To configure a non-routed edge discovery policy

General information

The following restrictions apply for configuring a non-routed edge discovery policy:

  • NEs cannot be specified as aggregator nodes in more than one policy

  • NEs that are specified as aggregators cannot be specified as edge nodes in the same or another policy

  • NEs cannot be included in policies across admin domains

Note: A non-routed edge discovery policy does not automatically distinguish between routed and non-routed adjacencies, therefore operator intervention is required in order to prevent the inclusion of adjacencies that are already included in a routing protocol. You can use overrides to exclude specific routing interfaces from non-routed edge discovery policies in order to prevent routed adjacencies from being misrepresented on the topology maps. See To override a non-routed edge discovery policy for a routing interface for more information.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Admin Domains / CPAAs from the NFM-P main menu. The Admin Domains / CPAAs form opens.

Choose Administrative Domain (CPAM: Topology) and click Search.

Choose an entry and click Properties. The IGP Administrative Domain (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Non-Routed Edge Discovery Policies tab.

Click Create. The Non-Routed Edge Discovery Policy (Create) form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

Specify aggregator routers and edge routers:

  1. Click on the Aggregator Routers and Edge Routers tabs.

  2. Click Add. A form opens.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Choose one or more entries and click OK. The form closes.

Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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