To create search filters for CPAM alarms

General information

You can create and select filters to view specific CPAM alarms in the dynamic alarm list. You can save multiple filters and view the alarm information by opening up to 6 alarm windows. The name of the filter appears in the alarm window title of each alarm window that is open. Viewing CPAM alarms using the dynamic alarm list is described in To list all incoming alarms . Figure 3-1, Dynamic alarm list shows the location of the Manage Filters icon in the alarm window.


Choose Application→Alarm Window from the NFM-P main menu. The Alarm Window opens.

Click on the Filter icon next to the Filter drop-down menu. The Alarm Window - Alarm Table form opens.

Configure the list filter criteria:

  1. Choose Alarm Type from the Attribute menu.

  2. Choose EQUALS from the Function menu.

  3. Choose one of the following from the Value menu:

    • ConfigurationAlarm

    • topologyAlarm

  4. Click on the Add button.

  5. Repeat 1 to 4 to add additional filters.

Click on the Save button. The Save Filter form opens.

Configure the parameters:

  • Filter Name

  • Description

  • Public

Click on the Save button. The Save Filter form closes and the Alarm Window - Alarm Table form reappears.

Click on the OK button to close the Alarm Window Refine Form.

Click on the Select Filter drop-down menu. The saved search filter appears in the select filter drop-down menu list.

Click on the saved search filter to load and view the results of the search in the dynamic alarm list. The number of alarms associated with the selected search filter appears in the Count field, as displayed in Figure 3-1, Dynamic alarm list .

End of steps

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