequisites are met.

This can be skipped when host names are changed between fully qualified names and short names and no changes are needed in host name resolution.


Login to the CM node that hosts the root database segment as “root” user.



su - lps


Change directory to /opt/lps/current/bin/.


Start the change host name script. Enter:


Result:  A warning displays stating that executing the script results in a system wide outage. The prerequisites for the procedure are also shown.


Confirm, to continue the procedure.

Result:  The current Lucent CM host names display.


Change the host names.

Result: Every new host name is validated to ensure:

  • The new host name is resolvable in DNS

  • The new host name differs from the old host name

  • The new and current host name resolve to the same IP address

  • A reverse host name lookup on the new host name resolves to the new host name or its fully qualified equivalent.

When all changes for the host names are entered and validated, the script requests root passwords.


Enter the root passwords for all Lucent CM nodes.

Result:  A reconfiguration session is started, the host names changes are processed and the configuration files are updated. During processing, there is a system wide outage.

When completed, the reconfiguration session ends and the system is operational using the changed host names.

End of steps

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