Environmental considerations


Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX meets NEBS Level 3 standards for use in central office environments as specified in GR-63-CORE and GR-1089-CORE. Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX also meets standards for uncontrolled environments as specified in GR-63-CORE and GR-499-CORE. For detailed specifications, see Chapter 10, Technical specifications.


The cabinet/bay must be resistant to continuous low level vibrations from sources including train and vehicular traffic, rotating machinery, construction activities, etc. Physical tests must be performed to assure the cabinet/bay does not amplify vibrations from these sources such that the vibration levels transmitted to the equipment do not exceed design limits. Tests must be performed in accordance with GR-487 and GR-63 to verify the performance of the cabinet/bay and equipment during vibratory test conditions.

Thermal operating temperature for OSP cabinets

Inlet air to the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX equipment must be controlled within the range of −40ºC to +65ºC. Ambient air from outside the cabinet cannot be introduced into the electronics compartment or used in any way to directly cool the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX equipment within the cabinet.

Heat exchange systems for cabinet must be sized so that maximum inlet temperature will not exceed 65ºC even when the shelf is equipped in such a way that it approaches the maximum current drains detailed in Current drains. Also, the cabinet must be sized to ensure that inlet temperature does not exceed 65ºC given both severe outside ambient temperature and solar heating relative to the conditions of the region where the shelf is deployed.

The supplier must supply performance data upon request for cabinets cooled by compact heat exchangers or any other method. This information may include the appropriate factor of safety, or excess capacity, accounting for normal fouling of the heat exchanger core. During operation, the time rate of change of the internal air temperature must not exceed 30ºC/hr as the result of solar heating and radiation cooling of the enclosure, and power cycling the equipment.

OSP cabinet condensation

The relative humidity of the internal air of an OSP cabinet must be maintained in accordance with GR-63. This applies even when the equipment within the cabinet is in an unpowered condition, e.g., during installation of equipment. During such times a source of heat, or desiccant packs, must be provided for maintaining the necessary relative humidity level.

November 2011Copyright © 2011 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.