This section describes the performance monitoring parameters that are applicable to SONET OC-N signals.
The following table lists the SONET OC-N section and line performance parameters that Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors, including the default and ranges for the 15-minute and 1-day (24-hour) registers.
Facility |
Measured Provisionable Parameter |
15-Min |
1-Day | ||
Default |
Range 1 |
Default |
Range 1 | ||
OC-N Section |
Section Errored Seconds (ESS) |
30 |
0–900 |
90 |
0–65535 |
SE Frame Seconds (SEFS/SEFS-S) |
10 |
0–900 |
30 |
0–65535 | |
Severely Errored Seconds (SESS/LESS-S) |
30 |
0–900 |
90 |
0–65535 | |
OC-192 Section |
Coding Violations (CV-L) |
8960 |
0–16383 |
86016 |
0–1048575 |
OC-48 Section |
Coding Violations (CV-L) |
2240 |
0–16383 |
21504 |
0–1048575 |
OC-12 Section |
Coding Violations (CV-L) |
560 |
0–16383 |
5376 |
0–1048575 |
OC-3 Section |
Coding Violations (CV-L) |
140 |
0–16383 |
1344 |
0–1048575 |
OC-192 Line |
Coding Violations (CV-L), CV-L FE |
8960 |
0–16383 |
86016 |
0–1048575 |
OC-48 Line |
Coding Violations (CV-L), CV-L FE |
2240 |
0–16383 |
21504 |
0–1048575 |
OC-12 Line |
Coding Violations (CV-L), CV-L FE |
560 |
0–16383 |
5376 |
0–1048575 |
OC-3 Line |
Coding Violations (CV-L), CV-L FE |
140 |
0–16383 |
1344 |
0–1048575 |
OC-N Line |
Errored Seconds (ES-L) Errored Seconds Far End (ES-L FE) |
40 |
0–900 |
900 |
0–65535 |
Far-End Line Failure Counts (FC-L) Far-End Line Failure Counts Far End (FC-L FE) |
10 |
1–72 |
10 |
1–4095 | |
Severely Errored Seconds (SES-L) Severely Errored Seconds Far End (SES-L FE) |
30 |
0–900 |
90 |
0–65535 | |
Unavailable Seconds (UAS-L) Unavailable Seconds Far-End (UAS-L FE) |
30 |
0–900 |
90 |
0–65535 | |
Protection Switch Count Line (PSC-L) |
2 |
0–63 |
4 |
0–255 | |
Protection Switch Count Protection (PSC-P) (BLSR only) |
2 |
0–63 |
4 |
0–255 | |
Protection Switch Count Working (PSC-W) (BLSR only) |
2 |
0–63 |
4 |
0–255 | |
OC-N Line |
Protection Switch Duration (PSC-D) (BLSR Only) |
NA | |||
Pointer Justification Count Difference (PJCDIFF-P) |
60 |
0–1048575 |
5760 |
0–16777215 | |
Negative Pointer Justification Count Detected (NPJC-PDET) |
60 |
0–1048575 |
5760 |
0–16777215 | |
Positive Pointer Justification Count Detected (PPJC-PDET) |
60 |
0–1048575 |
5760 |
0–16777215 | |
Negative Pointer Justification Count Generated (NPJC-PGEN) |
60 |
0–1048575 |
5760 |
0–16777215 | |
Positive Pointer Justification Count Generated (PPJC-PGEN) |
60 |
0–1048575 |
5760 |
0–16777215 |
When an individual performance monitoring parameter threshold is provisioned as zero (0), TCA reporting for the affected parameter is disabled.
Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the following near end SONET section parameters for incoming (from the lightguide cross-connect) OC-N signals. The parameters are measured at the input of the OC-N OLIU circuit pack on the line side (also referred to as LGX side).
The Section Coding Violations (CV-S) parameter for each SONET section is monitored. The CV-S parameter is a count of BIP errors at the Section Layer (i.e., B1 errors). Up to eight Section BIP errors can be detected per STS-N frame, each error increments the CV-S current second register.
The Section Errored Seconds (ESS) parameter for each SONET section is monitored. The ESS parameter increments once for each second in which at least one Section Layer BIP error was detected or an SEF or LOS defect was present.
The SEFS/SEFS-S parameter increments once for each second during which Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX detects one or more near end severely errored frame defects.
