To apply an info table configuration to a map highlight

General information

The Global Info Tables menu option allows you to view an info table for a map object, or a group of map objects. See To apply an info table configuration to a map object for information about how to apply an info table to a map object.

An info table configuration must be created before it can be applied to a map object, highlight, or a group of map objects. See To use the Configure Info Tables button for information about creating an info table.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_Administrative_Domain from the NFM-P main menu. The appropriate topology map appears showing the network objects.

Click on the Legend button at the top of the topology map and choose Highlight Sessions from the contextual menu. The Legend-topology form opens with the Highlight Sessions tab displayed.

Note: You must first create the highlight on the map. For information about how to configure OAM test results highlights, see To highlight the results of a multicast trace OAM diagnostic on a topology map to To highlight the results of a multicast trace diagnostic on a topology map from the NFM-P Service Test Manager .

Select and right-click on an entry and choose Highlighted Info Sessions from the contextual menu.

Choose one of the following options from the contextual menu:

  • a pre-configured info table configuration

  • Global

  • Off

The map view is refreshed with the configured info table displayed next to the map highlights.

End of steps

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