To apply an info table configuration to a map object

General information

The Global Info Tables menu option allows you to view an info table for a map object, or a group of map objects. See To apply an info table configuration to a map highlight for information about how to apply an info table to a highlighted object.

An info table configuration must be created before it can be applied to a map object, highlight, or a group of map objects. See To use the Configure Info Tables button for information about creating an info table.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_Administrative_Domain from the NFM-P main menu. The appropriate topology map appears showing the network objects.

Right-click on a map object or a selection of map objects and choose Selected Info Tables from the contextual menu.

Choose one of the following options from the contextual menu:

  • a pre-configured info table configuration

  • Global

  • Off

The map view is refreshed with the configured info table displayed next to the map objects.

Note: When you choose the global option from the drop-down menu in Step 3 , the info tables of the selected map objects are refreshed based on Global Info Tables button setting. When you choose the Off option from the drop-down menu in Step 3 , the info tables of the selected map objects are no longer displayed.

End of steps

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