XML API objects and configurations overview


The following sections describe the objects that can be accessed using the XML API and the configurations that can be performed.

CPAA manual switchover

The XML API can be used to manually switchover from a failed CPAA to the redundant CPAA. A switchover can only be performed once every ten minutes. A warning will be sent to the XML API if another switchover is requested prior to this.

Route analyzer

All CPAA configurations can be performed through the XML API, including the use of the XML API to configure and monitor protocol and device configurations such as OSPF and ISIS. The JMS interface notifies the XML API of any changes to the CPAA.

Topology model

The XML API provides a read-only interface for topology objects, such as areas, routers, links, networks, and baselines. The JMS interface notifies the XML API of any changes to the topology model, including baselines.

Topology operations

The following topology operations can be performed through the XML API:

Path and monitored prefix

BGP monitored prefix

The following operations can be performed through XML API:

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