Audit of highlighted paths

General information

The CPAM highlighted path audit verifies each interface that is highlighted in a path. The CPAM compares each audit calculation to a threshold that you configure. The audit threshold verification includes:

The audit uses a count that is based on the difference between the capture of two real-time statistics that are separated by a configurable time delay.

When you start an audit, the following status icons appear next to the audited links on the topology map:

Figure 7-5: Audited highlighted paths
Audited highlighted paths

On the Browse Statistics form, the following MIBs are used in highlighted path audit:

Note: tmnxMcPathOperChlTable, used for FC fabric resource audit, is not visible in the NFM-P client.

See To view the legends for a topology map for information about how to view the icon legend. See To perform a highlighted path audit for information about how to configure the audit.

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