1000BASE-SX optical Ethernet/SAN specification


The 1000BASE-SX PTMs can be used for Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre-Channel, and FICON service over Multi-Mode Fiber (MMF).

System specifications

The following are the 1000BASE-SX system specifications:

GbE/FC/2XFC compliance

The PTM optics are compliant with GbE, FC, and 2XFC specifications.

Operating range

The table below shows the operating range for the 1000BASE-SX optical Ethernet/SAN interface. A 1000BASE-SX compliant transceiver supports both 50 μm and 62.5 μm fiber media types. A transceiver that exceeds the operational range requirement while meeting all other optical specifications is considered compliant (for example, a 50 μm solution operating at 600 m meets the minimum range requirement of 2 to 550 m).

Table 10-86: 1000BASE-SX operating range over each optical fiber type

Fiber Type

Modal Bandwidth @ 850 nm (minimum overfilled launch)

Minimum Range

62.5 μm MMF

160 MHz-km

2 to 220 m

62.5 μm MMF

200 MHz-km

2 to 275 m

50 μm MMF

400 MHz-km

2 to 500 m

50 μm MMF

500 MHz-km

2 to 550 m

10 μm SMF

Not supported

Not supported

Transmitter specifications

The 1000BASE-SX optical transmitter meets the specifications defined in IEEE 802.3. The table below shows some of the 1000BASE-SX optical transmitter specifications. Measurement techniques are defined in IEEE 802.3, Section 38, Clause 6. The 1000BASE-SX transceiver also meets ANSI INCITS FC-PI standards for FC and 2xFC traffic (352-2002).

Table 10-87: 1000BASE-SX transmit specifications



Transmitter type

Shortwave Laser

Signaling speed (range)

1.25 GBd (±100 ppm)

Wavelength (λ, range)

770 to 860 nm

Trise/Tfall (max; 20%−80%; l > 830 nm)

0.26 ns

Trise/Tfall (max; 20%-80%; l ≤ 830 nm)

0.21 ns

Maximum RMS Spectral Width (σ)

0.85 nm

Average launch power (max)

0 dBm 1

Average launch power (min)

−9.5 dBm

Average launch power of OFF transmitter (max) 2

−30.0 dBm

Extinction ratio (min)

9.0 dB

RIN (max)

−117 dB/Hz

Coupled Power Ratio (CPR) (min) 3

9 < CPR dB

  1. The 1000BASE-SX launch power must be the lesser of the class 1 safety limit as defined by IEEE 802.3, Section 38, Clause 7.2 or the average receiver power (maximum) defined by Table 10-88, 1000BASE-SX receive specifications.

  2. Examples of an OFF transmitter are as follows: no power supplied to the optical module, laser shutdown for safety conditions, and activation of a "transmit disable" or other optional module laser shut-down conditions.

  3. Radial overfilled launches (described in IEEE 802.3, Section 38A, Clause 2) should be avoided even if they meet CPR ranges.

Receiver specifications

The 1000BASE-SX optical receiver meets the specifications defined in IEEE802.3, Section 38.3.2. The table below shows some of the 1000BASE-SX optical receiver specifications. Measurement techniques are defined in IEEE802.3, Section 38, Clause 6.

Table 10-88: 1000BASE-SX receive specifications



62.5 μm MMF

50 μm MMF

Signaling speed (range)

1.25 GBd (±100 ppm)

Wavelength (range)

770 to 860 nm

Average receive power (max)

0 dBm

Receive sensitivity

−17.0 dBm

Return loss (min) 1

12.0 dB

Receive electrical 3 dB upper cutoff frequency (max)

1500 MHz

  1. See the IEEE802.3 standards for more information about return loss (min).

Link budgets

The worst-case power budget and link penalties for a 1000BASE-SX channel are shown in the table below.

Table 10-89: 1000BASE-SX link budgets and penalties



62.5 μm MMF

50 μm MMF

Modal bandwidth as measured at 850 nm (minimum, overfilled launch)

160 MHz-km

200 MHz-km

400 MHz-km

500 MHz-km

Link power budget

7.5 dB

7.5 dB

7.5 dB

7.5 dB

Operating distance

220 m

275 m

500 m

550 m

Channel insertion loss 1

2.38 dB

2.60 dB

3.37 dB

3.56 dB

Link power penalties 1

4.27 dB

4.29 dB

4.07 dB

3.57 dB

Unallocated margin in link power budget

0.84 dB

0.60 dB

0.05 dB

0.37 dB

  1. A wavelength of 830 nm is used to calculate the channel insertion loss, link power penalties, and unallocated margin.

Format specification

The 1000BASE-SX Ethernet/SAN interface complies with the following formatting standards:

Performance monitoring

Performance monitoring capabilities are available on the 1000BASE-SX interface. A detailed list of monitored parameters can be found in Performance monitoring.

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