This section describes the performance monitoring parameters relevant to DS1 signals incoming from the fiber or DSX-1.
Tariffed service verification consists of monitoring performance parameters that can be associated with the customer's end-to-end service. Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX provides this capability for DS1 services when equipped with 28DS1 circuit packs with the DS1 performance monitoring feature (28DS1PM [LNW7]) and the high density LNW8/LNW801 56DS1/E1 circuit pack. Based on ANSI T1.403 extended superframe format (ESF), this capability retrieves performance messages written into the ESF data link by the customer's terminal equipment. From these messages, Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX can determine and report the end-to-end error performance of the entire DS1 link as seen by the customer. The counts are retrieved by the message-based operations system to determine if the service is operating within tariffed limits.
Each 28DS1PM and 56DS1/E1 circuit packs measure the near-end performance of the incoming DS1 signals, allowing the service provider to determine if a good DS1 signal was received from the customer before transporting it through the network. This information can then aid in isolating any reported performance problems. The 28DS1PM and 56DS1/E1 circuit packs can also provide this same near-end information for super frame (SF) formatted (sometimes known as "D4 framing") DS1 services, but complete end-to-end performance verification is limited due to the lack of the PRM in the SF format.
The following table lists the DS1 line and path performance parameters that Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors, including the default and ranges for the 15-minute and 1-day (24-hour) registers.
Facility |
Measured Provisionable Parameter |
15-Min |
1-Day | ||
Default |
Range 2 |
Default |
Range 2 | ||
DS1 Line |
Errored Seconds-Line, Line Far End (ES-L, ES-LFE |
65 |
0–900 |
648 |
0–65535 |
Coding Violations (fmt=ESF) (CV-L) |
13340 |
0–16383 |
133400 |
0–1048575 | |
Severely Errored Seconds (SES-L) |
65 |
0–900 |
648 |
0–65535 | |
DS1 Path |
Coding Violations (fmt=SF) (CV-P) (CV-P-EGR) 1 |
13296 |
0–16383 |
132960 |
0–1048575 |
Coding Violations (fmt=ESF) (CV-P) (CV-P-EGR) 1 |
65 |
0–900 |
648 |
0–65535 | |
Errored Seconds (ES-P) (ES-P-EGR) 1 Errored Seconds Far End (ES-PFE) (ES-PFE-EGR) 1 |
65 |
0–900 |
648 |
0–65535 | |
Severely Errored Seconds (SES-P) (SES-P-EGR) 1 Severely Errored Seconds Far End (SES-PFE) (SES-PFE-EGR) 1 |
10 |
0–900 |
100 |
0–65535 | |
Unavailable Seconds (UAS-P) (UAS-P-EGR) 1 Unavailable Seconds Far End (UAS-PFE) (UAS-PFE-EGR) 1 |
10 |
0–900 |
10 |
0–65535 | |
Severely Errored Frame/Alarm Indication Signal Seconds (SAS-P) (SAS-P-EGR) 1 Severely Errored Frame Seconds Far End (SEFS-PFE) (SESFS-PFE-EGR) 1 |
2 |
0–900 |
17 |
0–65535 |
Egress parameters are reported for the LNW20 in portless mode using the -EGR suffix. Threshold provisioning is common. There are no separate thresholds for the egress parameters.
When an individual performance monitoring parameter threshold is provisioned as zero (0), TCA reporting for the affected parameter is disabled.
Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the near end DS1 line parameter on incoming (from the DSX-1 cross-connect) DS1 signals. The parameter is measured at the input of the DS1 circuit pack on the DS1 line side (also referred to as facility, customer terminal, or DSX side).
The Near-End Line Coding Violation (CVL) parameter for each SONET Line is monitored. The Near-End CVL parameter increments once for every occurrence of a BIP error detected at the Line layer (i.e. using the B2 byte in the incoming SONET signal). Up to 8*N BIP errors can be detected per STS-N frame.