Use the Performance → Reports → OCn Section command to obtain the OC-N Section PM Report. For more information about the OC-N section parameter and the Performance → Reports → OCn Section command, see the WaveStar® CITonline help.
Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the following near end SONET line parameters for incoming (from the lightguide cross-connect) OC-N signals. The parameters are measured at the input of the OC-N OLIU circuit pack on the OC-N line side (also referred to as LGX side).
The Near-End Line Coding Violation (CVL) parameter for each SONET Line is monitored. The Near-End CVL parameter increments once for every occurrence of a BIP error detected at the Line layer (i.e. using the B2 byte in the incoming SONET signal). Up to 8*N BIP errors can be detected per STS-N frame.
The Near-End Line Errored Seconds (ESL) parameter for each SONET Line is monitored. The Near-End CVL parameter increments once for every second that contains at least one BIP error detected at the Line layer (at any point during the second), or an AIS-L defect was present.
The Near-End Line Severely Errored Seconds (SESL) parameter for each SONET Line is monitored. The Near-End SESL parameter increments once for every second that contains at least K BIP errors detected at the Line layer (at any point during the second), or an AIS-L defect was present. The value of K is hard-coded, see table 7 for a list of the values
The Near-End Line Unavailable Seconds (UASL) parameter for each SONET Line is monitored. The Near-End UASL parameter increments once for every second that the Line was considered unavailable (at any point during the second). A Line becomes unavailable at the onset of 10 consecutive seconds that qualify as Near-End SESLs, and continues to be unavailable until the onset of 10 consecutive seconds that do not qualify as Near-End SESLs.
The Far-End Line Failure Counts (FC-L) parameter for each SONET line is monitored. The Far-End FC-L parameter increments once for the beginning of each RFI-L event (RFI-L detected and cleared). A failure that begins in one period and ends in another period, is counted in the period in which it begins.
The PSC parameter records the number of times that service traffic switched to or from another line either automatically, by a WaveStar® CIT command, or operations system command. The Near-End Protection Switch Counts (PSC-L) parameter for each SONET line (that supports 1+1 protection switching for that line) is monitored. Separate PSC counters is provided for differentiating between working and protection for each SONET line that supports 2F BLSR for that line. In a 2 Fiber ring, two separate PSC counts are maintained for the working and protection fibers in a given line. These parameters are defined as PSC-W and PSC-P for Protection Switch Counts-Working and Protection Switch Counts-Protection respectively.
This is a calculation of the absolute value of the PJC parameters listed under the headings below. PJCDIFF-P is used to calculate the difference between calculate the difference between the PPJC-PGEN, NPJC-PGEN and between PPJC-PDET and NPJC-PDET. Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the first cross-connected STS. From this STS, the calculation is to (A) calculate the difference between the PPJC-PGEN, NPJC-PGEN. (B) Calculate the difference of the PPJC-PDET, NPJC-PDET. The resulting PJC is the absolute value of the difference between A and B.
This parameter summarizes all Negative Pointer Justifications detected by the system. Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors negative line Pointer Justifications on an STS-1 within the OC-n line in 1 second intervals. (Users may select which STS-1 to monitor by provisioning the PJC Monitoring point parameter using the Performance → Provision PM command.) The count increments for each incoming negative STS pointer justification.
This parameter summarizes all Positive Pointer Justifications detected by the system. Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors positive line Pointer Justifications on an STS-1 within the OC-n line in 1 second intervals. (Users may select which STS-1 to monitor by provisioning the PJC Monitoring point parameter using the Performance → Provision PM command.) The count increments for each incoming positive STS pointer justification.
This parameter summarizes all Negative Pointer Justifications generated by the system. Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors negative line Pointer Justifications on an STS-1 within the OC-n line in 1 second intervals. (Users may select which STS-1 to monitor by provisioning the PJC Monitoring point parameter using the Performance → Provision PM command.) The count increments for each outgoing negative STS pointer justification.
This parameter summarizes all Positive Pointer Justifications generated by the system. Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors positive line Pointer Justifications on an STS-1 within the OC-n line in 1 second intervals. (Users may select which STS-1 to monitor by provisioning the PJC Monitoring point parameter using the Performance → Provision PM command.) The count increments for each outgoing positive STS pointer justification.
Use the Performance → Reports → OCn Line command to obtain the OC-N Line PM Report. For more information about the OC-N line parameters and the Performance → Reports → OCn Line command, see the WaveStar® CIT online help.
November 2011 | Copyright © 2011 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. |