To create an IGP prefix list filter

General information

Perform this procedure to create an IGP prefix list filter. To generate a filtered prefix list, see To retrieve a filtered IGP prefix list .

Consider the following when you create an IGP prefix list:

  • IGP prefix lists can be retrieved from only one administrative domain at a time

  • You can filter IGP prefixes based on:

    • Protocol—OSPF, ISIS, or both

    • OSPF area

    • ISIS domain

    • ISIS instance

    • Prefix type (OSPF only)

    • Advertising router

    • Prefix range


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Prefix List from the NFM-P main menu. The Prefix Form opens.

Click Create and choose IGP Prefix Filter. The IGP Prefix List Filter form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

Note: The OSPF Area Id parameter is configurable only if you enable the OSPF Area Id option in the Prefix Filters panel.

The Prefix Lower Range and Prefix Higher Range parameters are configurable only if you enable the Prefix Range option in the Prefix Filters panel.

The CPAA Address parameter is configurable only if you enable the CPAA Address option in the Prefix Filters panel and the Protocol parameter is set to ISIS or OSPF/ISIS.

The CPAA Instance ID parameter is configurable only if you enable the CPAA Address option in the Prefix Filters panel.

The Advertising Router parameter is configurable only if you enable the Advertising Router option in the Prefix Filters panel.

The Prefix Type parameter is configurable only if the Protocol parameter is set to OSPF or OSPF/ISIS.

The ISIS Domain parameter is configurable only if the Protocol parameter is set to ISIS or OSPF/ISIS.

Save the configuration and close the IGP Prefix List Filter form.

End of steps

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