To manually run an OAM diagnostic on an IP, LSP, or P2MP path monitor

General information

The CPAM automatically runs IP path monitor and LSP path monitor tests whenever there is a path reroute or according to the associated execution policy.

Perform this procedure to manually run an IP path monitor or LSP path monitor test.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Path Monitoring from the NFM-P main menu. The Path Monitoring form opens.

Choose one of the following from the object menu and click on the Search button.

  • IP Path Monitor (Monitored Path)

  • LSP Path Monitor (Monitored Path)

  • P2MP LSP Path Monitor (Monitored Path)

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The IP/LSP/P2MP LSP Path Monitor (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Click on the Run OAM button. A dialog box appears.

Click on the OK button. The dialog box closes.

See To view OAM test results of an IP, LSP, or P2MP path monitor to view the test results.

End of steps

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