Chapter 18: Impact analysis

Impact analysis overview

Workflow for impact analysis

To configure an IGP impact analysis

To configure IGP history from the IGP topology map

To configure IGP event retrieval

To compare checkpoints on an IGP history topology map

To configure a historical BGP impact analysis

To configure the BGP event manager

To configure BGP event retrieval

To configure a VPRN BGP impact analysis

To configure a service impact analysis

To view specific topology changes on an IGP history topology map

To configure a composite service impact analysis

To create an OSPF checkpoint

To configure OSPF checkpoints in an IGP administrative domain

To create checkpoints from an OSPF topology map

To create an ISIS checkpoint

To configure ISIS checkpoints in an IGP administrative domain

To create checkpoints from an ISIS topology map

To create checkpoints from an IGP topology map

To create an Admin Domain checkpoint schedule policy

To force delete the IGP history

To view OSPF topology checkpoints

To view ISIS topology checkpoints

To view checkpointed topology objects

To compare checkpoints

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