VC-12 performance parameters


This section describes the terminated SONET VC-12 performance monitoring parameters. Terminated SONET VC-12 path performance monitoring applies to all VC-12 paths.

Monitored parameters

The following table lists the SONET VC-12 path performance parameters that Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors, including the default and ranges for the 15-minute and 1-day (24-hour) registers.

Table 5-15: SONET VC-12 performance parameters


Measured Provisionable Parameter




Range 1


Range 1

VC-12 Path

Background Block Errors - Path, Path Far End






Errored Seconds - Path, Path Far End






Severely Errored Seconds - Path, Path Far End (SES-P, SES-PFE)





Unavailable Seconds - Path, Path Far End (UAS-P, UAS-PFE)





Failure Count - Path, Path Far End






  1. When an individual performance monitoring parameter threshold is provisioned as zero (0), TCA reporting for the affected parameter is disabled.

VC-12 path parameters

Background block errors (BBE-P)

The Near-End E1 Background Block Errors (BBE-P) parameter for each E1 Path is monitored. The number of Near-End BBE-Ps in a one second period is equal to the Near-End EBC if the second is not a Near-End SES. Otherwise, the BBE-P is set to zero for that second.

The Far-End Background Block Errors (BBE-P) parameter for each Low Order Path is monitored. The number of Far-End VC-n BBE-Ps in a one second period is equal to the F_EBC if the second is not a Far-End SES and if the second is not a N_DS. Otherwise, the Far-End BBE-P is set to zero for that second.

ITU-T standards refers to this parameter as F_BBE, but for consistency within the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX product, this parameter is referred to as BBE-P with a locn value of FEND to indicate that it is the Far-End Background Block Errors.

Errored seconds (ES-P)

The Near-End VC-n Errored Seconds (ESP) parameter for each Low Order VC-n is monitored. A Near-End VC-n ES parameter increments for each second in which there is one or more N_Bs (detected at the Low Order Path Layer) or a N_DS defect is present.

ITU-T standards refers to this parameter as N_ES, but for consistency within the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX product, this parameter is referred to as ES with a locn value of NEND to indicate that it is the Near-End Errored Seconds.

The Far-End VC-n Errored Seconds (ESP) parameter for each Low Order VC-n Path is monitored. A Far-End VC-n ES parameter increments for each second in which the Far-End errored block count (F_EBC) is equal to or greater than 1 or when at least one F_DS defect is present for that second, and there is no N_DS present for that second.

ITU-T standards refers to this parameter as F_ES, but for consistency within the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX product, this parameter is referred to as ES with a locn value of FEND to indicate that it is the Far-End errored seconds.

Severely errored seconds (SES-P)

The Near-End VC-n Severely Errored Seconds (SESP) parameter for each Low Order VC-n is monitored. An Near-End VC-n SES parameter increments for each second in which the N_EBC is equal to or greater than K, or an N_DS defect is present. The integer value for K is set by standards (values are shown in Table 9). ITU-T standards refers to this parameter as N_SES, but for consistency within the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX product, this parameter is referred to as SES with a locn value of NEND to indicate that it is the Near-End Severely Errored Seconds parameter.

The Far-End Severely Errored Seconds (SESP) parameter for each Low Order VC-n Path is monitored. A Far-End VC-n SES parameter increments for each second in which the Far-End errored block count (F_EBC) is equal to or greater than K or at least one F_DS defect is present for that second, and there is no N_DS defect present for that second. The integer value for K is set by standards (values are shown in Table 9).

ITU-T standards refers to this parameter as F_SES, but for consistency within the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX product, this parameter is referred to as SES with a locn value of FEND to indicate that it is the Far-End Severely Errored Seconds.

Unavailable seconds (UAS-P)

The Near-End VC-n Unavailable Seconds (UASP) parameter for each Low Order Path is monitored. The Near-End VC-n UAS parameter increments once for every second that the Low Order Path was considered unavailable (at any point during the second). A Low Order Path becomes unavailable at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds that qualify as Near-End VC-n SESP, and continues to be unavailable until the onset of 10 consecutive seconds that do not qualify as Near-End VC-n SES.

The (un)available time can not be determined if it is unknown whether the previous 10 seconds are Severely Errored on non-Severely Errored. Thus the SES must be processed to determine whether the SES are consecutively present or absent. ITU-T standards refers to this parameter as N_UAS, but for consistency within the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX product, this parameter is referred to as UAS with a locn value of NEND to indicate that it is the Near-End Unavailable Seconds.

The Far-End Unavailable Seconds (UASP) parameter for each Low Order Path is monitored. The Far-End VC-n UAS parameter increments once for every second that the Far-End Low Order Path was considered unavailable (at any point during the second). A Far-End Low Order Path becomes unavailable at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds that qualify as Far-End VC-n SESs, and continues to be unavailable until the onset of 10 consecutive seconds that do not qualify as Far-End VC-n SESs.

The (un)available time cannot be determined if it is unknown whether the previous 10 seconds are Severely Errored on non-Severely Errored. Thus the Far-End VC-n SES must be processed to determine whether the Far-End VC-n SES are consecutively present or absent.

ITU-T standards refers to this parameter as F_UAS, but for consistency within the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX product, this parameter is referred to as UAS with a locn value of FEND to indicate that it is the Far-End Unavailable Seconds.

Failure counts path (FC-P)

The Near-End VC-n Path Failure Counts (FC-P) parameter for each Low Order path is monitored. The FC-P parameter increments once for the beginning of each TU-AIS event (TU-AIS detected and cleared), TU-LOP event (TU-LOP detected and cleared), LP-UNEQ event (LP-UNEQ detected and cleared), HP-LOM event (HP-LOM detected and cleared). A failure that begins in one period and ends in another period, is counted in the period in which it begins.

The Far-End VC-n Path Failure Counts (FC-P) parameter for each Low Order path is monitored. The VC-n Far-End FC-P parameter increments once for the beginning of each RDI event (RDI detected and cleared). A failure that begins in one period and ends in another period, is counted in the period in which it begins.

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