The near end ES-L parameter increments once for each second during which Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX detects either one or more bipolar violations (BPVs) or excessive zeros (EXZ), or one or more LOS defects.
The Near-End Line Severely Errored Seconds (SESL) parameter for each SONET Line is monitored. The Near-End SESL parameter increments once for every second that contains at least K BIP errors detected at the Line layer (at any point during the second), or an AIS-L defect was present. The value of K is hard-coded, see table 7 for a list of the values
Use the Performance → Reports → DS1 line command to obtain the DS1 Line PM Report. Near end DS1 line PM is reported with an AID of the DS1 interface and a modifier of T1. For more information about the DS1 line parameter and the Performance → Reports → DS1 line command, see the WaveStar® CIT online help.
Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the following near end DS1 path parameters at the local network element. The parameters are measured at the input of the local DS1 or TMUX circuit pack on the DS1 line side (also referred to as facility, customer terminal, or DSX side).
For the SF format, the CV-P parameter increments once for each frame synchronization bit error (FE) detected at the path level. For the ESF format, the CV-P parameter increments once for each cyclic redundancy check error (CRC) detected at the path level.
For the SF format, he ES-P parameter increments once for each second during which Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX detects FE errors, CS events, SEF defects, or AIS defects. For the ESF format, he ES-P parameter increments once for each second during which Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX detects CRC errors, CS events, SEF defects, or AIS defects.
For the SF format, the SES-P parameter increments once for each second during which Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX detects 8 or more FE events (if Ft and Fs bits are measured) or 4 or more FE events (if only Ft bits are monitored), or SEF defects, or AIS defects.
A UAS-P is a second during which the path is unavailable. A path is considered unavailable from the beginning of 10 consecutive severely errored seconds until the beginning of 10 consecutive seconds, none of which are severely errored.
The SAS-P parameter increments once for each second during which Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX detects either one or more severely errored frame defects, or one or more AIS defects. The SAS-P parameter applies to SF and ESF frame formats.
Use the Performance → Reports → DS1 path command to obtain the DS1 Path PM Report. Near end DS1 path PM is reported with an AID of the DS1 or TMUX interface and a modifier of T1. For more information about the DS1 path parameters and the Performance → Reports → DS1 path command, see the WaveStar® CIT online help.
Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the following far end DS1 path parameters at the local network element. If the far end network element detects an incoming error, the far end network element communicates the error back to the local near end network element using Performance Report Message (PRM) frames or a Remote Alarm Indication (RAI) signal.
The far end parameters are measured at the input of the local DS1 or TMUX circuit pack on the DS1 line side (also referred to as facility, customer terminal, or DSX side).
The format must be set to ESF to monitor the far end parameters (CV-PFE, ES-PFE, SES-PFE, and UAS-PFE).
The CV-PFE parameter increments based on the PRM G bits defined in the following table.
PRM Bit = 1 |
CV Count Accumulated |
G1 |
1 |
G2 |
5 |
G3 |
10 |
G4 |
100 |
G5 |
319 |
G6 |
333 |
The ES-PFE parameter is a count of one second PRM intervals containing an RAI or RAI-CI signal, or a 1 in any of the following bits: G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, SE, or SL.
The SES-PFE parameter is a count of one second PRM intervals containing an RAI or RAI-CI signal or a 1 in any of the following bits: G6 or SE.
A UAS-PFE is a second during which the path is unavailable. A path is considered unavailable from the beginning of 10 consecutive severely errored seconds until the beginning of 10 consecutive seconds, none of which are severely errored.
The SEFS-PFE parameter is a count of 1 second PRM intervals that SE bit is equal to 1.
Use the Performance → Reports → DS1 path command to obtain the DS1 Path PM Report. Far end DS1 path PM is reported with an AID of the DS1 or TMUX interface and a modifier of T1. For more information about the DS1 path parameters and the Performance → Reports → DS1 path command, see the WaveStar® CIT online help.
November 2011 | Copyright © 2011 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. |